Paris attacks.

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It can be done, if there's an appetite for it - a full scale military deployment could achieve such an objective, it would be tough - but it's doable, (according to analysis) the problem is the appetite to do it just hasn't been there, but maybe it will be now?

Like the Americans and the Viet Cong?
How do you steam-roll what is at least partly an extremely mobile, guerilla organisation though?

Well I'm not a military expert but I'd wager that a coalition of Assad-Russian-US-European forces on the ground should be able to recapture all of the territory, the oil fields and the looted US weaponry ISIS captured, and kill a couple hundred thousand ****** ISIS 'troops' in the process.
I think this might be a game changer in Europe. Being nice isn't working.

ISIS want chaos and disorder how do you suppose you fight that? you can't all you can do is carry on

the moment we show they're having an effect ( i know they are, the point is to not show it, though i know this is far easier said than done ) they win
I watched "With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations" on Youtube yesterday when it had 700k views. Today it has 1.2m views. I suspect by the end of the weekend it will have over 2m views. People are going to wake up.

Nope. Too many crazed liberals.

Business as usual after the chaos dies down. People simply do what they're told.
Well I'm not a military expert but I'd wager that a coalition of Assad-Russian-US-European forces on the ground should be able to recapture all of the territory, the oil fields and the looted US weaponry ISIS captured, and kill a couple hundred thousand ****** ISIS 'troops' in the process.

You're right - you're not a military expert.
As Isis immigrants go on a killing spree will liberals still welcome open borders and Isis dads drowning their kids making the news, in aid of their path to Europe.
Yes it was, Waiting was futile we have been reading reports for like an hour while they lobbed grenades and people used Twitter to beg them to raid. And then they go in.

I just think that was a fail considering the experience France should have by now.

I suppose there's a certain point where you have to decide

"Do we do a planned raid with as few casualties as posible or do we do a suicide raid where we take heavy casualties and possibly have to retreat "
If there were 1500 inside, the operation they carried out is actually quite a success considering they had explosives inside, could have been much, much worse. 1500 would be a 9/11 scale attack.

1050 venue I thought I heard them say, but people started leaving before they stormed into the place so there were likely significantly less people in there and being that there weren't many of them and likely multiple fire exits it's likely many got out. Will be very hard to know (till they release the information which they won't do for a while I would think) how many were left in the building after they stopped people leaving. I suspect it was a small portion of venues capacity and that a high percentage of those left inside were killed.

Thankful it didn't happen.

Really awful to hear 100 are dead.

If Is claim this, and the Russian plane bombing does turn out to be bombing, which is highly likely, its not going to go down well.

It would be concerning if these 2 events are both terrorist activities and directly linked - the relative level of sophistication would potentially indicate we haven't seen the last of what they have planned.
As Isis immigrants go on a killing spree will liberals still welcome open borders and Isis dads drowning their kids making the news, in aid of their path to Europe.

Still don't know they are immigrants.

They could be French and born in the country 2 decades ago.
yeah coz thats what makes them innocent in peoples eyes:rolleyes:

My point was that it's besides the point. There will be no trial of Bush and Blair et al. 'International law' is a very dubious concept. And besides that, even if they were tried and found guilty of waging an illegal war, that still wouldn't mean they 'caused' ISIS. At most they could be guilty of paving the way for such a thing by destabilising the region, but Islamic fundamentalism existed before Blair and Bush were even in office.
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