******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

@Havana_UK i have ED my self, i have about 600 hours in it, it has its problems, i don't play it anymore, sadly. but i still like it and i don't want to be harsh on it, its not a bad game, i'm just burned out on it, so.. do you remember how David Braben used to say ships will have full interiors and you would be able to walk on walk off like a real physicalised vehicle? And that never materialised even now you fade to black and pop in to the pilot seat? much like it is a loading screen in Starfield.
Seems like such a simple thing doesn't it? but for all sorts of reasons its actually really really really complicated, especially in an MMO environment where that means you friends are in that ship doing their own thing, its why you can't have any loading, because you can't load with live players in the entity you want to load, its why its still unique to Star Citizen.
This is why i don't have a problem with the unique way Star Citizen is funded and developed, no big publisher is going to phony up hundreds of millions of $ to invent extremely complicated never been done before tech that takes years to develop, as a community of gamers with fond memories of the golden age of space gaming its what we want, so... we will do it.
Do we ever get frustrated with them tho? oh yes.... frequently.

Well.... since day one. These hanger are also persistent now, its your hanger, you can buy flair and furniture in game from them, make them your home, its the first iteration of home stead base building and crafting, all this stuff like this has all been completed or getting finished and they are pilling it all in which is why its particularly unstable at the moment. given the amount of players and the limited number of hangers at each location they needed to use hanger instancing, that caused weeks of game breaking problems, its stabilised now but there are still, some minor bugs, like hearing other people in their hangers and the ships sometimes being a bit wobbly moving up or down from storage, you can see that in the video.
They already have the next tech update lined up so we know as soon as this patch is polished they will dump that on us and break it again, that's the life of a Star Citizen,,, until its done, its very much a live development, about 80% of the tech is now in, they have even started talking about V1.0

Also, ship need's some windshield wipers....

If you want to try it watch this thread, they often do free fly events, we will announce when they do the next one here.

Not even 50% is you're being generous, more like 20%, and yes there are mere weeks left in that 12 month period, we have had 1/2 of one patch so far this year.

At this rate we will be a CitCon with 3.24 3.23.2 still in PTU. 9 months after persistent hangers was supposed to be out.

But what i find really annoying about even videos like this is the two faced nature of them, on the one hand they are critical of how long its taking, good... and then they turn round and say they want to give constructive feedback and that feedback is "tell us why things are delayed, then everything will be fine" you know what that is, toxic good will, take as long as you want just do it right, "25 years?" oh thank you for being honest, my child will inherit my account.

I don't get this unwillingness to say this is taking far too long, pull your fingers out of your collective arses.

Yeah CitCon better not be about Pyro, i'm sick of hearing about Pyro at these events, since 2018, that is 6 years, not 3.
No it is about when, not about what, what is irrelevant if it doesn't exists, it absolutely is about when, again.... correctly identify the problem and criticise them for that.
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Not even 50% is you're being generous, more like 20%, and yes there are mere weeks left in that 12 month period, we have had 1/2 of one patch so far this year.

At this rate we will be a CitCon with 3.24 3.23.2 still in PTU. 9 months after persistent hangers was supposed to be out.

But what i find really annoying about even videos like this is the two faced nature of them, on the one hand they are critical of how long its taking, good... and then they turn round and say they want to give constructive feedback and that feedback is "tell us why things are delayed, then everything will be fine" you know what that is, toxic good will, take as long as you want just do it right, "25 years?" oh thank you for being honest, my child will inherit my account.

I don't get this unwillingness to say this is taking far too long, pull your fingers out of your collective arses.

Yeah CitCon better not be about Pyro, i'm sick of hearing about Pyro at these events, since 2018, that is 6 years, not 3.
No it is about when, not about what, what is irrelevant if it doesn't exists, it absolutely is about when, again.... correctly identify the problem and criticise them for that.
There is 2 months left of that 12 month period but yes technically it is still going to be 14months instead of 12months assuming they actually manage to get 4.0 into open PTU before end of year. Don't think will happen but yeah. Also think what has released to what shown on the same features has been way scaled back and rather whatever compared to how shown/sold.

I don't think we will get huge amounts of Pyro stuff at CitCon tbh.

Not sure what you mean about road to Pyro for 6 years though. Wasn't anything directly that Pyro in 2018. They were still doing Stanton updates then. Lorville 2018, Microtech was 2019, no 2020 citcon as Covid, Pyro first noted in 2021 then at Citon. So this would be year 4 if at this time. So currently has been 3yrs of Pyro for CitCon. See breakdown of them all here.

There is 2 months left of that 12 month period but yes technically it is still going to be 14months instead of 12months assuming they actually manage to get 4.0 into open PTU before end of year. Don't think will happen but yeah. Also think what has released to what shown on the same features has been way scaled back and rather whatever compared to how shown/sold.

I don't think we will get huge amounts of Pyro stuff at CitCon tbh.

Not sure what you mean about road to Pyro for 6 years though. Wasn't anything directly that Pyro in 2018. They were still doing Stanton updates then. Lorville 2018, Microtech was 2019, no 2020 citcon as Covid, Pyro first noted in 2021 then at Citon. So this would be year 4 if at this time. So currently has been 3yrs of Pyro for CitCon. See breakdown of them all here.

You're right tho "the upcoming Pyro System" was first mentioned by Jarred in September 2020 on ISC.

We all know at this point that when CIG say something like "up coming" it just means at some point in the future, its not really giving a date and we can only blame ourselves for thinking its any time soon, having said that backers are not entirely to blame here, if something is not coming for a significant number of years they shouldn't be talking about it coming at all, and they never stop talking about it coming for all the years it hasn't.

That needs calling out and for as much as i like Morphologis more talking about Pyro does not make it fine when they aren't delivering it, that's the sort of ____ where people outside looking just think we are all _____ nuts! This is why all they do is talk about it.

For as long as the management at CIG don't think there is any urgency in getting anything for the PU out their priorities will always be Squadron 42, for the next infinite number of years....

Buy more ships for the PU so we can fund Squadron. IMO that was always misappropriation of funds.
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You're right tho "the upcoming Pyro System" was first mentioned by Jarred in September 2020 on ISC.

We all know at this point that when CIG say something like "up coming" it just means at some point in the future, its not really giving a date and we can only blame ourselves for thinking its any time soon, having said that backers are not entirely to blame here, if something is not coming for a significant number of years they shouldn't be talking about it coming at all, and they never stop talking about it coming for all the years it hasn't.

That needs calling out and for ass much as i like Morphologis more talking about Pyro does not make it fine when they aren't delivering it, that's the sort of ____ where people outside looking just think we are all _____ nuts! This is why all they do is talk about it.

For as long as the management at CIG don't think there is any urgency in getting for the PU anything out their priorities will always be Squadron 42, for the next infinite number of years....
Hot take but i think what is holding up lack of test preview tests on SM is due to the misison and transit system refactor.

If i was CIG i would get those two key features in place before a next SM test as because, as we saw, our misisons despawns once we cross to another DGS and that is kind of game breaking.

It could be them developing a new backend service called "mission shard" where it has a database of all the missions and who has it active etc and tracking it across multiple DGS's

I watched that Morph video also and was quite interesting.

IMO cig should stop becoming transparant and just stay radio slicence and just drop a evo patch when its ready.

Software development is hard and you cant really even predict a small task that takes 2 days and it ends up taking a week to do. That is software development as a whole(i know because that is my industry)

So expecting them to nail a planned released is just lol really and CIG are best not to give any dates or any planned or any estimated release whatsoever.

Jarrad needs to shhh and just say hi all we are working on next patch 4.0. and thats it.....

none of that yea we plan to relase in summer and now we plan to release by end of the year. just STFU and dont say anything.

L do feel that CIG do need to go complete radio slient for a year and not release a patch and instead work on 1.0 to get the game feature complete stage because trying to add multiple patches per year and trying to get them in a LIVE build state is actually delaying them a lot.

One thing people need to realize in software development is almost evertime you add a new feature, the software tends to break and you need to fix and polish again.

Now instead of releasing 5 patches and spending 5 times fixing bugs. another approach is to to do one patch that contains al those 5 key featues and bug test all of it together. Less time in the long run trust me.
Like most Youtubers they are only thinking about content for their channel, nothing is happening so they don't get any content out of it, its almost as if they are of the same mindset as CIG's management, keep the hype up to keep people interested, the problem is they have been hyping the same thing for too many years people are burned out, it will only work for so long and its run its course.

What happened to the tech preview channel?
Can you imagine the speculative hysteria if they went silent for a year?

They can't, if they did that people would stop buying ships, i don't think it would take much for them to run out of money, they have already sold a lot of the family silverware, a lot of those ship that they said they wouldn't put on sale for various reasons, they put them on sale.

This is what worries me more than anything, there is a limit to how long you can go pulling in revenue with nothing to show for it, while that limit may not yet have been reached every month that goes by with nothing to show for it is another month closer to this house of cards crashing down.
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Like most Youtubers they are only thinking about content for their channel, nothing is happening so they don't get any content out of it, its almost as if they are of the same mindset as CIG's management, keep the hype up to keep people interested, the problem is they have been hyping the same thing for too many years people are burned out, it will only work for so long and its run its course.

What happened to the tech preview channel?
Nothing is probably ready to be put on the tech preview channel.

As said, i think they are trying to at least complete the mission and transit refactor as that is needed for server meshing.

Can you imagine the speculative hysteria if they went silent for a year?
no different to many going mad now with the recent delays..

They should do a No mans Sky and go radio silent until a evo patch is days ready to be launched and then do ISC's about it etc whilst its being tested.
They can't, if they did that people would stop buying ships, i don't think it would take much for them to run out of money, they have already sold a lot of the family silverware, a lot of those ship that they said they wouldn't put on sale for various reasons, they put them on sale.

This is what worries me more than anything, there is a limit to how long you can go pulling in revenue with nothing to show for it, while that limit may not yet have been reached every month that goes by with nothing to show for it is another month closer to this house of cards crashing down.
Yea they need SQ42 out the door and it needs to sell well for them too.

I also think that maybe they need to make SC pay per month MMO else , as you say, how can they sustain it?

Say hypothetically 1.0 was released tomorrow, everything done, 20 different star systems, all the game loops, bug free, now what? How are they gunna make money in order to keep the servers running and possibly work on new ships and content?

End of the day, nothing is free and they need to make money somehow for this.

Remember they said once 1.0 they will stop seling ships? So if they stop selling ships, how can they keep the lights on so to speak?
Say hypothetically 1.0 was released tomorrow, everything done, 20 different star systems, all the game loops, bug free, now what? How are they gunna make money in order to keep the servers running and possibly work on new ships and content?

End of the day, nothing is free and they need to make money somehow for this.

Remember they said once 1.0 they will stop seling ships? So if they stop selling ships, how can they keep the lights on so to speak?

Its a live service game, there are many of those and they have all solved this problem, a lot of them are free, they monetise through microtransactions, CIG will do that too and i'm 100% ok with it because with a live service game you do need continuous revenue to keep that live service going.

But if they run out of money before they get to that stage its over, there is no Star Citizen and like i said there is a limit to how long you can collect revenue with nothing to show for it.
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Its a live service game, there are many of those and they have all solved this problem, a lot of the are free, they monetise through microtransactions, CIG will do that too and i'm 100% ok with it because with as live service game you do need continuous revenue to keep that live service going.

But if they run out of money before they get to that stage its over, there is no Star Citizen and like i said there is a limit to how long you can collect revenue with nothing to show for it.
I guess they should still sell ships then as part of the microtrransaction?

Anyways if we want things to progress quicker, we need more larger patches instead of 3-4 patches a year. The reason why is as highlighted previously, its faster to fix bugs for 3-4 features all bundled together vs fixing it one by one
I guess they should still sell ships then as part of the microtrransaction?

Anyways if we want things to progress quicker, we need more larger patches instead of 3-4 patches a year. The reason why is as highlighted previously, its faster to fix bugs for 3-4 features all bundled together vs fixing it one by one

Think about how others do it, Amour sets, Gun Skins, Ship Skins.... continue making and selling ships is another way they could do it, yes but selling ships is pay2win, no matter which way you cut it that's what it is, there are different levels of pay2win and with the way SC is setup its not on a bad level so it might be acceptable, its not like in Planet Side 2 where if you pay enough you get shoot while invisible buff. Literally a cheat unlock.
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Think about how others do it, Amour sets, Gun Skins, Ship Skins.... continue making and selling ships is another way they could do it, yes but selling ships is pay2win, no matter which way you cut it that's what it is, there are different levels of pay2win and with the way SC is setup its not on a bad level so it might be acceptable, its not like in Planet Side 2 where if you pay enough you get shoot while invisible buff. Literally a cheat unlock.
Do you think that they could still make same amount of cash with just skins, armour sets etc and no more pledged ships?
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