******Official War Thunder Thread*******

probably wont be on for a few weeks as the parents are over here for a month. post on here if theres any probs with the TS server and i'll get it sorted.
Apologies for missing out last night chaps, was absolutely shattered and when I saw it was 11pm, I had to just give up and go to sleep. Hope all was good and fun though, sounds like it was :)
Thanks for all the comments on little Elsa chaps, never thought something as vulgar as myself could make something that beautiful. I suppose Mrs Spangles's beauty helped to even it all out :)
Congrats Spangles :)

Onto a question, im playing tanks in realistic battles more recently in WT and encountered an odd issue with the aiming, i cant seem to aim smoothly at all, once zoomed in its notchy and makes those long range shots in kursk for example a pain in the back side - Is there anything i should do either in windows or in the game?

Windows 8.1, Corsair M65 with their software, using 2400 DPI and all accel options off in control panel with mouse speed in the middle.

Ingame mouse control sensitivity is 100%
aim sensitivity 62%
gunner view sensitivity at 67% (applicable to planes i believe)
mouse smoothing off too.

Getting a little annoying constantly trying to adjust that little mm to get the range in perfect for the realistic battles. Any ideas?
Does anyone play this witha Saitek Cyborg Evo ??? I want to love this game but just tried it on my 360 pad, Seems thats just a constant battle with trying to line anything up.

So I have literally just blown the dust off my old Cyborg. Does anyone have a config for this joystick google is letting me down.

The base is horrible and theres so much to control not sure where to start. I want to love this game but it seems im going to have to put 50 hours in just trying to get my stick setup.

Can anyone help me ? The game looks like its fantastic now. But after just trying for an hour on the dynamic battle things to actualy shot anything it seems impossible. Everything is faster than me, and the AI seems to be built like snipers.

Me about 10000000000 rounds let off, don't think I made a single hit.:(
I can help.
War Thunder is not optimized for joysticks in the 2 main modes, Arcade and Realistic. Neither is it made for pad users, despite recent porting to the PS4 (who are ungodly heathens who we kill on site for their crime of existing).
Plug your mouse and keyboard in and have a whack, you might find yourself having much more fun. And all you need to tweak is the mouse sensitivity until you're killing like a pro.

Save the Joystick for when you have the hang of flight mechanics and how best to murder using a plane, then you can use it for Realistic Battles and Simulator Battles (Sim also requires you to know the advanced controls for engine, flaps etc). By then you might have found a decent forum that can help you with the setup, or even another player in game.
Good luck.
I actually prefer mouse and keyboard for the planes, although in realistic battles, i cant seem to get the instructor to stop interfering with the plane despite all instructor options off..my X52 Pro is just sat gathering dust, even modded it by removing some pieces of plastic inside and glueing the magnets directly behind the sensor to make it more sensitive but mouse/kb is just better for arcade or realistic - sim you need the joystick really.
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If you play Realistic with a joystick (like me), then you'll want to set realistic controls. iirc this turns off the instructor. I find that realistic plays well with a Joystick.
If you play Realistic with a joystick (like me), then you'll want to set realistic controls. iirc this turns off the instructor. I find that realistic plays well with a Joystick.

I dont at the moment, just mouse/kb - but still the instructor stops the plane from doing things, quite annoying. I might have to dig the 52 out and get it setup for realistic if i cant find a way of stopping the instructor.
I dont at the moment, just mouse/kb - but still the instructor stops the plane from doing things, quite annoying. I might have to dig the 52 out and get it setup for realistic if i cant find a way of stopping the instructor.

In the game options you can switch off the instructor for arcade, but in realistic its the reason I don't play it!
In the game options you can switch off the instructor for arcade, but in realistic its the reason I don't play it!

Nah, we tried changing it in arcade, and it still activates as often as it did before. I think the disabling ability is borked. Just another thing for the Russians to sort out, once they have some more Ukranian programming labour brought in from the sudetan land.

I'll tell you waht, tho. Imma thinkin' of getting me one of them there joysticks meself, then giving Stimulator mode a go. Although not being able to ID other planes is a major problem.

I wonder if theres a hack for that...
*slinks into thread*

You broke our PS4 Squadron, it auto changed our tag when cross play was enabled :( we're now [OcUK*].

I've gotten quite good at spotting the different type of PC players though. You can tell who's KB/Mouse and who's on a joy/flight stick. All cannon fodder anyway ;)
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