******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I have not tried this since I redeemed my AMD code, but is there an easy way to swap roll and yaw now? So I can have twist yaw like in Elite.

Think last time had to type in some console commands.
So what is the crack monetary wise with this game? Is it similar to ED in you have to build up in game credits to buy things or is it like a F2P game and requires spending to buy things?
so is this game playable?

There are what could be considered a collection of arcade style games that you can play. You can dog fight, race, and try to survive waves of enemys.

But the actual main bit of the game where you go around the universe doing as you wish isnt ready yet and wont be for some time. (maybe 12 months+ for the first alpha build)

a FPS Module will be playable soon (a month or 2, I forget)
There are what could be considered a collection of arcade style games that you can play. You can dog fight, race, and try to survive waves of enemys.

But the actual main bit of the game where you go around the universe doing as you wish isnt ready yet and wont be for some time. (maybe 12 months+ for the first alpha build)

a FPS Module will be playable soon (a month or 2, I forget)

so what does the code get you..there is one in MM?

so what does the code get you..there is one in MM?

If its the AMD Mustang Code then it includes everything you need to play the game in its current state.

When the FPS Module is out you might need to buy a $5 pass to play it. The Arena Commander pass is included with the AMD pack, here is a list of everything that is in it

Mustang Omega : AMD Edition
SelfLand Hangar
Hangar level
Arena Commander Pass
Starting Money: 1,000 UEC
2 Month Insurance
Digital Star Citizen Manual
Star Citizen Digital Download
Squadron 42 Digital Download
Beta Access
So what is the crack monetary wise with this game? Is it similar to ED in you have to build up in game credits to buy things or is it like a F2P game and requires spending to buy things?

You will eventually be able to buy things using in game credits, but you can also buy some items using real money.

It's not F2P because you must buy a ship package first.
You will eventually be able to buy things using in game credits, but you can also buy some items using real money.

It's not F2P because you must buy a ship package first.

Ahhh ok cheers. I easily get sucked in on paying real money for upgrades, so think I will leave this for now. Looks like a fantastic game mind and who knows :D
I did have it, but then upgraded to the 350r when that was in a special... Sometimes wish I hadn't but then I do have a cutlass blue for most of my rampaging warfare modes.

The 325a should be a good package in the game with decent weapons and enough grunt to get you to go somewhere... Not as powerful as some of the more dedicated fighting platforms but should be more than enough.
I like the 300 series, but i cant help but feel they've grown somewhat dated when you look at what the Mustangs bring to a price tag almost half the price. Its like they're showing their age, being the first wave ships, versus late 2nd wave ships.

They all have that middle room which is a disappointing waste of space as it stands, and then when you look at the Mustang Beta, it manages to fit an entire living quarter into a smaller space. Thats 18mo of refining ideas, exploring boundaries etc. Hopefully these are just early passes, like they've done with the Constellation getting a fairly significant internal remodelling and like they're talking about with the Cutlass. I've no doubt they're not 'final' but hopefully they'll be worked on rather than given a final look over and a polish.

In terms of fighters, i think the Delta will probably be better, and is about the same price (within $10 surely), and the Gladius would be a fair step up too, although theres no package for that till its flyable (which really wont be far away now), but i suspect thats $100-110, but its an ex-military ship by design, rather than a commercial ship put to military purpose.
Both the Delta and Gladius are dedicated fighters, they hold no cargo, so unless you were playing with others you'd be fairly limited to combat for earning, whereas the 325 is more of a commercial ship tuned for combat, but its still able to do other roles.

The last bit is fairly significant IMO. Multi-purpose vs Dedicated. If you're flying with others, or more specifically, you've got access to others (99% of orgs will openly share ships, certainly the small-medium ones) then it tends to be that you'd be better with a dedicated role, with everyone supporting a specific job (ie 3 fighters, 1 cargo/mining ship) and in those instances being ideal at 1 role is better than being capable at 5, good at 1.
If you're on your own, multi all the way. Try all the different roles, see what appeals, earn some money and progress from there.

The 325 is certainly a decent ship to start the game with though, you wouldnt be disappointed.

- edit -
Went to check the prices, forgot you cant get the Delta as its limited sale, and the Gladius is available (not flyable yet, soon though) at $126 inc VAT (forgot about that on those earlier prices too) Delta would have been about the same price as 325 though.
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Hi - please could someone help me with a couple of questions?

1. Is the PTU only available to folks who have pledged for packages? I have access via the AMD Radeon Reward and on the 'My RSI' account page the 'Public Test Universe' option is greyed out...

2. (I've asked this one before - sorry) I don't think I'll want to be racing much and so the Mustang Omega won't be much use. It looks like for $12 I can swap this out for a 315P - is this worth doing? Has anything been said about what the '2nd hand ship market' will be like in the finished game - i.e. will I be able to sell it then and buy something more useful in terms of exploring/trading?
My guess is its for 'backers' only. Its a little fussy, but if you (your account) hasnt directly bought something from them, you havent backed the project.
Adding a $5 (+vat grr) skin will be sufficient to gain backer status. Im not sure if skins can be melted (it'll say on the page if its account bound, like the VD store items are, buggy, weapons etc). If you can melt it, you'll be able to do that and buy the fps module or planetside/social one, rather than 'wasting' a fiver on a skin for the sake of it.
Theres also the occasional benefit of being able to test drive some ships when they do a week long test, which is also backers only. plus any 'stretch goal' rewards are from the point you've backed. They've slowed down a lot, but its usually novelty items, a bit of in game currency, items for the hangar like posters, miniature ship models etc.

The Omega, yeah i fancy doing some racing in the verse, bought i just upgraded mine to the Delta for $10. Sadly thats limited sale, not sure when it'll reappear, but it might be worth waiting? The 300's, as mentioned, their best asset is they're great multi-role ships tuned to a role, exploration for the 315. You'll get more from it in AC and the PU i suspect.
Buying that upgrade would also solve the non-backer issue too.

Just remember that the Omega is worth $0, so adding a $12 upgrade makes it a $12 ship if you wanted to melt it (ship + addons/upgrades = melt price).
Thanks for the quick reply Paul. So - by that logic if I go and change the Omega for a Gamma ($0) and then the Gamma to the Avenger ($6) I will have then backed the game (to the tune of a massive $6!) and so should have access to the PTU.....and a more versatile ship (with more cargo space than the 315P I now see).

Sounds like a plan :)
February and still no Avenger variants - I hope this wait is worth it.

I guess it's due to them being a testbed for the new modularity system?
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