Ok...so its Dec 31st. Your personal GOTY ?

It's more feature packed and stable then all the games listed so far plus it got game of year from PC gamer

Which is perfectly fine for PC Gamer but this isnt PC Gamers GOTY, this is my GOTY thread. My game, my rules. I've never agreed with early access titles being included in GOTY awards because they've not been released and with the nature of EA games its never a guarantee that they ever will be completed. Hence my rule that the only games allowed are finished games not partially finished games. Valheim can always be voted for GOTY next year when it gets its full release, much like the votes for Hell Let Loose or GTFO this year. Theres only 5 rules so shouldnt be terribly hard to follow them :D
Can I change my vote? I didn't realise Subnautica Below Zero was only released in 2021. I thought it was 2020. I played that one to 100%.

So anyhow, knock one off "Nothing at all" and add one to SBZ, if you don't mind. :)

I'm surprised Forza Horizon 5 has not made an appearance yet. :eek:

Its interesting really when you look at all the winners of the many various gaming medias 2021 GOTYs, those winners havent been reflected as favourably in our list here. Yet more evidence that what the official "experts" declare as the best game of the year and what we as the actual gamers declare as the best game of our year are not one and the same. Also we have a much wider scope of gaming genres and more indie titles in our list than the official channels.
Don't know how people can rate forza 5 as GOTY, it's the same damn game as forza 4 except a different location.... Enjoyable none the less but meh!
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