******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

4 Mar 2010
Will there be cheap hot dogs?

Kinda, yes.
At the moment though when you buy one you can only hold it.
After that, you'll need a Smell pass for $5, and hopefully around March/April we'll have both the Taste and Eat modules, both $5 too.
If you're one of the first 400,000 customers you'll get all access free!
or you could just wait till 2017.

25 Jun 2009
Kinda, yes.
At the moment though when you buy one you can only hold it.
After that, you'll need a Smell pass for $5, and hopefully around March/April we'll have both the Taste and Eat modules, both $5 too.
If you're one of the first 400,000 customers you'll get all access free!
or you could just wait till 2017.


Did I miss the hot dog concept sale? LTI hot dog would be pretty damn nice.
4 Mar 2010
LTI!! How could i forget LTI :D

Reverse the Verse notes (from 2 incomplete sources, i'll update with any added info)

  • Ben has "like 30 pages" to write for the site tomorrow (I believe this includes Jump Point).
  • Alexis broke the microphone.
  • REC controversy: we want feedback on it, nothing is final. CIG was let down by the reaction.
  • No reason to fight about REC. As with anything, it will be adapting to meet the vision if it doesn't work correctly.
  • CIG does not have ulterior motives for the things they do.
  • Constructive criticism is awesome.
  • We are not out to get you.
  • If the REC system was a grand plan to screw you out of your money, it wouldn't be a good idea to ask for your feedback.
  • Ben: People have been abused by gaming companies for the last 5 years or so with this stuff.
  • Ben: It's frustrating because the things that need to make a working economy in the finished Star Citizen are also the things that other people abuse to say why you have to pay EA extra money to build another building in Sim City.
  • Not trying to make people angry. Trying to make cool things.
  • Similar to how AtV has been evolving: they try new things and if it works then great, if not then it gets dropped or changed.
  • It should be possible at some point in the future for you to use large ships in AC without owning them in the PU.
  • They are shooting a "re-enactment" of an Orion design meeting so you can see how things come together.
  • Flyable Gladius is looking like a yes for 1.1 but not an absolute guarantee. "yesish"
  • Reworked Cutlass will be done before the reworked Avenger.
  • Ben's brother is a Hollywood reporter so he found out about the new Alien movie 15 minutes before anyone else and spread it around the office.
  • Orion concept sale will be 10 days ending March 2nd.
  • Will is super excited for the mini-game associated with the Orion concept sale.
  • Jim Martin is doing the Hull C who did the Freelancer and the Defiant from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  • Jim Martin starts in sketches which are apparently really awesome.
  • Ben is excited that the same guy who made his childhood spaceships is making his adult spaceships.
  • CCU system is being reworked, eventually. Turbulent is extremely busy right now and REC has added to their workload.
  • Turbulent to-do list includes (no particular order): CCU upgrade, continued re-work for the front page, community hub, organizations 2.0, star map.
  • Star map is technically ready but is awaiting content.
  • Unfortunately Turbulent was bogged down for 2 months with working on the VAT stuff, which took them away from other projects.
  • Frustrating because they are amazing developers and unfortunately they got caught up on a "legal thing".
  • James' birthday is March 3rd. Ben is giving him his old 3DS.
  • Characters aging: CryEngine allows it so it will likely be done, however, it is not a priority for the initial launch as it will happen so slowly.
  • You can also allow a character to retire as part of the Death of a Spaceman mechanic.
  • Carl Sagan is awesome.
  • FPS module will not have character customization... probably a few different models.
  • Working on getting the system set up for creating many variations of clothing.
  • Ken is the cutting edge of the locations (several locations ahead of the main work).
  • Every 890 JUMP will have an 85x.
  • V1.1 will include REC, tutorial, and will set the stage for the next two modules (FPS, Social).
  • Very tight schedule for 1.1 but things are going well.
  • Orion will be $325.
  • There will be 1 or 2 ships added with 1.1, but ships aren't the main focus of this patch.
  • Empire Report is a small part of slowly transitioning shows to be in-universe.
  • Xi'An Scout has been moved from concept into production.
  • On whether there will be voice acting or speech bubbles in PU: Leaning towards voice acting with speech bubbles as a backup.
  • That said, Chris Roberts basically invented voiceovers in a video game. Wing Commander II was credited for years by Creative Labs for the reason SoundBlaster is still the standard for PC audio today. Everyone wanted to show off the introduction to Wing Commander II.
  • Ben found something new recently in Wing Commander III which came out in 1994.
  • Potatoes are delicious underground rocks.
  • Working on referral bonus... maybe... someday.
  • Modularity tools being built for environments. Once complete they will be able to make tons of environments quickly. Should be starting this process of pumping out environments in the next few months. Tons of artwork and assets done, just need the tools to be complete to start putting them together. Exciting times!
  • Tell them in the forums what deep dive design posts you are interested in!
  • CS swears a lot sometimes.
  • Ken's favourite planetside environment so far is Arc Corp due to its grittiness.
  • Ken worked at Blockbuster for a week, the store got held up at gunpoint (not when he was there), and he decided that that was enough of working for Blockbuster.
  • Newest batch of AMD packages do not include SQ42 which is a contractual thing with AMD (unclear of exact reason).
  • Chelsea's favourite ship is the Xi'An Scout.
  • Alexis' favourite ship is the M50.
  • Trevor has arrived.
  • Hoodies were not initially popular. If you want a hoodie then tell them on the forums. It's possible they would do them in the future if enough people ask.
  • Baseball cap, travel coffee mug, and more incoming!
  • Chinese manufacturers sent them a ton of hats as examples... Ben decided to wear one: (Yes, the brim is leopard print) http://i.imgur.com/kNVY6Ff.png
  • Looking at getting good mics for each of the studios so the spectrum part of AtV sounds better.
  • Retaliator very close to hangar-ready but needs some things from the V1.1 branch.
  • Star map is essentially technically done but is waiting for content.
  • Ben proposes a new name for RSI Museum: "Origin Stories"
  • Retaliator went for whiteboxing today where they generate the store renders.
  • CIG is cautiously optimistic about the LEGO Hornet but it's really not up to them.
  • Repair bot will follow you around like an R2D2.
  • Sandi had a dream about getting into Star Citizen and dying constantly.
  • Star Citizen HOTAS update from Sandi: Need to push that. There are some "funky red liners" in the deal... when it gets in the legal department it gets funky.
  • The "mining spider" drone is still around and will be seen in Squadron 42.


  • No news on Hull C (still in Concept phase)
  • Redeemer isn’t being nerfed it is being buffed but still needs to be balanced once it is flyable in AC
  • First peek at Galacticpedia will be Starmap
  • Tali will “probably” be ready for AC1.1 (in hangar) but not likely the Starfarer
  • There will be Drones, Mining Bot, Repair Bot, etc…
  • Ship modularity won’t be in AC1.1

Im presuming the comment about 1-2 ships added for 1.1 would be the Gladius and perhaps Xi'an Scout, i cant think of any others which could be suitable candidates far enough along.

I've added the divider, from the 2 partial notes one of them finalised it, but i think the divided stuff wasnt covered (might have missed it) so ive left it in as why not.
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14 Jul 2003
nice update Paul, just been watching a couple of the latest AtVs and some decent progress as shown above. I can't believe the Freelancer is being worked on again, but then again I got rid of mine as I hated how it looked and felt inside (not the viewports - just everything else).
4 Mar 2010
I was actually talking with a mate over skype who has the freelancer not long ago while he was at work, and i was watching a few videos of the freelancer as we we'd earlier been talking about the Starfarer cockpit pic. When i looked at the differences, theres very little between them in the interior.

He has the MAX, and it still has all the same excess of seats and systems with 2 seats on both sides of the wall like the DUR. Likewise both had the same length (from what i could tell) cargo area, just the MAX being about 50% wider.

What didnt make sense to me is that the DUR needs those additional systems for scanning, so having an area with 4 seats and 4 screens made some sense, it needs a sensor suite and its got one. But the MAX doesnt, yet it has. So instead of having more cargo space, which must be a priority for a cargo ship which they've widened significantly, yet they've wasted space to put systems they dont need.

From memory, each ship has:
2 cockpit seats, 2 dead-head seats, 4 bunks, and 4 console seats... and they're 2-crew ships.
It'd make more sense to half the bunks and console seats, and put 2 bunks on one wall, 2 console seats facing it, and thats about 1.5 meters.

So whether they've come to a similar conclusion, i dont know. Hopefully they'll rethink things, like they did with the Constellation. Im wondering if its to do with the modular aspect, so they can let people remove blocks of the ship internals and replace them with another type. A little bit like the Caterpillar.
25 Jun 2009
Well, its got a lot of hype. Probably best to look into it yourself and make up your own mind. I'd tell u its going to be awesome, and so would most other people in this thread, but its a thread full of people like me that are hyped for the game, so not exactly unbiased...
4 Mar 2010

I've been reading through bits of this thread (but not had time to read all). What's everyone's general feeling this this game?

Good or bad?

Will it be around for a long time?

It'll take me a good while to write a wall of text to explain just how amazing SC is shaping up to be.

My favourite video for pretty nicely summing up what SC is about is this one:

Its just over a year old, so its not showing off some of the content we've had since, as at the time there wasnt really much beyond the initial trailer.

Landing procedure & planetside walkabout

FPS Demo

Those are examples of in-development stuff, first time they were being shown off and done live to an audience.

IMO they're building a game to define a generation, to last a generation. The reality is theres a long journey to go, but whats extremely encouraging is both the level of access they give us, and the fact that when they said they'd do in the early days, they've gone and done some serious things which back that up in the impressive way everything else has been done.
The 2 videos above are examples of that, not perfect, still very early, to seamlessly go from flying around in space to walking around a planet, without a loading screen or CGI cut-scene to break immersion, full freedom of movement... its pretty damn impressive.

Likewise they show us progress of stuff, plenty is hidden away still for the surprise element, but they do in-depth reports on single subjects. The other week they did one to explain the design process on 'MobiGlas', a wrist mounted device which acts a bit like a futuristic holographic mobile device with apps etc combined an augmented reality contact lense.
Have a look at the report (just scroll through to get an idea): https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14466-Design-MobiGlas

Tomorrow (technically tonight now) theres one explaining the role of Mining.

They do an incredible job of presenting themselves, multiple videos & livestream shows (2hr total) and articles about various aspects of development and game lore.
[edit] plus the monthly subscriber PDF link, a monthly report from all the studios explaining what they've been working on, and fictional PDFs for ship brochures and multiple adverts too [/edit]

I found SC through friends, and the first thing i said was "I dont do space". A few weeks later and i'd spent $300+ on 2 ships, and i've spent more than double that since. Im not into space, but i absolutely love the universe they're planning on building and believe in the project and enjoy following things.

Wall of text (and videos) achieved :D
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7 Jun 2011
I found SC through friends, and the first thing i said was "I dont do space". A few weeks later and i'd spent $300+ on 2 ships, and i've spent more than double that since. Im not into space, but i absolutely love the universe they're planning on building and believe in the project and enjoy following things.

Paul you sound just like me mate.....never been a huge space/scifi fan......never really been into anything like Star Wars etc.....allthough I loved Alien.

But then this game came along and ive followed it very closely since just after the successful Kickstarter campaign.

NEVER followed a game, been as excited for a game or even put as much money into a game, as I have for Star Citizen.....I have not idea how it will turn out, but if they even make 50% of what they have promised, it will be one of the best games ever made IMO.
31 Jul 2010
I'll join the same club as Paul, never played a Space Sim before, never had interest in a space sim before.

This got me hooked and spent around $300. Not paid much attention to it lately though but in a way i like that as a lot of it will be a surprise.
31 Jul 2010
Thanks ^^^^

Sorry if it was a silly sounding question, I'm just trying to gauge how popular it is and longevity

Dont be sorry, my post was a bit pointless and should have gone into more detail.

As said, watch the vids on youtube, have a browse on their website (can be quite daunting)

Then if you like it buy a cheap package, you get to play a couple of game modes now and have a nosey around your ship.

Basic package isn't that expensive.
14 Jul 2003
I'm a huge space sim fan so jumped on this early, then forgot about it completely when it hit Kickstarter then jumped back on board afterwards. I'd recommend anyone who isn't sure to create an account on the RSI site, back for $5 (buy a ship skin) and sit back whilst the backer rewards build up. If you are sure, grab whatever cheap package sounds nice and remember at the 3 year anniversary at the end of the year you can always melt the package (reclaim for credit) and grab whatever they throw out cheap as a thank you for backing :)
18 May 2012
Dont be sorry, my post was a bit pointless and should have gone into more detail.

As said, watch the vids on youtube, have a browse on their website (can be quite daunting)

Then if you like it buy a cheap package, you get to play a couple of game modes now and have a nosey around your ship.

Basic package isn't that expensive.

The packages, other than the AMD promotion package now, also contain the single player Squadron 42 campaign so should be well worth the small charge. This is a 50 branching mission campaign in the Wing Commander style, set in the Star Citizen universe :)

The first chapter of SQ42 should be out at the end of the year. It was the main reason I originally backed the game as I loved playing Wing Commander, having Star Citizen as well is a nice bonus :)
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I'm a huge space sim fan so jumped on this early, then forgot about it completely when it hit Kickstarter then jumped back on board afterwards. I'd recommend anyone who isn't sure to create an account on the RSI site, back for $5 (buy a ship skin) and sit back whilst the backer rewards build up. If you are sure, grab whatever cheap package sounds nice and remember at the 3 year anniversary at the end of the year you can always melt the package (reclaim for credit) and grab whatever they throw out cheap as a thank you for backing :)

How do i do that? The Site is not that well organised. i'd like to become a backer but a package entry of £40 for the most basic ship is a bit steep for something that is largly an unknown at this stage.

I have a Ship / Hanger and Arena Commander, i don't mind giving them a fiver for full backer status.

Edit, found the skins right at the bottom of the page.
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14 Jul 2003
Personally I've hated the shop/site since day one, it's dreadful but plenty of fans leap to defend it, you do get use to it but that's not really the point of a website!
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