****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Getting back into this atm. Is there an OcUK clan?

Edit: Never mind, managed to learn to read.
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I see that WG have released some footage of the CV rework.
It's very early days but it looks promising imo
Anyone else bought the T-61? I'm in love with mine got a 10 point commander and it's great fun. Will be even more with a 19 point commander. Does anyone fancy divisioning up? Looking for some WoW friends as no one I know plays it. I've got two tier 8s nothing serious just a bit of fun mostly.
No but I've heard good things. NoZoupForYou says its a "must buy".

Sure you can add me: Speed3y. I did try joining the NORKS on here but no one has approved my application. :(
I am around quite regularily. Jester86 in WoWs.

None of the recent Premiums have tickled my fancy, pretty sure the last one I bought was Hood last year. Haven't even wasted my Free XP on any of the ships either.
Hybridx in wows on a fair amount and can play any tier and any class to support if needed.

Currently working on the Kitakaze and have everything unlocked for it so just grinding for the Harugumo. Loving the kitakaze though.
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Sounds good I'll add you above will have to set up a discord server or something if anyone's up for that? Can I apply for Norks too? My tier 8s so far are kidd and cleaveland but nearly at the bismark.
Currently working on the Kitakaze and have everything unlocked for it so just grinding for the Harugumo. Loving the kitakaze though.
Akizuki is so much fun :D I play every night with 2 mates and we often division with 3 kitakaze's, every DD's nightmare lol
That looks to be the TACHIBANA LIMA, also 76p.

Edit: Think it might change if you own or have just purchased the ship.
Akizuki is so much fun :D I play every night with 2 mates and we often division with 3 kitakaze's, every DD's nightmare lol

Bleh i can't type i mean im working on the Harugumo as ive maxed out the Kitakaze and just need to get enough xp to grab the Haru.

Kitakaze is a fun ship and after a poor start im getting used to it and getting more 100k plus damage games
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