******Official War Thunder Thread*******

still not got this downloaded on the new pc - but early tests on the my systems games checker thingy says at least high graphics :)

Going to set it off tonight and do a over night download as per last time and should hopefully be back in the air by weekend :)

After all the nicey nicey freebie stuff has been dealt out etc etc.

But hey I'm happy with my current line ups - though my HK6 needs more work, so I feel a small splurge coming on it that little rascal
Right WT is back on, pain in the arse it was that download but hey ho.

Quick test, showing about 90-130 fps on high :)

Though I did epically fail in my B25 - note to self must not chase mega high speed in dives in test flight mode - even more so when its set to realistic battle setting rofl.

Anything new I need to watch out for?
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Introducing our newest member of the Squadron, although still in the training stages, Elsa Smith

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