Old People Driving

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Just for you 2Blue!

PS, i agree with you both. Some old people do drive as though they cannot see very far, which i think is dangerous. But then again some 17 year olds drive even more dangerously!!

Personally, if someone is doing 30mph on a 60mph road, i flash em then overtake em, then when i'm in front of em i tap my brake pedal to get the brake lite to flash!!

A car is seen by many as a phallic symbol. It increases the ego of a driver if you have a posh car. The ones most impressed are youngsters who like to show off to anyone who can see them in their WreckMobiles. They speed to show off and "feel the powah"; they toot their horns, especially when picking up passengers; they have their hifis blaring in the centre of town so pedestrians can notice them; they drive dangerously to show other drivers how expert they are.

An elderly person no longer sees his car as a phallic symbol, a snob one maybe, but not a reason to show off on the open road. He prefers instead to impress his neighbours. Admittedly elderly drivers have accidents, but they are far fewer, so fewer that the insurance companies, who obviously wish to make money, offer cheaper premiums to such drivers. Would they offer them cheaper premiums if it were costing them money? Of course not. It's the younger generation, especially kiddie drivers, who cause the most accidents, but elderly drivers are an outlet for their aggression and accusations. They become aggressive behind a steering wheel and feel their willy has been extended to a more suitable size, shaking their fists and tooting their horns at overtaking motorists, which they would dare not do if they were standing on the pavement. If I feel unsafe I stay behind a bus or an elderly driver, safe in the knowledge I'm unlikely to have an accident.

Taken from here:

Originally posted by Hinchy55
ok 2blue how old r u? hey that rhymes!!hehe:)
Let's just say that I've been driving for twice as many years than you've been out of nappies.

/passes Hinchy a calculator
Makes you about 51?? Is that right? That would mean under Hinchy's law, you would have to take the eye test:D ;)

Good thread by the way.

I think people should have to take an eye test for driving at 65 or 70. Maybe 55 for wimmin:eek: :D :eek:
Well considering i drive a mitsubishi shogun van which can barely do over 70mph, i don't enter into this stereotypical 'kiddie driver' ur thinking of. Alright i'll admit there sure is some stupid young Oi! on the road but the same can be said for old people. I mean you used to be able to just apply for a driving license and bingo u were on the road. That doesnt seem fair!
How about anyone convicted of a driving offence gets their licence taken away, and only returned after they have successfully resat their driving test? This would make people think twice about speeding/dangerous and drunken driving.

If it meant I'd have to once more pay for driving lessons and resit my test again, on top of a court fine, I'd be very weary of pressing the accellerator too hard. You can't educate the numptees, try as you will. The numptees are the reasons why we need speed cameras and speed restrictions and a safety code. The best way, it would seem to me, is to take the numptees off the road until such time as they're safe to drive. This way the roads are a safer place to be, with fewer accidents. Responsible drivers would have nothing to fear.

That should worry the youngsters who think they can drive better than oldies.
I personally think everyone should have a mandatory eyetest at least every 3 years if they hold a driving licence.

it's not just "old" people who need to have their eyes checked on a regular basis (they may need more frequent tests but anyones eyesight can change a lot in a few years).

Personally i think i'm much more likely to be in an accident with an idiot who's just passed his test than i am to be in one with someone who has been driving for 20-30 years, simply because the idiot will not have the experience, and is more likely to think he/she is invicible in the hot little nova.

Indicators, almost no one seems to use them, regardless of age in my experience (i'm sure many of the 30 somethings i see driving think they are there to look nice).
Originally posted by Werewolf
he/she is invicible in the hot little nova.

PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ALL YOUNGSTERS ARE LIKE THESE MORONIC DRIVERS WHO SPEND ALL THEIR PARENTS MONEY ON SOUPING UP A TIN CAN!!!!!! I'm with u on that one! They just sit outside McDonalds talking about how fast they got their car to go. There are normal 17 year old drivers too. Sadly these are brushed aside when it comes to insurance companies, who stereotype every youngster as this kind of idiot!
Licences should be valid for 10 years, then you need to re-test to get another one. Only after they sort out the horrific delays in getting the tests done. Took me 6 months and 3 cancellations (by them) for my test.
By the time a person is 25, he's usually married with a few kiddies. He no longer views his car as an extension to his penis as much as he used to. He's more concerned with impressing the neighbours with his poshness. The older you get, the less you think of your car as being a phallic symbol, therefore they drive more safely, your premiums go down. This subject has been well researched by insurance companies. It's youngsters who cause the most accidents and it's them who should undergo periodic and regular retesting, not the elderly. Stand in the centre of a busy town on a busy road and note down the dangerous/safe drivers. The younger the driver, the more reckless his driving.

Prove me wrong.
i think this is a bit unfair TBH

because you expect old/female/fat/thin etc drivers to be poor drivers, when you see them driving badly you remember, but not if it does not agree with your expectations.

a good example is, once you buy a car, doesn't it always seem that you can now spot them everywhere!?

well one things 4 sure your reaction times decrease as u get older. awareness is greater.

about yongsters' cars being an extension of their penis. pleeeeeease!! thats garbage! thats a small minority of idiots who seem to get all the attention. mainly because people keep talking about them!
eyesight deteriorates over the years, that's never been argued. Reaction times are also affected. Both of these are very important for driving, a re-test is a good idea for anyone over 50, with a 5 year re-test afterwards. This will never happen as all the old people say "i'm perfectly capable of driving, i've been driving ** number of years" and will never admit they are unsafe. I mean i have heard of people being brought one of those updater courses for a birthday, going on it, being told they are unsafe and continuing to drive because of something like "the instructor doesn't know what they're on about"

If we could update the test for a much higher level of skill (todays test is ludicrously easy, all you have to do is look at your mirror half the time, how safe :rolleyes: ) and spend some more money on road safety, the millions they spend on train systems which save maybe 100 lives when atleast 20% of the motorways in the country are not upto standard code. Look at germany if you think motorway speeding kills.

Get rid of atleast 20% of the current numpty drivers, by retesting them at higher levels and longer tests (45 mins isn't it at the moment? who drives like they did on their test still? or do we all throw the book out the window?). Then upgrade the country's network of road systems. Then you can up the limit of 70mph roads to atleast 100 if the conditions are right, and set variable limits based on conditions.
Originally posted by Hinchy55

Originally posted by Hinchy55
thats a small minority of idiots who seem to get all the attention. mainly because people keep talking about them!

and yet ALL old people do what you describe in your first post right? :rolleyes:
We've had the reaction/awareness debate in SC, sir, and it was proved false. Are you saying the insurance companies don't know how to make a profit by targetting the correct individuals? They target the younger generation because they are dangerous and most likely to have an accident. The older you get the more your premiums drop, because it's been proven that accidents decrease. The insurance companies look upon young drivers as being road numptees and increase their premiums accordingly.

Methinks everyone under the age of 25 should resit their test every 12 months and learn to drive carefully and safely on the roads. Young speedsters should be banned for a period of 5 years. Keep the numptees off the roads and the highways will be a safer place.
Originally posted by Balddog
and yet ALL old people do what you describe in your first post right? :rolleyes:

LOL well ok u got me stumped there then!!!!!!! HEHEHE!! but i'm sure that all the bad ones are now apperaing around my town. btw its not just me! parents, friennds and outer family agree!!!
Originally posted by Hinchy55
about yongsters' cars being an extension of their penis. pleeeeeease!! thats garbage! thats a small minority of idiots who seem to get all the attention. mainly because people keep talking about them!
It's not a minority, it's the MAJORITY. And it's reflected in the insurance premiums young people pay. I feel kinda bad saying this as I'm 21 myself, but MOST people my age and younger are really not very good drivers, many are downright dangerous. This includes me when I was 18, I got 3 points, 1 write-off and 1 minor crash to my name within the space of 2 years. Taught me a thing or two about the road, and thanks to Beaky's post am considering doing the IAM test...
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