Paris attacks.

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I get the impression after the Charlie hebdo attacks, that the French security forces will have been drilled to death on training scenarios, sounds like it might have paid off - with that quick assault, which seems to be a success at this time..
Need to have a good hard look at ourselves and start to try and understand why some British/French Mulims are making trips to support ISIS in Syria.

We have well educated British Muslim teenagers being radicalised and we really need to understand why.

I didn't agree with the Iraq war and every move after (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria) have been terrible choices. There are now thousands of people from Afghanistan making the trip to Europe to escape their country. What have we actually achieved? We have not made their lifes any better :|

the spread of Wahhabism by Saudi Arabia is at the root of a lot of it - don't forget 9/11, the US embassy attacks in Africa and the attack on the USS Cole all occurred prior to the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

sure certain foreign policy actions have acted as a catalyst for extremists but the extremist ideology being promoted is also the underlying real issue here - it isn't like it is just Afghans and Iraqis behind these sorts of attacks - it is people who simply share a philosophy with them but otherwise have no connection with those countries... We didn't see mass shootings by orthodox Christians when Serbia was bombed during the Kosovo campaign for example, we didn't have say 'black people' turning to terrorism because we interviened in Sierra Leone. Those interventions didn't come with reprisals - yet intervention in countries that happen to be majority Muslim generates these sorts of reactions - the extremist ideology followed by some is the underlying issue.

the last big attack in France was nothing to do with foreign policy but some outrage over a cartoon - and that isn't anything new either... Salman Rushdie has been under a death threat since the late 80s for simply publishing a book
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Christians can be far more vile then muslims when we want or need to.

its just we think we have evolved beyond that.

if the muslims think we wont go back to that dark place they are kidding themselves.

we cant win?

no they cant win there war.
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