******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

PvP sliders, private servers and all dead for decade. Enjoy the full open game or don't. I dont believe there will be any other choice tbh.
so what will happen to the people who bought this then............ (and yes i did stop work and google for it ;) )

Note i am not saying you are wrong..... but do you not agree that is a massive bait and switch?
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so what will happen to the people who bought this then............ (and yes i did stop work and google for it ;) )

I genuinely think they will get refunded for those that ask for it.

At best you'll get a server ability to make a small star system, or even a planetary area with no ability to do much but some basic missions and that.

All their systems run off multiple server system and you'd need to be able to support so much secondary services and that and such that it will be a nightmare.

They sold something that unsurprisingly will never work.

Edit: the other option is it really will be a basic empty space and as it notes forever just have a random planet and ship you make and can fly about in what is basically their engine. It was silly honestly.
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PvP sliders, private servers and all dead for decade. Enjoy the full open game or don't. I dont believe there will be any other choice tbh.

What that have shown and given is that there is high sec, medium sec and low sec areas based on star systems so you'll see little PvP in high sec and lots and lots in low sec basically. Thar is the limitation.

They explained a bit of this during the homestead talk for player habs.

They could also add an in-meniu setting that will make you invulnerable to other players. Easy fix.

they are next to useless as they don't hit anything being 30 feet apart in the vertical and 30 feet away from the centre of the ship
Don't the converge automatically at the point you're aiming?
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