******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

25 Jun 2009
Thanks for the quick reply Paul. So - by that logic if I go and change the Omega for a Gamma ($0) and then the Gamma to the Avenger ($6) I will have then backed the game (to the tune of a massive $6!) and so should have access to the PTU.....and a more versatile ship (with more cargo space than the 315P I now see).

Sounds like a plan :)

Yep. Be warned that the avenger really does suck at everything you can currently do in area commander though. I'm sure it'll get a buff soon when the varents come out, but for now, its not much fun.
19 Oct 2002
Now you tell me ;)

Ah well - no matter. I was after a cheap 'jack of all trades' ship and I imagined that the Avenger (an ex-police ship with a reasonable cargo capacity) would have been a good place to start (and, of course it was only $6!). I'll have a play around and if I don't like it I can always spend another $6 to get a 315P (although I suspect that this is the kind of game where you can always spend more $). I assume the cross-chassis upgrades aren't a 'special offer' and will be around for a while?
25 Jun 2009
Yeah the ccu will be here for another year+ id imagine.

dont get me wrong, the avanger is cool, but it got nerfed really hard and now it sucks. they are releasing the varients soon, and the said they are repurposing the avanger, so in the near future (maybe a month sort of timeacale), it will probably be good again. I'm just saying thar right now, it pretty poor.
4 Mar 2010
Yeah, the VAT being displayed is really going to throw me too, im kinda used to one set of prices and its bad enough with the floating concept ship prices going up each phase, but throwing in VAT is a pita.
Adding 20% on top of the already high prices... uggh.

If the ships were half the price, it wouldnt be so bad, as it is theres only a few ships you can get which keeps it under a typical £30-35 price for a AAA title. With the VAT on top, like all games we'd buy from a retailer, theres maybe 5 ships under £35? Auroras, 2 Mustangs, 300i - i'd call that 3 ships really.
I think there was a budget wave 4 ship, but really everything else is £50+
But on the up side, you can (could) pick up the basic Aurora for about £23/£28, and these AMD codes are going for $25, and it'll be $60 when its released, so £50 after tax, and its set to be worth every penny.

When all thats said though, we're still regularly tempted to spend more as well :D
7 Sep 2013
The amount of money this game has managed to gouge out of some people without putting much substance forward has me flat on my back, and I'm excited about the game... but some of what I'm reading here is just crazy talk.
25 Jun 2009
What are peoples thoughts on a large number of cheap ships vs one expencive ship?

I currently have (all upgraded from omegas)

avanger waiting on cargo varient :S

It felt like it didnt cost me much as I was just upgrading from the omegas, but looking back, it probably cost me somthing like £80+ for those ships :S.

Maybe I would have been better off putting all my eggs in one basket?

the way I see it

+pros multiships
- one ship gets blown up, no worries, can fly another while its being replaced.
- can get a sence of lots of differnt profesions before deciding your "day job"
- the initial value gained from starting with an AMD omega (if you see what I mean)
-more NCP slots
-no risk being stuck in a role you hate because you are too invested.
-perhaps an advantage only being 1 step up from starter so still having the feeling of working your way up.

-negative aspects
-will not make as much money hauling cargo (etc.) in an avanger vs a freelancer max.
-more insurence costs
-maybe service costs.
- prestige, IE, bling?

PS - star hanger on reddit are selling gift vouchers @ 105% the cost it cost them... sounds expencive until you think about it.
4 Mar 2010
What are peoples thoughts on a large number of cheap ships vs one expencive ship?

I currently have (all upgraded from omegas)

avanger waiting on cargo varient :S

For you, probably best to stick with 4 ships seeing as the money you spent on the Omega's is lost once melted and you'll only get the CCU/Upgrade value (about $60 at a guess?) so its absolutely worthless cos about $100 you've put into Omega's will be gone.
I've been tempted do something similar, and stopped cos they have $0 value. Great for gifting, having 1 of, or if theres a ship you know you'll stick with. But you'd be stupid to melt 3 of them and buy a more expensive ship cos you'd lose what you've spent on the Omega's.

For everyone else, if you've got say $200 worth of ships, then IMO it comes down to 2 things:
1) Are you playing it solo or in a group?
2) Are you bothered about dogfighting?

If you're in a group (of more than say 5) chances are you'll have plenty of sub-$100 ships, so a handful more is likely to be of little use, you'll be able to share ships and chances are theres a spare Hornet or 2 going free, so why persist with Aurora's & 300's when you're more help in another ship.
What will be more useful is having a role-specific ship, something that gives your group more options of stuff to do at a decent level. So IMO having a Freelancer MAX or DUR, Cutlass Blue or Red, that sort of ship makes more sense.
If you can afford a high-end ship (Orion, Hull C, Carrack etc etc), IMO thats often the best route, but only if nobody has one or you can make use of multiple.

If you're playing solo, its best to go with either a solid all-rounder (Freelancer, Cutlass Black or 300 etc) and if you can get a couple niche ships too, even better. Basically ships which dont restrict you too much, like an Omega/Gamma or Delta, cos they have no storage and role-specific ships, you cant haul or mine, stuff like that. At least with a 300/FL/Cutlass they're fairly multi-role. Try different things, progress in whatever direction you like best.

As for dogfighting, its the main activity in SC, and will be for about 6mo (That said, i have a Hornet trainer as 2 of my ships arent flyable, so a Freelancer should fit that bill till AC2.0).

I bought the ships i liked, but ive also bought based on what i know my small org will be able to make use of. I have a Starfarer and Reclaimer, and one of the main reasons is because they're not cheap, and i have no doubt we'd probably be able to buy both (or similar) in-game within a couple of weeks working together just 4-6 of us. The reason i've used my contribution on those, rather than a load of smaller ships (i still have an LN, Beta, Delta & Gladius, but the first 3 will be melted in time) is because in 2+yrs time when we've managed to buy a Hull B/C, its unlikely we'll need a Freelancer MAX. They're more (dare i say) 'end game' ships, and so i know in 5yrs time the chances are my Starfarer will still be in use, so will my Reclaimer.
I could melt the smaller ships down and buy a Freelancer MIS, i had the upgrade from launch till a week ago, but i realise its just a stepping-stone to a Retaliator, the 'missile boat' i really want. So for me its largely about knowing i'll still be using and walking around in these ships in years go come, rather than them being surpassed by a ship i already know exists in the pipeline. I wouldnt buy an Idris as its too big for us, 4-8 seaters is our limit, but in-game... why not. Maybe they'll be surpassed by monsters, but its likely it'd be too big for us.

Buy what you enjoy, what works best for the people you're playing with, and what you can get use out of now and in the future.
19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
What are peoples thoughts on a large number of cheap ships vs one expencive ship?

I currently have (all upgraded from omegas)

avanger waiting on cargo varient :S
I went down the route of smaller but slightly varied roles.. I have no idea how long I will be able to spend in org roles at a time so I wanted to ensure that I could do something solo and have at least some fun... I bought a 'fighter', 'freighter' and unique.

My Cutlass Blue is my fighter, and will most likely be my general run about; enough space to haul something and enough firepower to have some fun.

My Freelancer MIS is my largest ship and will do a bit of missile boating as well as freighting from time to time.

My 350R might be used as a boom and zoom style craft, but that depends on final stats for cargo and upgrades... Bought it because it looks cool and I can always try to race with it.

I've thought about the RSI Constellation and upgrading to that, but then I don't want a single ship that I would have to wait for if it is destroyed to be replaced... At least with 3 ships I should generally always have one that I can use.
4 Mar 2010
Its hard to judge things at the moment really, maybe insurance speeds on something as common as a Constellation would be instant, after accounting for whatever time is consumed while going from dead/esc pod to hangar.

If you're hangar is miles (w/e) from where you were flying, your ship is destroyed and you pod out, then its not like you'd be instantly back at the hangar. Then the reality would be that the game would speed up a process which would include the pod being located, and you being returned to the nearest planet. Possibly medical assistance needed too.
After all that, you've still got to get back to your nearest hangar to fly one of your ships.

So in that passage of time, which i expect will be speeded up for gameplays sake, its plausible that the insurance process could have been completed in that timeframe too.

The other aspect is how long it takes to earn another ship. Solo it might take time, but you'd still have the option to fly in safer space, it'd be a little less action packed and less profitable, but it'd keep you alive. If you're in an org, then chances are theres ships you can borrow too. Im sure there'll be a fair selection of sub-$100 ships hanging around on day 1, let alone after 1mo or 1yr. Every backer will have at least 1 ship, plenty have numerous, and i'd imagine most orgs will have at least a 2:1 ratio of ships to players.

I doubt owning 1 ship will be an issue, unless its a particularly rare one, like an Idris, Scythe, 890, or some limited variants etc
14 Jul 2003
Actually you raised a good point there Paul, say you escape an exploding ship, you land on the nearest colonised planet - Should you have to make your way back to your "home" e.g. Hangar to get a new ship? perhaps have to use funds to get there or purchase whatever is available there in order to travel, or beg/borrow a lift?

I'd be in favour of some form of travel back, would make losing a ship a much bigger deal than "dead" and "instant-resurrection/teleportation"
22 Mar 2007
I'm pretty sure when I used to transcribe Wingmans Hangar that Space Taxis were mentioned a few times.

I hope they don't give into the instant spawn crowd. Make losing a ship a hardship, not something to just brush off, even with insurance.
4 Mar 2010
I can see 2 ways that might go:

If you're floating in a pod, alive, then something like a Cutlass Red would pick you up and take you to the nearest location. This approach lends itself well to the medical career then, although not so much with the taxi aspect i suppose. Maybe it could do the taxi aspect too, but then that doesnt really work for a medic role.

If you're unconscious (dead seems quite final given the 'lives' mechanic) then you're taken to the nearest location. Having had the relevant medical procedures, you're then free to leave and make your way home.

I guess after adjusting my idea on the medic-taxi service, its pretty much the same solution - locate body, deliver to nearest suitable location, find your own way home.

Public transport will definitely be an option, and im sure it'll also be feasible to do some sort of ship rental if you wanted, allowing you to do something along the way so its not a 'boring' ride through space till you're home again. Whether you transport some goods on the way to pay for the medical bills, or rent something for convenience (350R/M50 for speed, Aurora for freedom and cheapness) i'd imagine theres a few ways to get home, but almost certainly the ability to teleport somewhere wont be an option.
I also dont expect them to fast travel either, so if you've got to go from one end to the other, and take public transport, then expect to experience the actual trip rather than skipping it. You could log out and come back in 30min and be at the destination, but i dont think they'll use a FTL get-out-of-jail card on something like this.

Stuff like this will come up even with multiple hangars, items being in a different hangar. Maybe we'll be able to ask an NPC to deliver items to another hangar (im thinking ships, cos moving cargo around seems like it could easily be turned into AFK trading).

All of these sort of things are stuff that really excites me though, wondering how it'll all come together. You cant read things like the MobiGlas design doc and see they're not simply treating it as a game and realism as an afterthought, a lot of it is designed with realism in mind with gaming as a means to remove the tedious stuff that doesnt lend itself well to a game. I really appreciate that attention to detail.
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