Paris attacks.

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This is very simplistic thinking. The Iraq war was a completely different situation than the current ISIS situation. That was a 'rogue state' war. This is more similar to the Afghanistan situation, and in that case we did manage to topple the Taliban and kill Bin Laden. I'm sure it wouldn't be easy and blood would be spilled but I have bad news for you: that will also happen if we choose to do nothing.

2 weeks ago the Taliban retook a key village, we didn't topple the taliban, far from it, we are in constant negotiations with them. We cut off a few heads, but they are a hydra.
Half a dozen people have just brough one of the largest cities in the world to its knees.

That is not a small scale attack.

I meant that the causalities are relatively small in relation to the entire war on terror campaign, so jumping to a nuclear option isn't rational. But then again, when does the senseless killing all end?
Sorry herfderp, I'm not watching some shoddy youtube media propaganda about drones because I'm afraid it adds nothing to your incorrect statement.

It's HBO, its sourced, its been revealed in the WSJ, its from the pentagon.

But yea, "propaganda".

Keep your eyes shut dude, you might have to think otherwise!
I doubt we would have been so quick off the mark in the UK, we'd have to consult with the County Diversity officer first to check if anyone's human rights were being affected, and then arrange a meeting with the local multicultural consulting committee to avoid any minority butthurt from the community.

You seem to be forgetting the massive multi-agency training exercise that occurred in the capital just a few months ago.
2 weeks ago the Taliban retook a key village, we didn't topple the taliban, far from it, we are in constant negotiations with them. We cut off a few heads, but they are a hydra.

The tide will change when we change up the gears, drones will be self-targeting within the next few years.
Trust me, this is going to kick things off bigtime. Are we all supposed to sit here quietly and accept the crap our continent is being put through?

^^^This people are really ****ed off, not a good feeling that's for sure as I have a young one.

To the battle grounds, onwards and upwards old chap. Its the British way. ;)
This is it, now is the time to strike. How long can we go on until ISIS attack the UK or another EU country. Nothing but scumbags and cowards.
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