******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Sandi: "We have a surprise or two in store for you this week on Around the Verse!"

Retaliator hangar ready?
Gladius flyable?
Gladiator flyable?
Orion concept sale?

Starfarer pics are possibly one of those surprises, but they've mentioned it last week so not much of a surprise, and theres no way its hangar ready, its a few months behind the Retaliator.

Also, if itd been missed, the 300 series ship are flyable on Friday for a week (300, 315, 325 & 350), and the 350 is available for purchase for the duration too. They're also releasing the design doc for AC Credits, how we'll earn them etc, which whenever its implemented, should mean it keeps the 'pay2win' bores quite for a while.
Starfarer would be my guess, I suspect we'll see some Banu MM artwork soon of some kind as people can't stop moaning about the lack of info on it.

I have one but would rather see the older ships I don't have fleshed out e.g. Starfarer, Caterpillar etc.
Isnt the MM one of those in limbo, without a 3D artist?

Im leaning more towards Gladius & Gladiator being flyable, its been 7wks+ since 1.0, although i guess they really dragged their heals on the Avenger.

Those 2 flyable, and/or Retaliator being hangar ready, thats where i'd go. The others i think are probably too much wishful thinking, not quite ready. Im hoping the peek at the Starfarer is what looks like a finished ship, like we've seen for the Retaliator, but it'll still need 6-8wks of animations before its hangar ready. Thats my best (realistic) hope for the Starfarer.

Agree on wanting to see more of the older ships, we've about as much of the Carrack than the Starfarer, Caterpillar & Banu MM combined.
So I'll just leave this here.....

:( Hate having my photo taken, all of that stuff, really annoying :o Although i think if i saw 'myself' in-game, i'd be breaking planetside rules by shooting him.

Why couldnt they have done this is Tokyo, Brisbane, Cape Town.... somewhere further away :mad:
Just seen that Ben has replied to a reddit thread discussing what people hope the surprises are, and its gone down like a lead balloon. Apparently the surprises are changes to the show.

So thats a big MEH from me, never really had an issue with the show. Didnt like WMH at first (his OTT personality) but it grew on me, settled down a bit, and became the norm. Same with AtV really. I still skip chunks, bugsmashers is a sure fire 10min saved each ep, but ive never had an issue with Sandi doing it, which seems to be the focus of most criticism (i can see it, but it doesnt bother me).

Im also still trying to convince myself i dont want to do the photo shoot. It'd be a good excuse for a tour of the studio, although probably arranged too late for me to see the Starfarer before its in-hangar anyway, but it'd be nice anyway... plus i get to shoot myself in-game.
Uuugh :(
Had a go tonight on the beta erm, beta version. Went on vandul swarm co-op.

It was epic , They've changed a few things that caught me out but still. Apart from a few niggles its shaping up quite nicely.

The only thing I wish they'd fix fairly sharpish is how the ships turn.

As in they seem to pivot around the pilot instead of the centre of the ship. :confused:
Is it me just been picky :o
Havent tried it in ages tbh, i went to give it a try on Monday but it didnt like my HOTAS profile i had to create to make it work on the initial release, and after a fair bit of searching i ended up giving up at the hangar.
My issue was that the way windows was installed, and the USB game controllers were recognised, my wheel was device1 (or device0 iirc), then the stick & throttle were the next 2, and the game would expect it to be the first device. So i had to go in and edit all the entries -1 device#.

What also bothered me was that day 1 we had Warthog, X52 & X55 profiles (possibly the Logitech stick too?) and now its just 'HOTAS'.

So i just ended by giving up. I did actually try the swarm with KB+M for about 2min cos a mate was here and any excuse to show it off to a non-believer :D but i didnt know half the buttons so it was pointless. :(

I was hoping that they'd implement a device ID system, so it doesnt require me to unplug my wheel (and then connect to iRacing the next day for a race and realise its not plugged in etc), but it seems they're not at that stage yet.
I dont mind so much, im not into dogfighting, but i was hoping a couple of the others in my org would be up for doing the coop, but seems its just me anyway.

I've always enjoyed it when i have played it though, its just a small slice of the pie, but its encouraging.
Oh yes I put money into thus and forgot about it... And it's still not ready..

Did you really expect it to be? They are making great progress imo and we will see a lot of content released this year, including the first part of SQ42 later in the year.
This weeks comm-link is set to end quite nicely:

Monday February 16th
-10 For the Chairman
- Dogfight With the Devs! 4 PM PDT

Tuesday February 17th
- Meet the Devs w/ Ken Fairclough

Wednesday February 18th
- Vault Update
- Fan Spotlight: Hype Videos

Thursday February 19th
- Around the Verse
- Reverse the Verse

Friday February 20th
- Design Post: Mining
- Inside CIG: Motion Capture Shoot
- Concept Sale: RSI Orion Mining Ship (now confirmed as $325)
- Letter from the Chairman
- Jump Point

AtV & RtV will likely have the first sneak peek at the Orion, along with the usual interesting info that comes from RtV. Then Friday all that mining info, concept art, a letter from the chairman and Jump Point thrown in to complete the week in style.

Really excited to see the Orion. I think theres a very good chance i'd have bought it if it had been the first concept instead of the Reclaimer. The mundane sort of industrial stuff is something im looking forward to, and theres nothing specific about salvage that draws me any more than mining.
The key differences would perhaps be 5 crew Reclaimer vs 8 crew Orion being harder to fill, however it also strikes me that being with a decent combat crew would make the salvage more effective, if you're generating the scrap. Whereas mining is likely to be fairly easy to know where to go to mine and do so, where salvage might be scarce but with jackpot rewards (both evening out long term, i suspect).

I'd love to own both, and my Starfarer, but it'd be silly and having a goal early on to buy one is something to look forward to in itself.
also, while im here:

10 for the Chairman

REC design pos (from Friday)

If anyone wants to read the 2 posts from CR about the uproar:

He has a point really, theres a lot of anger/disappointment towards things which are incorrectly being viewed as if they're being implemented into a finished game, when its simply an attempt at an improvement to reward players through gameplay (we get access to items, they gain data) and help dampen with the P2W argument. Renting encourages regular play, makes it harder for someone to reach a perceived 'end game' with all ships, weapons etc and get bored. It lets people try stuff they havent bought, and lets people try before they buy too i suppose (it helps CIG, but it helps us too).

I like the idea, i think it could be better, but i also understand the need for a test bed for stuff, first attempts and improving up it, and the point of introducing things with a priority. A helpful solution is a start, its a benefit to everyone which should be appreciated even if its not the perfect solution.
I'm a bit tired of the small group most noise section of the community. I've put a lot of money into the game but at this point I'm relaxed and taking a it's done when it's done approach. From what I've read people want instant access to test ships rather than having to grind? Tbh I see merits in both sides and I'm sure Chris and co won't make it stupidly hard to rent ships, at least give them a chance to implement a system before complaining. Sometimes I do wonder if the community are worse than Publishers with the amount of micro managing Chris and the Dev team have to do.

Anyway storm in a teacup as usual I wish the vocal minority weren't always so vocal!
I've kept up to date about the REC "drama" but didn't post here as it's mostly just that - pointless drama which most OCUKers wouldn't care about anyway. The vocal minority need a slap down from time to time, what I do find slightly depressing is that it's taken CR personally to intervene on more than a few occasions.
After the misery that is Elite Dangerous, a space truck sim, will this be more like EvE? Which is what I'm looking for, but with more focus on... Flight?
It'll be finished, I never get this "will it ever be done" as it's hardly behind schedule :p

OP describes the cheapest package in etc, But TBH, follow the thread, wait till some more's released, you're buying a game (so expensive compared to say dipping into eve) so unless funds allow it's a non-trivial expense
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