Paris attacks.

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man, was I in shock when I saw the new this morning. Awful, just awful.

The problem is that we have already let it go too far, we have pandered to the supposed minorities for so long that we have allowed Islam to be firmly established in every major Western population centre, and in many cities there has been little to no integration and instead many areas (Bradford being a prime example) now resemble their host countries and cultures. Now it's so firmly established, it will forever be used as a base by hard-liners to promote radicalism in the very countries they want to target, and what do the moderate Muslim population themselves do to root this out? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Instead, they try to distance themselves from the attacks as quietly as possible while taking no action in their own communities and mosques to find these people and oust them. Because while the perpetrators may be radicals, they are still Muslim brothers and they do look after their own faith whether openly or with silence and turning the other cheek.

And then, we let in thousands and thousands migrants from war-torn countries that could easily hide an influx of young radicals or hidden ISIS members.

Things will drastically change in our lifetime as a result of this, our civil liberties will be affected, our way of life may discernibly change if it escalates, and either way someone is going to pay the price. Personally, I'd rather it be the belief system that both clandestinely and openly preaches hate towards non-believers.
I don't know what to say, I could say a lot but how much of it is from anger? Merkal is at fault opening europes borders to these people, france is at fault for letting them in unchecked and to head for Britain. I don't think this is going to be the only attack, I think this was organised and its not going to be the only one.
I've always been an open minded person but after reading about these attacks, and most other attacks to be fair, it's becoming very hard not to point a finger at a certain religion. I don't understand why they are just targeting normal innocent people who are just going about their lives for no reason. I would understand it more if they were attacking government buildings and embassies.

I have no doubt that the majority practicing that religion share the disgust, anger and sadness we all do over the events and they probably get sick and tired of having to justify Their religion to other people who criticise it but I don't think it would be unfair to say they aren't doing enough to stop these things becoming too frequent.

Really sad state of affairs. I absolutely adore Paris as a city so it's rather heart breaking seeing this happen in the same year as the Charlie Hebdo attacks.
ISIS have a metric of 'success' in France now. We've seen in Syria and Iraq that these people are accustomed to violence and outdoing their previous efforts in ever more grandiose fashion. With weapons and explosives available I don't believe there would have been much preparation required in last night's attack. A bunch of jihadists saying "let's do it" and the rest is history.
I'm going to assume it is IS revenge on the drone strikes. But seems so well organised and quick.

Either way the terrorists are really starting to make an impact. Infear a lot of negative press towards anyone that isn't a white or non stereotype Westerner.

I fear a lot of hate crimes and aggression incoming.

Dark times.

My thoughts too. Perhaps a sleeper cell has had the green light to act following the drone strike on JJ ?

Hate, fear and paranoia is exactly what the extremists want and I hope people don't walk into tha trap.
My thoughts too. Perhaps a sleeper cell has had the green light to act following the drone strike on JJ ?

Hate, fear and paranoia is exactly what the extremists want and I hope people don't walk into tha trap.

Of course it's not "quick and dirty" retaliation, it's a well planned and organised attack which was orchestrated to perfection. This was in place long before JJ was targeted.
There's a lot of talk about them (Dem Muslamics and there ray guns) travelling to France with guns.
Do we actually know who they are? Could they be French? I can't seem to find anything on this from a reliable news source.
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