Paris attacks.

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I'm going to just stop posting as my emotions are clearly getting ahead of me. I have opinions of those who don't respect the gag order, it's put in place for a bloody good reason

I agree with you that the gag order should be respected but asking people to DDOS Sky or BBC is rather silly. I imagine they have security in place to prevent that anyway.
Isil celebrates

Isil supporters have been celebrating the terrorist attack on Paris using the hashtag "Paris ignites".

An Isil supporter called al-Mouhed al-Tourkomani wrote: "Allahu Akbar…Allahu Akbar die with your rage, and explode with your defeating."

Isil has not, at this stage, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

XeNoN89-drop the reference to religion, nothing is known at this time.

I think an apology is in order.
Why? What difference do you possibly think it would make? I mean, I'm sure the people inside know that it's likely they'll be stormed. Plus, if it is so well organised then isn't it likely there are intelligence people keeping the terrorists up to speed?
I can't understand what a gagging order would really achieve.

I think it's been seen in the past that terrorists like this these days are kept up to speed by people using social media/the internet.
Why? What difference do you possibly think it would make? I mean, I'm sure the people inside know that it's likely they'll be stormed. Plus, if it is so well organised then isn't it likely there are intelligence people keeping the terrorists up to speed?
I can't understand what a gagging order would really achieve.

Let's all just provide head cam feeds for the police yeah?

Are you really that ridiculous to not understand why a gagging order could help?
Education is the only way we can possibly win. One of the main reasons the Taliban and that lot in Africa attack schools all the time. Won't happen anytime soon though.

Knowledge and enlightenment are the enemy of religion.

Yes, but not very profitable for the people who buy elections in America, UK, most of the west. If only people could make education the most profitable institution in the world, we'd drop knowledge on them instead.
Why? What difference do you possibly think it would make? I mean, I'm sure the people inside know that it's likely they'll be stormed. Plus, if it is so well organised then isn't it likely there are intelligence people keeping the terrorists up to speed?
I can't understand what a gagging order would really achieve.

If it even slightly helps then surely the small price of you not hearing about it immediately is worth it?
We are fighting a war against cowards. They wont come out and fight soldiers face to face, instead they sneak about and pick on helpless innocent civilians. Absolute *****.

Which is exactly why we can't do anything about it.

It's a completely different kind of war where anybody could be our enemy. Sad, sad state of affairs this planet has got itself in.
They absolutely can, we just misuse them. Rather than blowing up countries for profit, causing them to blow up countries for prophet, we should help those countries. Education actually does work, but the more you treat an entire culture like crap the more upset people will be easily led by people seeking power who will use easily led, upset, lost and angry people easily.

I mean every cult ever in the UK/US/West/anywhere that isn't violent is also led by similar people who also gain followers in the same way, people who are lost and have nothing else and find a purpose in this leader telling them they can have a reason to live.

When you have little and are treated like crap someone is dramatically more likely to join up with the likes of Isis. You can't **** up an entire region for 70 years and not have a major freaking problem from it.

Get the hell out of these places, isolate them and see what happens, what we are currently doing is not working. Every conflict we have there we just leave better weaponry behind so the next group is even worse. We trained and armed Osama Bin Laden, didn't learn, and went and armed Isis after destroying a country and providing them with tens of thousands of people incredibly angry at the west. What next, go blow up Isis across several countries, killing millions, leaving behind another decade of death and mayhem with even more modern weaponry left around... how bad will the next lot be?

Get money and defence contractors influence out of politics and our 'need' to be at permanent and profitable conflict would stop overnight.

This 1 million times, sadly it's too easy to blame things we don't understand than look at our own transgressions and influences on the situations.
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