Paris attacks.

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Why is it France has been subjected to several high profile attacks recently? Why does the threat differ between us and them?

Easier access? Apparantly they recently started bombing runs so probably the cause of the latest attack.

lol blair, blair was bushes little poodle who went along for the ride, it was chaney and the military machine that got saddam toppled, it made them huge money, they just didnt know saddam was the cork holding the crazies in the bottle.

or did they know? but just not care

Fair enough. Won't see any evidence of this ever though.
Please Afghanistan was started by the Russians, you could argue this was a building block for the rest of the crap that comes from that neck of the woods.

In terms of modern history we were meddling in Afghan long before the Russians i.e.

Pretty much all the events in Iraq have happened before i.e. 1920s, etc.

EDIT: Well not so long in some ways as it was all part of
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Why is it France has been subjected to several high profile attacks recently? Why does the threat differ between us and them?

Useless bureaucracy holding back real results, police don't bother servicing the suburbs of Paris anymore, probably just raid it from time to time...
Easier access? Apparantly they recently started bombing runs so probably the cause of the latest attack.

26 miles of water, Germany love them so then wont **** in there own backyard and France likes to drop a bomb or too anywhere.
Why is it France has been subjected to several high profile attacks recently? Why does the threat differ between us and them?

Much easier access to weaponry, larger settled immigrant population with a lot of discontent meaning a larger pool for recruits. Entirely possible this is a homegrown attack.
Why is it France has been subjected to several high profile attacks recently? Why does the threat differ between us and them?

For a start it is vast compared to us, so there's a lot more ground to cover. Incoming transport routes are greater in number too.

Iianm there are many more terrorist attacks in France than here.
Why is it France has been subjected to several high profile attacks recently? Why does the threat differ between us and them?

they have lots of muslim slums and garrisons, weapons are easily trafficked in france too.

also we give better hand outs then france, its not much but it does help people from looking to other unsavouries for help.
So interrogate him, then lynch him. :rolleyes:

i doubt any of his fellow 'comrades' would give a stuff. just like any of the higher ranked members of ISIS ( can't think of another way to put it ) care about the minions they instruct to carry out this time of attack ( yet funnily enough wouldn't go into the danger zone themselves ) it's just killing and chaos for the sake of it

what do they want as a result of this? i'm not even sure they know themselves. they're just very confused and angry.
If Islam is such a peaceful religion why are they not out to exterminate extreme fanaticals?? :confused:

It looks bad ................ :(

So sad rip. :(
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