Paris attacks.

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Where you go from here is extremely unpleasant. Way too unpleasant for Western tastes.

I don't know but I imagine red telephones and big red buttons and a million boots on the ground mercilessly obliterating entire countries beyond imagination.

I suppose you can try and understand the monster but maybe the time has come to be a more vicious monster.

So nuke millions of muslims whilst having millions of muslims residing in the west at the same time, for the sake of a tragic but still relatively small scale attack in Paris? Don't think so.
Where you go from here is extremely unpleasant. Way too unpleasant for Western tastes.

I don't know but I imagine red telephones and big red buttons and a million boots on the ground mercilessly obliterating entire countries beyond imagination.

I suppose you can try and understand the monster but maybe the time has come to be a more vicious monster.

Its not the answer I am afraid, think of Sunday just past, education and investment is the answer as wrong as that sounds now.

Think of the hundreds on millions of dollars based on war. If we sent a battalion of teachers, police officers (lets face it there corrupt to the core as well) and builders to the tune of defence spending then thing will pick up.
Well I'm not a military expert but I'd wager that a coalition of Assad-Russian-US-European forces on the ground should be able to recapture all of the territory, the oil fields and the looted US weaponry ISIS captured, and kill a couple hundred thousand ****** ISIS 'troops' in the process.

You mean like how a decade of USA/UK and others in Iraq and Afghanistan stopped all terrorist activity in the region?
1050 venue I thought I heard them say, but people started leaving before they stormed into the place so there were likely significantly less people in there and being that there weren't many of them and likely multiple fire exits it's likely many got out. Will be very hard to know (till they release the information which they won't do for a while I would think) how many were left in the building after they stopped people leaving. I suspect it was a small portion of venues capacity and that a high percentage of those left inside were killed.


Ah, that makes sense.

In that case :( whatever the number it's terrible. Just hoped there was some good to come from the situation.
A jungle is difficult, a desert... You can just carpet bomb the place and you'll hit something eventually.

Obviously I'm not naive, the US more or less burned Vietnam to the ground and still lost.

carpet bombing! well that's a great strategy

the US got their arses handed to them in vietnam as they underestimated the terriotory. with the advances in technology and training today, it would be a more even field. still going into someones back yard looking for a fight is never the most ideal tactic.
The world is turning in to a war zone. :(

How do you stop an idea, is the big issue. We in the west are meant to 'tolerate'. That means tolerate people of different faiths, ethnicities etc.... Fundamentalist (Fascist) Islam is an idea as much as anything else. It will always exist as long as there are people to believe in it.

We can go in an obliterate ISIS from the face of the earth. But have we destroyed the idea, the faith? Of course not. It is nowhere and everywhere.
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Its not the answer I am afraid, think of Sunday just past, education and investment is the answer as wrong as that sounds now.

Think of the hundreds on millions of dollars based on war. If we sent a battalion of teachers, police officers (lets face it there corrupt to the core as well) and builders to the tune of defence spending then thing will pick up.

Too late, climate change is upon us, we don't have time to solve every problem for the most people.
So nuke millions of muslims whilst having millions of muslims residing in the west at the same time, for the sake of a tragic but still relatively small scale attack in Paris? Don't think so.

Half a dozen people have just brough one of the largest cities in the world to its knees.

That is not a small scale attack.
this was the first time I've seen facebook's safety feature working - just popped up on my phone 'person X was marked safe during Paris Terror Attacks'
Its not the answer I am afraid, think of Sunday just past, education and investment is the answer as wrong as that sounds now.

Think of the hundreds on millions of dollars based on war. If we sent a battalion of teachers, police officers (lets face it there corrupt to the core as well) and builders to the tune of defence spending then thing will pick up.

You want to send them hostages on a platter?

Look, the issue isn't education or investment. These people don't want to be like us and naively assuming that they all want to live like us is what got us into this quagmire.
Yea, we're not going over there and intentionally targeting innocent civilians. When they die, it is unfortunate collateral damage, not something we celebrate.

We often celebrate it, the USA's policy on drone strikes at the moment is any civilian killed by a drone becomes an enemy combatant for being in a place where a drone killed people.

Even if what you say is true, which it isn't, how do you think they see it when a wedding party is accidentally blown up killed 50 people, including children, by mistake? A sad accident or an invasion.
Its not the answer I am afraid, think of Sunday just past, education and investment is the answer as wrong as that sounds now.

Think of the hundreds on millions of dollars based on war. If we sent a battalion of teachers, police officers (lets face it there corrupt to the core as well) and builders to the tune of defence spending then thing will pick up.

But they're killing teachers.

Heck thames a whole terrorist group named "western education is evil" or similar
I'll admit times like this part of me wants to go "**** it just get rid of all the muslims" then I remember that 2 of my best friends are muslims and both of them would be just as in the firing line as you or I from these people.

So yeah as much as the basal part of me wants to just take vengeance it's important to remember that as much as they want us to see them one group they really aren't.

Rip to every innocent who died today

IMO the problem isn't so much Muslims or even as such Islam - like many religions it is considered taboo to question certain facets of the religion being at the very least ostracised possibly worse if you did - which plays directly into the hands of the unscrupulous and corrupt and largely has the effect of causing Islam to be a regressive rather than progressive movement.
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