Paris attacks.

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Trust me, this is going to kick things off bigtime. Are we all supposed to sit here quietly and accept the crap our continent is being put through?

9/11 did not change much, Infact Sharia managed to get mentioned in the Simpsons cementing Islam in American popular culture. The big attacks actually let people know another religion exists and it is close.

The average person does not pick up a gun and take revenge, They leave it to the Goverment who has done nothing to curb Islam at all. Infact they are still busy scoring political points. Imagine if we had a 9/11 and we tried to blame Muslims? There would be a massive divide between the ******** and Muslims versus everyone else. Nothing is going to change drastically because we are mentally weak and the weak will be defeated. How many of us would have the guts to do a suicide attack?

Thought as much.
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Pictures on Sky News are horrifying. Pictures outside of Bataclan show explosions/stun grenades/gun fire.

Can't imagine what it would be like to be in the middle of that.

No and were not talking other end of tbe world either. I kinda feels like there closing in. Root problem?
It's HBO, its sourced, its been revealed in the WSJ, its from the pentagon.

But yea, "propaganda".

Keep your eyes shut dude, you might have to think otherwise!
You think the west killed 500,000 in the middle east. You actually don't know what you're talking about.

How can my eyes be shut when I work in the field? You stick to your media bias. I'll stick to the source.
This is very simplistic thinking. The Iraq war was a completely different situation than the current ISIS situation. That was a 'rogue state' war. This is more similar to the Afghanistan situation, and in that case we did manage to topple the Taliban and kill Bin Laden. I'm sure it wouldn't be easy and blood would be spilled but I have bad news for you: that will also happen if we choose to do nothing.

We didn't topple the Taliban, we secured a generation of people who want to join them. Secondly we AREN'T standing back and doing nothing, that is the problem. USA is killing people every single day of the year with drone attacks, other attacks, have military bases all over the region.

The fact that we aren't out of there is exactly why you have generations of people who hate the **** out of america.

Can you imagine living all day every day thinking you can be blown up by a drone at any moment. Seeing the aftermath of attacks, going to funerals of innocent friends and family who were caught in a drone attack. They live in terror every day as a result of America and because we support them and were involved in most of their actions we get tarred with the same brush.

The precise problem is we don't do nothing. Iraq and Afghanistan invasions were entirely unsuccessful in terms of preventing terrorism, stabilising the region(we did the exact opposite of that), what happened was defence contractors made increased profits throughout the wars and continue to make vast profits from drone attacks.
Jesus, firstly no one is blaming the West for these attacks, but they are absolutely part of the reason why forces like Isis are around. We both left weapons behind to arm them and removed governments and relative stability that allowed them to form. We also directly educated, trained and armed Osama Bin Laden, he literally was trained to fight Russia by the USA(not sure if UK were involved in that particularly).

Second, learn about what is going on in the world, America and the UK has been HEAVILY involved in multiple military actions in the middle east for 60+ years. The actual wars are minor compared to the crap the USA has been up to for decades.

You realise Iran was a relatively moderate and lovely place to live before America started pushing them to attack Iraq, when Iran was overthrown directly because of their involvement with America and the religious idiots took over and plunged the country into a oppressive state. The USA turned around and started working with Iraq.

The USA/UK has been involved with overthrowing governments, assassinations, civil wars, conflicts, arming, profiting from the entire for decades before Iraq/Iran.

I'm well aware of all that and only a few years ago i would probably have been here making exactly the same point....but i'm sick to death of the excuses now. These animals are directly targeting innocent civilians and my tolerance has now run out.
Strike what though?

Wasn't it bush and blair?

lol blair, blair was bushes little poodle who went along for the ride, it was chaney and the military machine that got saddam toppled, it made them huge money, they just didnt know saddam was the cork holding the crazies in the bottle.

or did they know? but just not care
We didn't topple the Taliban, we secured a generation of people who want to join them. Secondly we AREN'T standing back and doing nothing, that is the problem. USA is killing people every single day of the year with drone attacks, other attacks, have military bases all over the region.

The fact that we aren't out of there is exactly why you have generations of people who hate the **** out of america.

Can you imagine living all day every day thinking you can be blown up by a drone at any moment. Seeing the aftermath of attacks, going to funerals of innocent friends and family who were caught in a drone attack. They live in terror every day as a result of America and because we support them and were involved in most of their actions we get tarred with the same brush.

The precise problem is we don't do nothing. Iraq and Afghanistan invasions were entirely unsuccessful in terms of preventing terrorism, stabilising the region(we did the exact opposite of that), what happened was defence contractors made increased profits throughout the wars and continue to make vast profits from drone attacks.

Please Afghanistan was started by the Russians, you could argue this was a building block for the rest of the crap that comes from that neck of the woods.
Why is it France has been subjected to several high profile attacks recently? Why does the threat differ between us and them?

France is 10% Muslim by some accounts. I blame too much immigration there are 100,000 French converts to Islam as well.

The United States Department of State placed it at roughly 10%

According to Jean-Paul Gourévitch (fr), there were 7.7 million Muslims( about 11 percent of the population) in metropolitan France in 2011.

If they get taken over they fully deserve it.
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