******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Great, crack on then. happy for you. Still testing it for them though, and still paid them to do so as well. I'm still interested, what Sci-Fi and Space game fan wouldn't be?

From one space game fan to another, i get it, its been in development for too long, its not stable, its not even feature complete, its full of bugs and bad performance, i have a lot of complaints and i voice them regularly. and yes i'm effectively testing it for free, also in a more literal sense... and paying them to test it one might even argue, but i am having fun :)

The game is continuously moving forward, getting better, even getting more stable.

Fundamentally there is no game like this one, to me at least it has moments where it becomes the game, the space game you always hoped someone would make but know its unlikely to ever happen, this game has moments where it is 'that' game, even if it is a broken alpha.

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From one space game fan to another, i get it, its been in development for too long, its not stable, its not even feature complete, its full of bugs and bad performance, i have a lot of complaints and i voice them regularly. and yes i'm effectively testing it for free, also in a more literal sense... and paying them to test it one might even argue, but i am having fun :)

The game is continuously moving forward, getting better, even getting more stable.

Fundamentally there is no game like this one, to me at least it has moments where it becomes the game, the space game you always hoped someone would make but know its unlikely to ever happen, this game has moments where it is 'that' game, even if it is a broken alpha.

I have moments of really enjoying the game and then thinking i should go all out and get the proper HOTAS setup so i can fly properly but then i realise what an investment that is and i'm in no position to do such a thing :cry:.
I have moments of really enjoying the game and then thinking i should go all out and get the proper HOTAS setup so i can fly properly but then i realise what an investment that is and i'm in no position to do such a thing :cry:.

I use Keyboard and mouse myself, i would like HOTAS but i can't afford it, its not just the cost of the HOTAS, which would have to be a high end one or what's the point? But i would also have to change my desk, my chair... turn it from an easy to manage workstation type setup to something more a kin to a corsair cockpit!
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I use Keyboard and mouse myself, i would like HOTAS but i can't afford it, its not just the cost of the HOTAS, which would have to be a high end one or what's the point? But i would also have to change my desk, my chair... turn it from an easy to manage workstation type setup to something more a kin to a corsair cockpit!

Yeah exactly, it's not viable at all and i cba to faff all the time taking stuff apart.
I've had more fun in this scam of a game then many other so called completed games...

Though im not a huge SC Fan boy, i did pledge over 10 years ago and still enjoy it today. Crazy to think when i first pledged was when i had a pair of GTX 680's in SLI. That was the spec needed to run the game back then :cry:.
Though im not a huge SC Fan boy, i did pledge over 10 years ago and still enjoy it today. Crazy to think when i first pledged was when i had a pair of GTX 680's in SLI. That was the spec needed to run the game back then :cry:.
im not too far from you, i had a 780 lol
Same, spent god knows how long doing mining/salvage runs for no reason at all, can't wait for the cargo missions as haulin is what I do!
I am not a massive cargo runner myself but i am still looking forward to it all.

I dont know when it will go live as they seem to still be working on it.

Seems like a big feature that kinda warrants it to be a 3.x patch rather then a 3.x.x patch.

We shall see as i want them to get 4.0 out the door before xmas 2024 than is!!!!
im not too far from you, i had a 780 lol

I am not a massive cargo runner myself but i am still looking forward to it all.

I dont know when it will go live as they seem to still be working on it.

Seems like a big feature that kinda warrants it to be a 3.x patch rather then a 3.x.x patch.

We shall see as i want them to get 4.0 out the door before xmas 2024 than is!!!!

How far we've come though in processing power from back then!

I'm abit of a cargo hauler myself though i really want to get into mining tbh.
Does anyone know if it's possible to 'change' servers? Jumped on last night and the server was on 3/4 FPS and it was just...horrible. Closed it all down, restarted and I assume I ended up back on the same one.
Few days back, I was on a server with 10-12FPS and it was just night-and-day difference in performance. Reactive to interactions, buttons and so forth.

Is it worth just constantly reconnecting, or will you normally end up back on the server you previously were?
Does anyone know if it's possible to 'change' servers? Jumped on last night and the server was on 3/4 FPS and it was just...horrible. Closed it all down, restarted and I assume I ended up back on the same one.
Few days back, I was on a server with 10-12FPS and it was just night-and-day difference in performance. Reactive to interactions, buttons and so forth.

Is it worth just constantly reconnecting, or will you normally end up back on the server you previously were?
It tries to put u in the same server u was before but if you change regions, it forces it to join a different server.
How are others finding Xenothreat? Tried it earlier and just found it a bit frustrating - whilst the server performance was reasonable (7-10fps), the poor framerate (15-20fps), clunky UI and fog just meant general playability wasn't fun. Targets constantly popping in and out of sight or rubberbanding, alongside not clear hit sounds from incoming fire lead to be dying a few times without having any fun nor an understanding of what killed me. Swapped into a turret of a mate's Connie, had even less fun here... Turret was stuck on lag pip and was acting like it had some really inconsistent mouse acceleration on the aiming, so couldn't hit jack. Friendly Javelin never left the station to support us so the mission ended up just despawning everything and aborting with no reward.

Only the one run of it so far, but initial thoughts are it doesn't really feel like CIG have progressed it from where it was a few years ago. To add to that, the new UI is a complete mess. With the area full of hostile ships, my entire screen is practically full of red enemy pilot names, inevitably a bunch of red friendly markers due to stray shots and red flashing missile icons. Actually locking and tracking anything can be annoying enough (why is the locked target icon more subtle than the unlocked ones?), let alone seeing your own targetting pips consistently.
Not tried the xeno stuff yet but did a bunker mission for the first time and didn't realise the mobs would spawn infinitely :cry:.
(Tuesday) We have pushed a new 3.23.1a hotfix onto LIVE with multiple server and client crash fixes. We currently have 2 PTU goals this week if all goes as planned.
- First - We are looking to get 3.23.2 into Evocati's hands over the next couple days for cargo/hangar testing.
- Second - We have a slight chance of a new Tech-Preview Server Meshing test as early as Friday with with lots of new network changes if all goes well with internal testing.
# [Wakapedia-CIG:](<https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230/message/53852890>)

**No cargo build yet today**

**We're going to open the Server Meshing Tech-preview tomorrow to all backers and have the build up 4-6 hours**

Yea yea whatever.


# [Spectrum MOTD:](<https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230>)

**(Wednesday) Goals for this week:**
- **Thursday - We are looking to do a TECH-PREVIEW test with all backers for 4-6 hours with a more efficient hardware structure to test the meshing benefits. This test will split Stanton into 3 servers per shard with a more efficient setup and we will be monitoring network/server performance.**
- **By Friday - We are still looking to have a Cargo/Hangar build out for Evocati this week. We have a couple blockers still preventing this but are getting close r.**
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# [Wakapedia-CIG:](<https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230/message/53852890>)

**No cargo build yet today**

**We're going to open the Server Meshing Tech-preview tomorrow to all backers and have the build up 4-6 hours**

Yea yea whatever.


# [Spectrum MOTD:](<https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/lobby/38230>)

**(Wednesday) Goals for this week:**
- **Thursday - We are looking to do a TECH-PREVIEW test with all backers for 4-6 hours with a more efficient hardware structure to test the meshing benefits. This test will split Stanton into 3 servers per shard with a more efficient setup and we will be monitoring network/server performance.**
- **By Friday - We are still looking to have a Cargo/Hangar build out for Evocati this week. We have a couple blockers still preventing this but are getting close r.**

By Friday - We are still looking to have a Cargo/Hangar build out for Evocati this week. We have a couple blockers still preventing this but are getting closer.

Was this not the week either then???? One of these weeks....:D
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