Old People Driving

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Originally posted by Hinchy55
LOL well ok u got me stumped there then!!!!!!! HEHEHE!! but i'm sure that all the bad ones are now apperaing around my town. btw its not just me! parents, friennds and outer family agree!!!

And all the youngsters drive carfully and obey the Highway Code, I suppose?
Purely by going on the facts, it shouldnt be that old people should be tested again at 55, 60 or even 65 but that young people SHOULD'NT be allowed to drive untill they are 25 years old !! MYB is correct, its the young drivers that are the problems and they are the ones that affect the safer/more experienced drivers premiums aswell as their own. To take it further it isnt normally the young female driver that is the problem but the young males.
Stereotyping is always a bad thing. There are obviously loads of safe elderly drivers, there are also lots of safe 17 year olds too. There are also unsafe 17 year olds, unsafe elderly drivers and unsafe middle aged drivers. There are good women drivers, there are crap women drivers. Putting people into catergories is good for one thing only: statistics.

Being part of the 'teenage newly passed' group, i get stereotyped as being stupidly fast, aggressive and basically unsafe. This is wrong, because i am none of those things.

The current test is not a walkover, in fact, any of you that think it is i might suggest go and have a refresher with an instructor. I failed my first test for something as simple as stopping at a roundabout when it was clear ("undue hesitation"). :rolleyes:
putting the age up would mean that when ppl do pass their test, it becomes an even bigger extension of their penis!!! sorry bit crude there!! this past year i went to canada and they start leeting u drive at 15 around ur area (which is mainly wot youngsters want to do. so they can see friends) and also i had some new zealanders stay at my house and they started driving on the roads at an even younger age! you dont hear about how bad all their driving is!
plus!!! when i was having lessons i was taught to drive up to the speed limits ranging from 30mph to 60mph. i was therefore being told to put my foot down which therefore means that whoever teaches the driving instructors is telling them to teach us 'kiddies' to get moving whereas older people were taught to drive slow. surely that must mean research has proved that cars moving quicker and not causing congestion, means safer roads!
Originally posted by daz
Stereotyping is always a bad thing. There are obviously loads of safe elderly drivers, there are also lots of safe 17 year olds too. There are also unsafe 17 year olds, unsafe elderly drivers and unsafe middle aged drivers. There are good women drivers, there are crap women drivers. Putting people into catergories is good for one thing only: statistics.

Yes you are right about statistics but unfortunately it proves that young male drivers are the highest risk group whether some of you want to hear it or not. Its FACT. It shows that the majority of young male drivers are not the good drivers they think they are and in fact are quite poor probably due to misjudgement of thier abilities.
Originally posted by daz
Stereotyping is always a bad thing. There are obviously loads of safe elderly drivers, there are also lots of safe 17 year olds too. There are also unsafe 17 year olds, unsafe elderly drivers and unsafe middle aged drivers. There are good women drivers, there are crap women drivers. Putting people into catergories is good for one thing only: statistics.

Being part of the 'teenage newly passed' group, i get stereotyped as being stupidly fast, aggressive and basically unsafe. This is wrong, because i am none of those things.

The current test is not a walkover, in fact, any of you that think it is i might suggest go and have a refresher with an instructor. I failed my first test for something as simple as stopping at a roundabout when it was clear ("undue hesitation"). :rolleyes:

But sir, young drivers are the majority of numptee drivers that make our roads unsafe. 'Tis the youngsters who are more likely to kill and maim, not the middle aged or elderly. It's not a question of stereotyping, it's fact. And insurance companies make a killing out of it. Admittedly, there are some young drivers like yourself who are responsible drivers and a credit to the highways, but it's no good burying your head in the sand and thinking that young numptees are not the main problem on our highways today. Remove them, make them resit their tests if they get convicted and leave the roads to the safe drivers: the middle aged and elderly.
Originally posted by Bear
Purely by going on the facts, it shouldnt be that old people should be tested again at 55, 60 or even 65 but that young people SHOULD'NT be allowed to drive untill they are 25 years old !! MYB is correct, its the young drivers that are the problems and they are the ones that affect the safer/more experienced drivers premiums aswell as their own. To take it further it isnt normally the young female driver that is the problem but the young males.

That's an excellent suggestion, good sir, when I become Dictator I'll implement your plan. The roads would become much safer as a result. Deaths and injuries would drop dramatically. It's not very pleasant some of the injuries people recieve at the hands of numptees, whereby many are crippled for life. Take away the younger element and road deaths and injuries would become a rarity.
I agree partly with most people here, i think that some kind of retest should be done at 65-70 as said as tbh there are some damn dangerous old drivers out there, i got pulled out on one yesterday from about 5m away with me doing about 50 down a main road, i had to swerve round them. Then again there are a lot of 17 year old idiots out there (i am one of them at times i admit). Putting the age up to say 25 would not help though, it would just mean it would take drivers until the age of about 30 to drive properly rather than the early twinties it takes now. 17 makes sense also as its just after school leaving age when people start to NEED cars to get to work or place of study:)
I'm v sorry MindYerBeak but your views seem stupid. Upping the age would not change it as young people would still be inexperienced. Why dont we have all roads like a motorway? one lane for youngsters, one for middle aged, and one for old people? aaaaaaaaaaaah problem solved! :p
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
Take away the younger element and road deaths and injuries would become a rarity.

but encouraging the old people would mean your average journey you wouldn't exceed 30mph
Mcdonalds drive-thru would be brought out and replaced with Whimpy drive thru because they're much better, they give you cutlery :o
The car companies would make bumpers 50cm larger to accomodate all the parking mishaps (just for the women :p )
Speed cameras would be changed, if you managed to exceed 70mph they would send you your picture in a frame with £50 congratulating you for managing to go over 30mph.
They're be more disabled car parking spaces than normal ones

Oh and of course, car seats would all come with a polythene cover for driver convienience, aswell as an ashtray full of boiled sweets

Originally posted by Hinchy55
Well considering i drive a mitsubishi shogun van which can barely do over 70mph, i don't enter into this stereotypical 'kiddie driver' ur thinking of.

So you are saying that just because your car doesn't go over 70 that makes you a safe driver??

Sorry but our survey says UH UH!!!

I believe that infact the vast majority of accidents happen at lower speeds than 70 anyway. As has been argued before, its not top speed that is a killer but inappropriate speed.

Elderly Drivers really need to be tested more regularly than every 5 years because the body can deteriorate a lot within the space of a year let alone 5 so I suggest a shorter time span than 5 years.

Older people have slower reactions yes, but then again younger people often drive beyond their ability which is probably why so many accidents occur involving drivers between the ages of 17 - 25.

These days on the public highways...You dont have to be good, to be better than average.
nice thread....
ok, I'll prob get rapped for this but....

1. Young drivers ARE inexperienced; no matter if you got behind the wheel at 5+ Highway driving is completely different!

2. Drivers who drive slow – without good reason - ticks me off, but its not just the old, its also younger drivers as well! – I get on with my journey and accept this.

3. I am a young driver, 19 with two small years of exp under my belt - my licence, btw, is clean.

4. My company will not let me drive the company vans till I'm 21, as I'm a high insurance risk - I personally feel that I am not.. However I accept this and am looking forward till that magic number - 1 1/2 years and counting!!

Young and old drivers are guilty of dangerous driving and eyesight tests should be applied as well as skid pan training, to help drivers learn how to control a car.

There maybe no point in what I just said, but I felt it needed saying anyways!!

If you upped the minimum driving age to 25 yes you would still have inexperienced drivers and it would probably take you up to 30 to become good drivers. BUT the point of it would be that you would potentially get rid of the immature kid that thinks hes a good driver when in fact he isnt !! By 25 most would have a more responsible and mature outlook on life and therefore would drive more safely. The proof is bourne out in the premiums.
Originally posted by Hinchy55
I'm v sorry MindYerBeak but your views seem stupid. Upping the age would not change it as young people would still be inexperienced. Why dont we have all roads like a motorway? one lane for youngsters, one for middle aged, and one for old people? aaaaaaaaaaaah problem solved! :p

Even better, have two lanes, one for the middle aged and one for oldies. Get rid of the youngsters. Statistics prove it, so why are my views stupid? The only reason such a suggestion won't become reality is because the government makes loadsa money out of youngsters who drive in tax and whatnot. Get rid of numptee youngsters and we have a safer environment.
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
Even better, have two lanes, one for the middle aged and one for oldies. Get rid of the youngsters. Statistics prove it, so why are my views stupid? The only reason such a suggestion won't become reality is because the government makes loadsa money out of youngsters who drive in tax and whatnot. Get rid of numptee youngsters and we have a safer environment.

Statistics are all very well but often it seems they do not provide a fair view of the population. There are a great deal of young and good drivers.

Young drivers are going to have more accidents due to their lack of experience, they simply don't realise that they are breaching their own limits.

There seems to be a common misconception amongst those in the younger age group that once behind the wheel of a car they become indestructable, unfortunately a lot of them learn the hard way that they aren't
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Originally posted by DirtyMinx

Young drivers are going to have more accidents due to their lack of experience, they simply don't realise that they are breaching their own limits.

That's my reasoning, ma'am, young 'uns cause more accidents for whatever reason, yet Mr. Hinchy, a young driver, thinks I'm st00pid.
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
How about anyone convicted of a driving offence gets their licence taken...

.....That should worry the youngsters who think they can drive better than oldies.

I totally agree MYB, you, as usual speaketh the truth. Why cant we have people like you running the country? I'm serious!

...oh except for the last paragraph, dont pick on us youngers! I do not drive like a 'typical' youngster, I drive appropriately to the road conditions. That doesnt mean that if you were to put me on a track I'd be useless tho, quite the opposite...

Originally posted by MindYerBeak
It's youngsters who cause the most accidents and it's them who should undergo periodic and regular retesting, not the elderly.

Prove me wrong.

You know very well that no-one can stand up and definitively prove you wrong MYB. You can prove absolutely anything with statistics.

Everyone should undergo regular retests, not just the young, especially the old

I'm 20, Iand I've probably got about 20,000 miles driving experience udner my belt. No, I'm not going to say I'm superman, however I've been in two shunts. The first an old giffer was aware of the lane markings and drove into my front drievrs side wing, and secondly a mid 30's lorry driver plowed into the back of me, despite being stopped for at least two minutes waiting to turn right. Both not my fault by a country mile.

Oh yes and I have 3 points on my license. Dont start rubbing your hands together tho, I was caught by a police cash machine,it was a warm summers day, the road was empty, it was national speed limit with very very good visability. I'll point out thw road if you like and those local to it will understand. I hold my hands up - I broke the law and was fined, I took my chances I payed meh cash.

As for upping the age of driving. Sorry but you 'older, more experienced' guys with the grins on your faces after your well thought out posts have forgotton something. A good driver is an experienced driver. So a 30 year old who has been driving 5 years will be just as much as a 22 year old who has been driving 5 years. Age is not the concern, once a moron, more than likely always a moron, they'll just get older.

In an ideal wrld they would sue the same sort of system as getting your Private Pilots License. You need to have a certain nuykmber of flying hours logged before your let loose. Maybe the same should be adopted for cars, seeing as its more crowded and your more likely to hit something on the ground...
Originally posted by MindYerBeak
That's my reasoning, ma'am, young 'uns cause more accidents for whatever reason, yet Mr. Hinchy, a young driver, thinks I'm st00pid.

I'm a young driver too I now have 4 years experience under my belt. From what I have experienced on the roads I dont think you can brand any age group as a certain thing as there seem to be a vast majority of bad drivers of every age.:)
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