******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Come on, I'm not that good. Whatever fits the narrative they are spinning around development at that time.

4.0 is becoming fairly toxic, if it's dragging on into 2025 then it needs a fresh coat of paint.
The 3.24.1 to 3.24.2 is apparently going to be a 44 GB update 0.0


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"1 am, 3 hour play test" and they are throttling the crap out of the download servers.

800 KB/s, everyone seems to have the same problem, so that's one way to release a patch without releasing a patch, 3 hour play test window 12 hours to download.

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Got in after 2.5 hours.

Performance was horrendous, 15 FPS, after 10 minutes on my way off ArcCorp i had a server error, after 20 minutes of that i Alt F4, tried to log back in... Error 60016.

That was it....
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Plenty of details about the patch on the pipeline discord, the new sound track for the title screen sounds great, taken from the star engine demo last year with major changes.

They are obviously planning something major with citizencon happening in 3 weeks time.
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And this is why...

Holy ****.

Tdlr it has lots of 4.0 **** in the files at least
Because 4.0 has been pushed back to well in to 2025.

It would have been nice to see any of it.

These very late in the day short play tests are getting ridiculous, even for the US these patches are dropping 9 - 10 o'clock at night, on a week day, and because they are so late they go from being 4 - 5 tests to being 2 - 3 hours, this one with a 44 GB download.

Can't they spare the staff to do the play test the next morning?
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I did get to see the new Crusader MFD, it is much better than the old, its cleaner, its sharper, the ship status HUD is back in the top left corner, again it looks much sharper than it ever did.

This is a good change, a good improvement.
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(Thor's Day) We are not planning on publishing a build to PTU or Tech-Preview today. Current goal is having an Evocati build tomorrow that will hopefully be stable enough to leave up over the weekend.
New lighting/post-processing,
new music,
Ship systems
new MFDs,
MFD casting,
radar altimeter,
power management,
new master mode tunings,
component rebalance,
jump drives,
bullet penetration through ships to disable components,
fuses for more ships,
non-interactable fire extinguisher stations,
coolant/cooler power control, and
life support without control from engineering which allows venting out air by opening a door to space and by powering down life support which changes O2 and Temperature (powered life support refills and stabilizes temps).

new AC UI,
star map changes with more zoom range (maybe for additional systems, can completely zoom out of Stanton transitioning into a higher level),
smoother QT possibly (less jumpy with smoother acceleration and deceleration timed with new dynamic music),

Multi-Tool UI changes (might be batteries,
crashed when using),
Citizencon 'Armored Flight Suit'

Control UI
better controller support (button prompts,
mouse controlled panels automatically put a mouse cursor in the center to click),
focus mode for terminals,
improved skybox,
new quantum symbols,

Character Creation
new hair,
new face scans,

Fauna/Planet Tech
Might be a Quasi Grazer and Caves but not sure
More idiotic control changes.

Scroll to increase cruse speed is now Alt + mouse wheel, because well it makes it more obnoxious for K&M users .....
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