******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Theres an Arena Commander manual, pretty sure they released 2, 1.0 and another one at another patch. There will be another next week hopefully, for AC1.1.

if you google for it, im sure you'll find it.

This weeks comm-link
Hey guys!

Please consider this schedule preliminary. As you may have guessed, we're working hard on Star Citizen 1.1. We aren't ready to give a release date yet, but if it happens this week then we'll have some additional content surrounding it (including one ship brochure.)

PAX East is Saturday evening. We are not able to livestream the event, but we will bring the footage back and have it posted by Monday. Several smaller videos (and a design post) will go live during the event.

You may also have noticed that we now have a Saturday 'round up' update. That's right, the Comm-Link is six days a week now!

Monday March 2nd
- 10 For the Chairman (now featuring an art sneak peak!)

Tuesday March 3rd
- Meet the Devs w/ Community Team

Wednesday March 4th
- Vault Update
- Fan Spotlight: LEGO Creations

Thursday March 5th
- Around the Verse
- Reverse the Verse

Friday Match 6th
- Monthly Report
- Design: Hardpoint Changes

Saturday, March 7th
- PAX East Event
- Weekly Roundup
- Design: Damage System
Had to redownload the entire client last night, had a backup but it wouldn't verify the patch :( 22Gb later and it's done at least.

Looking forward to seeing the multicrew ships later this year, just hope the social module for touring each others ships isn't delayed too much as that should be great fun :)
I think they are getting too ambitious. I just backed what I thought was a game, not a way of life!

Thank GOG that the new Lucasfilm releases have satisfied my desire for a space sim.

What I'm worried about to, I keep watch 10 for the Chairmen and ATV and cant help wondering if they are aiming for too much and also by the time its playable/completed will be gated as it took so long to make that other game engines will make it seem prehistoric visually.
Should be out fully by the next year, what's the fuss all about? A good game takes quite some time to be made, more so when you're going into unknown territory, with a new engine that you need to heavily modify it and so on.

In terms of visuals, at the moment is amongst the best looking games out there, if not the best (granted, not much of it is out) and will be updated alongside Cry Engine. No worries really. In the long run, it will depend how good will age, Crysis did that gracefully. :)
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I wouldnt be certain its out next year, I suspect they'd like to release it on 10/10/2016, the 4th Anniversary, but thats still going to require a lot of things going to plan.

Hopefully we'll have Planetside & FPS by April-May, im sure we'll have at least one anyway. Then AC2.0 for the multi-crew ships, thats going to require the double precision to be fully implemented (apparently the basics are in 1.1). Then the first chapter of SQ42, which i think is intended for CitCon (10/10/15). Then theres the initial PU module.

Thats quite a lot for this year. Then all the PU fleshing out, and 4 more SQ42 Chapters
I think it's a refreshing change seeing such a focus on gameplay engineering and design, rather than just graphics/gimmicks.

If it looks the same as it does now in two years, it'll still be plenty good enough, especially on consumer Rift etc :)
Arena commander feels far more smooth these days, I hadn't been on it for a while and just did a clean install, still not exactly great FPS but playable at least on my 7950.
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What I'm worried about to, I keep watch 10 for the Chairmen and ATV and cant help wondering if they are aiming for too much and also by the time its playable/completed will be gated as it took so long to make that other game engines will make it seem prehistoric visually.

Is it really a long time though? Should be comparable to a lot of other games dev time, the only difference being that its all in the public eye from conception.
What I'm worried about to, I keep watch 10 for the Chairmen and ATV and cant help wondering if they are aiming for too much and also by the time its playable/completed will be gated as it took so long to make that other game engines will make it seem prehistoric visually.

The game has been in development for a couple of years and will be aiming for a 2016 release, so what about 4 years in total?

Thats not extreme for a AAA game.

Also they have a massive team all working on certain aspects of the game, it will be much further along than people think. I also can't imagine visuals are suddenly going to improve hugely over the next year.

They will update to DX12, latest mantle etc... and keep updating the engine as and when available.
Will it fall short, will it meet expectations? Who knows but at least one bloody company is trying to create something special. That alone deserves some praise.

When 1.2.0 hits of Arena Commander I think I will get in to it properly and start learning the flight mechanics, FPS module won't be a problem to learn.
The game has been in development for a couple of years and will be aiming for a 2016 release, so what about 4 years in total?

Thats not extreme for a AAA game.

Also they have a massive team all working on certain aspects of the game, it will be much further along than people think. I also can't imagine visuals are suddenly going to improve hugely over the next year.

They will update to DX12, latest mantle etc... and keep updating the engine as and when available.

Will it fall short, will it meet expectations? Who knows but at least one bloody company is trying to create something special. That alone deserves some praise.

When 1.2.0 hits of Arena Commander I think I will get in to it properly and start learning the flight mechanics, FPS module won't be a problem to learn.

Yup. Its not like their target is to create something which looks fairly standard for todays games, and by the time its released it'll look dated. This is the same thing that Crysis did, they built a game way beyond the scope of current technology, which excessive hardware configurations at the time of release was struggling to achieve, and they ended up with a game that looked fantastic for years to come.

GTA5 took 5 years to build, 6 by the time it was on PC & Next-Gen. Is anyone looking at that and thinking it looks poor and dated? Most titles take 3-4 years, its just that most of the development is done in complete privacy and the public only find out officially when the marketing push needs to start to build up hype for it. Theres no point in them hyping a game 3-4yrs away if its straight to retail.

Also, Mantle is essentially dead now, they've pushed Microsoft to develop DX12, and are involved in the Vulkan API which is GPU vendor neutral and benefiting from a lot of what Mantle achieved, but you're right in the sentiment, im certain they'll utilise a lot of features from DX12 & Vulkan to help with both performance and visual aspects. They also own the engine, so they can make core changes as they go, with or without assistance from Crytek.
I am literally.... aroused right now

Revised Retaliator and new damage model/tech incoming which uses about 1/4 of the memory

Retaliator Update:

Damage system/model:
I love the new damage model. Hopefully it will give a more granular feel to destruction of parts of the ship (not that the current one is bad!), I also like the way parts of the armour is destroyed with each successive hit in the area, exposing bits underneath... What would be neat is if you could punch through a ship just by shooting one area.
I want a Tali!

I have a Super Hornet and Gladiator with some cash in the pot.

What annoys me is having a gaming package tied to a ship. The package should be able to be transferred to any ship.
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