******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

More idiotic control changes.

Scroll to increase cruse speed is now Alt + mouse wheel, because well it makes it more obnoxious for K&M users .....


At some point you could control the ship in the old fashionable way of just pointing the mouse in one direction the the vehicle would go that way. Now... you point it that way with a line showing on the HUD and the ships tries to go that way... Pretty crappy (if they haven't fixed that yet). It looks like they just need to have some stuff more difficult on purpose.

At some point you could control the ship in the old fashionable way of just pointing the mouse in one direction the the vehicle would go that way. Now... you point it that way with a line showing on the HUD and the ships tries to go that way... Pretty crappy (if they haven't fixed that yet). It looks like they just need to have some stuff more difficult on purpose.

Yeah, someone at CIG seems to be a bit snobby about people with K&M, every other patch they put out they seem to find another way to make primary K&M functions a secondary multikey sub bind making it ever more obnoxious and difficult for K&M users, there is no gameplay or any logical reasoning to keep doing this.

A couple of examples, C used to be the cruse control toggle, they changed that key to decouple thrusters, so you hit that now as a K&M user the ship becomes uncontrollable and you will crash, so they have taken the key that is a primary function for K&M users and made that the key you can only use if you have a HOTAS setup, they rebound cruse control toggle to Alt + C, so now you need to take your hand off the yaw keys to toggle that function taking away an important aspect of manoeuvring in combat if you're a K&M user
Its exactly the same daft idea with this change, we use the cruse control toggle as a speed regulator in combat, scroll down to slow the ship with thrusters, disengage and shift to burst speed, now having to use an Alt sub keybind to disengage cruse control for bust speed makes that impossible, again... taking away combat manoeuvrability from K&M users.

You go in to the keybind and put all this back to the way it used to be to fix the problems they created.

On another note, someone at CIG has also been listening to PVP'ers, they have been complaining that people they quantum snare have the option to escape by engaging NAV mode and speeding away, again, their complaint is that people who chose not to engage in PVP have an option to escape, so someone at CIG changed it, now when quantum snared you are limited to SCM speed, they have taken away the option to escape, now they are forcing you in to PVP, or rather they are just forcing you to be someones victim because they are there in numbers, they have expensive specialised peripherals like HOTAS and you are literally being jumped on by surprise, you have little time to prepare.

This thread has popped off and almost all of them agree with me.....

This game is starting to take a very bad turn.

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Yeah, someone at CIG seems to be a bit snobby about people with K&M, every other patch they put out they seem to find another way to make primary K&M functions a secondary multikey sub bind making it ever more obnoxious and difficult for K&M users, there is no gameplay or any logical reasoning to keep doing this.

A couple of examples, C used to be the cruse control toggle, they changed that key to decouple thrusters, so you hit that now as a K&M user the ship becomes uncontrollable and you will crash, so they have taken the key that is a primary function for K&M users and made that the key you can only use if you have a HOTAS setup, they rebound cruse control toggle to Alt + C, so now you need to take your hand off the yaw keys to toggle that function taking away an important aspect of manoeuvring in combat if you're a K&M user
Its exactly the same daft idea with this change, we use the cruse control toggle as a speed regulator in combat, scroll down to slow the ship with thrusters, disengage and shift to burst speed, now having to use an Alt sub keybind to disengage cruse control for bust speed makes that impossible, again... taking away combat manoeuvrability from K&M users.

You go in to the keybind and put all this back to the way it used to be to fix the problems they created.

On another note, someone at CIG has also been listening to PVP'ers, they have been complaining that people they quantum snare have the option to escape by engaging NAV mode and speeding away, again, their complaint is that people who chose not to engage in PVP have an option to escape, so someone at CIG changed it, now when quantum snared you are limited to SCM speed, they have taken away the option to escape, now they are forcing you in to PVP, or rather they are just forcing you to be someones victim because they are there in numbers, they have expensive specialised peripherals like HOTAS and you are literally being jumped on by surprise, you have little time to prepare.

This thread has popped off and almost all of them agree with me.....

This game is starting to take a very bad turn.

It's not just keyboard and mouse players. I'm running out of buttons on my sticks too!
Elite Dangerous Music. not the same music but the super cruse music in ED is quite distinctive, the music in QT is similar, sounds like it was done by the same composer.
To make a shippable, sellable, working product? Yes. Yes, they do.

Don't hold your breath chaps but do keep buying your jpeg spaceships.

While the irony is not lost, having $725mil+ invested by 5.3+ million players in the game alone (never mind the hardware needed to play), it shows there's a huge gap/desire for a proper, next gen, (somewhat) realistic game. What the industry do? Spends $400mil in something like Concorde...
PNG actually :p
I thought you were going after "shippable" - it was right there :D

While the irony is not lost, having $725mil+ invested by 5.3+ million players in the game alone (never mind the hardware needed to play), it shows there's a huge gap/desire for a proper, next gen, (somewhat) realistic game. What the industry do? Spends $400mil in something like Concorde...

My sarcasm to one side, I agree with you on the first part. I just hope they deliver to all those people with so much invested money. To your second point ... not sure that Star Citizen.png is in any fit state to do what-aboutism.
not sure that Star Citizen.png is in any fit state to do what-aboutism.

Not at all. You can throw away SC/SQ42 if you will, regardless of its quality and release date, my point was actually pretty straight forward -> people do want more than what the industry offers and are willing to pay for. Concorde is just one example, newer, but plenty of games came out in a sorry state, not even trying to do much.

I started another play through with Starfield and I'm pleasant surprised by the quality of some assets and some elements. It feels that it was intended to be more, but just pushed too soon on the market, like a collection of alpha and beta state concepts. And it's sad even more since these games aren't coming out that often compared to Assassin's Creed and the likes.
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Yeah, someone at CIG seems to be a bit snobby about people with K&M, every other patch they put out they seem to find another way to make primary K&M functions a secondary multikey sub bind making it ever more obnoxious and difficult for K&M users, there is no gameplay or any logical reasoning to keep doing this.

A couple of examples, C used to be the cruse control toggle, they changed that key to decouple thrusters, so you hit that now as a K&M user the ship becomes uncontrollable and you will crash, so they have taken the key that is a primary function for K&M users and made that the key you can only use if you have a HOTAS setup, they rebound cruse control toggle to Alt + C, so now you need to take your hand off the yaw keys to toggle that function taking away an important aspect of manoeuvring in combat if you're a K&M user
Its exactly the same daft idea with this change, we use the cruse control toggle as a speed regulator in combat, scroll down to slow the ship with thrusters, disengage and shift to burst speed, now having to use an Alt sub keybind to disengage cruse control for bust speed makes that impossible, again... taking away combat manoeuvrability from K&M users.

You go in to the keybind and put all this back to the way it used to be to fix the problems they created.

On another note, someone at CIG has also been listening to PVP'ers, they have been complaining that people they quantum snare have the option to escape by engaging NAV mode and speeding away, again, their complaint is that people who chose not to engage in PVP have an option to escape, so someone at CIG changed it, now when quantum snared you are limited to SCM speed, they have taken away the option to escape, now they are forcing you in to PVP, or rather they are just forcing you to be someones victim because they are there in numbers, they have expensive specialised peripherals like HOTAS and you are literally being jumped on by surprise, you have little time to prepare.

This thread has popped off and almost all of them agree with me.....

This game is starting to take a very bad turn.

I must admit i am cheesed off with the direction of this game WRT the multiplayer - i liked the idea of the PvP slider, but could happily accept a PvE mode or private groups.

indeed i will be interested to know how CIG handle the private groups/servers. I am 100% certain (though not got time to find the posts) that CIG have already sold the ability to host a private server.......... so if this isnt going to be in the game then i suspect there will be complaints.

The whole argument is as old as gaming. PvP players tend to be far more vocal than PvE players but when push comes to shove are usually a minority in number. most games seggregate them somehow, be it filters, or zones or different shards in the game.

a few games dont....................... EVE is the one often championed, but the thing is, i have absolutely zero interest in ever playing EVE.

this argument has gone on in Elite Dangerous since before it launched and is still going on now........ and the same will be true in SC.

when i backed star citizen all i wanted was a new wing commander with optional coop, and a new privateer game with a bit of multiplayer.
I must admit i am cheesed off with the direction of this game WRT the multiplayer - i liked the idea of the PvP slider, but could happily accept a PvE mode or private groups.

indeed i will be interested to know how CIG handle the private groups/servers. I am 100% certain (though not got time to find the posts) that CIG have already sold the ability to host a private server.......... so if this isnt going to be in the game then i suspect there will be complaints.

The whole argument is as old as gaming. PvP players tend to be far more vocal than PvE players but when push comes to shove are usually a minority in number. most games seggregate them somehow, be it filters, or zones or different shards in the game.

a few games dont....................... EVE is the one often championed, but the thing is, i have absolutely zero interest in ever playing EVE.

this argument has gone on in Elite Dangerous since before it launched and is still going on now........ and the same will be true in SC.

when i backed star citizen all i wanted was a new wing commander with optional coop, and a new privateer game with a bit of multiplayer.
PvP sliders, private servers and all dead for decade. Enjoy the full open game or don't. I dont believe there will be any other choice tbh.

What that have shown and given is that there is high sec, medium sec and low sec areas based on star systems so you'll see little PvP in high sec and lots and lots in low sec basically. Thar is the limitation.

They explained a bit of this during the homestead talk for player habs.
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3.4.2: Corsair pilot can now only fire two of it's main guns​

As the title says, the Corsair pilot lost control of two of the main guns so the co-pilot has something to do. This was confirmed as intended by CIG since they closed the IC report (STARC-130141, likely hidden for non-EVOs atm) with a post stating as much. The wing guns are still under the pilot's control.
I can imagine that this will greatly enhance the dogfighting experience as there is no de-sync at all and you will have no problems coordinating your fire at all.
I encourage everyone to voice their opinion on Spectrum. While the Corsair has an overwhelming amount of firepower and might need a nerf, splitting it's main armament in two is rather dumb.
Or maybe the bug is that the Scorpius main guns are still grouped?

Wow... ok, the Corsair has a lot of drawbacks, its a very large target, it has very large awkward wings and it is one of the slowest most numb ships to fly, people put up with that because it has a lot of forward facing firepower.
This is yet again very idiotic, the copilot now controls the main guns, not the secondary guns on the wings, no those are controlled by the pilot, they are next to useless as they don't hit anything being 30 feet apart in the vertical and 30 feet away from the centre of the ship, i'm not exaggerating i have used the Corsair in combat a lot, the secondary wing mounted guns are useless.
This is not about "giving the copilot something to do" that's BS, the copilot did have something to do when they had control of the missiles and the shield balancing, i know that because i flew a lot of missions with a play mate of mine, Oracka, and we used to take it in turns piloting and co-piloting to take it in turns for those roles.
They took that away, the copilot no longer has access to missiles removing the reason to have a copilot, now they are using that excuse for taking away those 4 size 5's, no wait they nerfed those a couple of patches ago they are now 4 size 4's.... They could have given missile operator back to the copilot, no! They could also give the copilot the secondary guns instead of it being the other way round where the pilot gets the secondaries and the copilot the mains, all of which are forward facing.

All of this is about making the Corsair useless, less than useless, just a bad ship that no one in their right mind would fly now even if you have a mate to man the main guns from the ******* copilot seat :rolleyes:
I don't know why they are doing this now but i suspect its something to do with money, with a ship that's coming out, it seems to me where companies eventually get so driven for money they resort to worsening the service to sell you an improvement, it has an name, its called en****tification. CIG have reached that level.

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