****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Scharnhorst is a lovely ship.

Prefer it to the bigger gun BBs, especially when you get the secondaries ranging to 7.6km as you can really brawl with the thing
I'm still getting used to it, haven't used it much as I'm still grinding through the lower tier stuff.

Still trying to find which class I like best..
Good to see people still playing.

I been grinding up the British Cruiser line.
Not to blow my own trumpet but im doing quite well. I put that down to playing DDs so much and basically treating them as giant DDs with 12 guns :P
I hate german BBs. They are the bane of everything. I cry inside when i see players not brawling in them, they are amazing ships, it will probably be my next little mission to get upto a t7/8 German BB. Beastly things!

Si. I would play US destroyers to t6, Japanese or US cruisers to t6, German battleships to t6.
British cruisers are pure crap until t6.

Im not sure if we can allow the refer a friend accounts but it gives you a premium ship is it a t5 Texas USBB ? Its really good fun. I play that to seal club especially when you are max tier and if you play careful it does ok in t7 too vs cruisers at least.
Good to see people still playing.

Si. I would play US destroyers to t6, Japanese or US cruisers to t6, German battleships to t6.
British cruisers are pure crap until t6.

wouldn't take this advice.
i.e. i prefer japanese BBs over the germans. but that's because i prefer sniping over brawling.

you're better off reading about the different nationalities and their ships to see which ones you like the play style the most.
Meh Ofc playstyles will differ thats why i said i would play that.
Ive played pretty much everything. I have all the T5 APR Fuso and sure they snipe but they are not great tanks.
Nothing turns the tide of caps than Ger BBs strolling into capzones.
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Meh Ofc playstyles will differ thats why i said i would play that.
Ive played pretty much everything. I have all the T5 APR Fuso and sure they snipe but they are not great tanks.
only played german and us BBs upto T5. japanese BB up to T8.
and the dispersion on german BBs does my nut in so never progressed any further.

Yes japanese BBs aren't great tanks but that's why you have the bigger guns and don't let anyone close to you :p
Liking the British cruisers, currently playing a Leander. There really just large DDs but with damage control. I'm up to T5 on both USA and Japanese DD and liking them both, hoping to get T6 soon on both.

not a fan of Battleships, just find them slow and boring, and still haven't played a carrier.
Gentlemen.... I present the Konig.

For when you absolutely, positively, have to wreck absolutely everything that floats! :D

That is an awesome game in the Konig! I got one recently and I'm just upgrading it, but it is a very decent BB.

The community is fine and so will starting now be. There are lots of newish tech trees so still plenty of players lower down.
You can play vs bots with other players on your side, good for getting used to the game.

True, well worth playing Co-Op for a bit first. Just remember the bots will often be better than the real players. Don't get spotted first as the bits will focus fire.
True, well worth playing Co-Op for a bit first. Just remember the bots will often be better than the real players. Don't get spotted first as the bits will focus fire.

Yea I often find the bots harder than players, especially if your playing in a destroyer. They never miss and seem to prioritize you :/
I felt the first rage akin to playing WoT last night :(, Every battle started with spamming F10 and F4 (or F11) in chat, nearly everyone ignored any attempt to launch any kind of coordinated approach particularly coordinating fire onto a single target :mad: and I am having increasingly worrying experiences that hint at a rise of people using bots particularly in the case of straight line runners in the form of CLs and CAs ignoring BBs and just plowing straight through no where near enemy fire so they shouldn't be under sights and have full view around them, every battle I saw or suffered multiple instances of this, in one instance when we were engaged with enemy I got citadelled 3 times by the ship hitting me loosing slavos and they weren't even pinked :mad: :mad:

I might be giving this a rest for a bit when my premium runs out :(
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