Originally posted by MindYerBeak
How about anyone convicted of a driving offence gets their licence taken...
.....That should worry the youngsters who think they can drive better than oldies.
I totally agree MYB, you, as usual speaketh the truth. Why cant we have people like you running the country? I'm serious!
...oh except for the last paragraph, dont pick on us youngers! I do not drive like a 'typical' youngster, I drive appropriately to the road conditions. That doesnt mean that if you were to put me on a track I'd be useless tho, quite the opposite...
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
It's youngsters who cause the most accidents and it's them who should undergo periodic and regular retesting, not the elderly.
Prove me wrong.
You know very well that no-one can stand up and definitively prove you wrong MYB. You can prove
absolutely anything with statistics.
Everyone should undergo regular retests, not just the young, especially the old
I'm 20, Iand I've probably got about 20,000 miles driving experience udner my belt. No, I'm not going to say I'm superman, however I've been in two shunts. The first an old giffer was aware of the lane markings and drove into my front drievrs side wing, and secondly a mid 30's lorry driver plowed into the back of me, despite being stopped for at least two minutes waiting to turn right. Both not my fault by a country mile.
Oh yes and I have 3 points on my license. Dont start rubbing your hands together tho, I was caught by a
police cash machine,it was a warm summers day, the road was empty, it was national speed limit with very very good visability. I'll point out thw road if you like and those local to it will understand. I hold my hands up - I broke the law and was fined, I took my chances I payed meh cash.
As for upping the age of driving. Sorry but you 'older, more experienced' guys with the grins on your faces after your well thought out posts have forgotton something. A good driver is an experienced driver. So a 30 year old who has been driving 5 years will be just as much as a 22 year old who has been driving 5 years. Age is not the concern, once a moron, more than likely always a moron, they'll just get older.
In an ideal wrld they would sue the same sort of system as getting your Private Pilots License. You need to have a certain nuykmber of flying hours logged before your let loose. Maybe the same should be adopted for cars, seeing as its more crowded and your more likely to hit something on the ground...