I play several hours most nights. Absolutely love it.
It can be a bit slow paced at lower levels, but once you get used to how to play it's pretty fun. There are several ways to play, so I don't get bored.
Feeling braindead? Grab tier 1-6 British fighters and get stuck into the furball, you can just spin like a top whilst schooling German/US planes.
Want to feel like god for a while? Grab a Bf109/Fw190 and climb in Historical. Dive on people and blast their helpless ass to hell.
Historical is much more skillful, so if you're finding Arcade to be a bit mind-numbing or irritating, it's worth a go. Just get a decent plane - Spitfire IX and Fw190's are superb, a P-47/P-51 work well, but at lower levels a Corsair or Bf109 F-4 are more than good enough. You have to play smarter - ie climb and use energy/speed/altitude properly, rather than just flying at the first enemy you see. You'll die a lot to start with, but once you get a kill you feel like god.
The matchmaking is broken, so you can't just dive in with any old plane at the moment - you'll end up completely out-gunned. But if you choose a decent plane yourself then you can have a lot of fun. The 109 F-4 is only tier 7 and is one of the most effective planes in game (Climbs like a rocket, is very fast, turns reasonably well and it's single cannon is still plenty enough to dispatch any enemy you're likely to find)
My advice:
1) Quit any game with jets in, it stops being fun.
2) Don't take a bomber. They're fine to use in Arcade to grab some quick ground kills to make money, but they don't "work" properly yet with the game mechanics
3) Play Historical, it's far more realistic and the rewards are better - I can get 100k lions per battle if I do well. A single kill will get your repair costs back. Plus you can just leave planes to repair, because even if you didn't make any money you only get through one or 2 an hour (rather than arcade, where you can lose 8 planes in a 20 minute game).
4) Learn your plane. If you're in a Spitfire, you can out-turn anything apart from a Zero/Biplane. If you're in a Fw190, you can dive away from anything. Once you know the characteristics of most planes, you can change your strategy to suit the situation.
I'm CY6_Audigex in game, feel free to add me if you want a wingman or someone to introduce you to Historical.