******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I guess this is where we'll see natural siding to one game or the other, irrelevent to fanboyism. I loved Elite at the time and sold my soul to play Elite II to death, but Elite:Dangerous? I cannot get into it, I just do not like the flight model now. I consider it strange that in space an atmospheric style was used, I realise that this was related to Elite BUT I just don't like it and prefer SCs more modern approach to space flight.


The only major problem with SC's flight so far is that the manoeuvring thrusters are too powerful compared to the main engine for any given ship - they need to be toned down so when ships like the khartu-al are finished they have the natural maanoeuvring advantage.

As it is right now, in decoupled mode you can do some crazy stunt flying because of how powerful those manoeuvring thrusters are... even in ships like an avenger, which should really be fast with limited manoeuvrability.

But apart from that this is by far the best spaceflight made in a game yet. I don't like ED's semi atmospheric, semi space hybrid model - while fun, I can't really get into it in the same way.
Don't know much about star citizen, but just wondering whether ships have turrets on them with auto aim?

It seems with the level of detail that they are going for with the game (aka immersion) it would seem almost unbelievable how you would have such advanced ships but you still need to manually point your ship and aim... I know it wouldn't be great for gameplay purposes but still curious.
Most of the larger ships have manned turrets - someone in them or controlling them remotely on the ship (gunners), others have gimbled guns or fixed positions, I can't remember seeing much about auto-aiming turrets but remember you can use NPCs (you have to hire them) for turrets which is essentially the same thing.

The difference will be that the NPCs can die and will have varying skill levels.
Thanks. For game play purposes that makes sense I guess.

Still think its a bit odd considering the tech level we have now, pilots of our modern aircraft can just turn to look at a target and the system will acquire a lock on.
Auto aiming weapons would be more logical in the age of spaceships, but for a computer game it would make it predictable and boring.

Games always have to make a trade off between fun and realism.
There are point defence guns, i think they're called. Whatever their name, they are 100% automated. The Starfarer has received a pair of them on the rear. The Phoenix has them too. I believe they're listed as Class-9 hardpoints. Although all of this may well have changed, need to read the design note we'll get this week.

Its important to note that these are not something you can slap on your ship as a system add-on, giving you auto aim, its for the bigger ships where it really isnt feasible to have 8 people in them simply to be able to protect yourself somewhat.
I'd also expect them to be inferior as an alternative to an NPC in a regular turret, if you want to compare unmanned auto-aim vs NPC essentially doing the same thing. The benefit being you're not paying them UEC to go pew pew.

All that said, i would still like to see a degree of aim-assistance in the game, even if its at the expense of another aftermarket system like EMP shielding, hacking prevention, more advanced scanning suites or whatever it may be. As it stands gimballed guns seem fairly useless if you're using a HOTAS, because you're controlling the ship. With a mouse, you're actually controlling the direct to face, and the guns too, allowing you to turn at whatever rate the ship is capable of, and the gimball weapons will rotate beyond that and potentially continue to hit your target.
Without using head tracking, which IMO isnt the answer either, you have no benefit of a gimballed weapon. It might as well be fixed straight ahead, because it isnt going to rotate any other direction unless something tells it to.
This weeks Comm-link

Monday, March 9th
- 10 for the Chairman

Tuesday, March 10th
- Note from the Chairman ('about recent/new Kickstarters from some of our friends')
- Meet the Devs: Justin Binford

Wednesday, March 11th
- Fan Spotlight: Fan Fiction Vol. 4
- Subscriber Vault Update

Thursday, March 12th
- Around the Verse
- Reverse the Verse

Friday, March 13th
- Subscriber Flair Release
- Inside CIG: Music
- Fly Free Week: All AC-Ready Ships
- Letter from the Chairman

Saturday, March 14th
- Weekly Roundup

Sunday, March 15th
- SXSW: Persistent Universe Trailer
- Galactic Guide: Helios

I believe we'll also get the PAX East video tonight, and the design doc for the new hardpoints system will come when AC 1.1.0 is released, which also includes the Retaliator sale & brochure.

All ships flyable in AC next week is pretty cool, and a trailer for the PU... that im looking forward to!
Started playing the Co-Op vandal swarm with my buddys, Did some upgrades to my ships and currently i'm using the Hornet, My god is this game fun, I can't wait for the FPS module and social module.

This game is extremely promising!
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Dave CCUs are coming for it mate same with the connie etc. They haven't confirmed specifics but hell they never do :)

I ditched PTU and went back to the vanilla client as my broadband simply couldn't keep up to date with massive PTU patches so a bit gutted to say the least!
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