Pentagon releases UFO footage

There is no such thing as aliens. This has been verified by god.

I have used this paradox to trick religious fundamentalists.

Do you believe in aliens?
No, is the usual answer. (usually because it contradicts, "God made man in his image")

What is an alien?
Something not from Earth

Do you believe in God?
Of course

If God made the Earth, he cannot be from Earth, so by your own definition he is an alien. So you do believe in aliens?
The only people mentioning aliens are the people trying to ridicule other people for not dismissing everything as a hoax

More straw man nonsense. The concepts of dismissing current evidence as weak and untestable is not the same as crying hoax.

Fact: UFOs exist and theories based on current evidence include:

1. Inconclusive due to lack of testable evidence
2. Misidentification
3. Hoax
4. Military prototypes
5. Aliens

All of these theories are probable with aliens being the least likely.
i don't get it - all that is is a few review papers. There's nothing special there.
Its papers to do with material studies from material that came from a UAP/UFO. It shows that some UAP/UFOs are real and physical objects. Some people are acting like UAP/UFOs are not real when we should be well beyond that point now. The links I posted combined do not prove aliens instead they show that UAP/UFOs are physical objects of some kind.

The way I see it is we should be moving past are UAP/UFO's real and instantly dismissing them as not real. Instead moving into some of them are real, what are they.

For me the people that deny UAP/UFO are real are in the same category as the crazy crackpots that blindly jump straight to green man from mars.
Its papers to do with material studies from material that came from a UAP/UFO. It shows that some UAP/UFOs are real and physical objects. Some people are acting like UAP/UFOs are not real when we should be well beyond that point now. The links I posted combined do not prove aliens instead they show that UAP/UFOs are physical objects of some kind.

The way I see it is we should be moving past are UAP/UFO's real and instantly dismissing them as not real. Instead moving into some of them are real, what are they.

For me the people that deny UAP/UFO are real are in the same category as the crazy crackpots that blindly jump straight to green man from mars.
where does it say anything came form a UFO?
i see some vague emails, a section of a research paper on metamaterials and the last pdf is just a bunch of review papers collected together.
The Calvine thing is the main reason I am done with the whole UFO/UAP scene.

We were told this was THE photo, THE smoking gun, THE photo to end all photos. Locked away for decades by the MOD and shroud in secrecy. This photo would never see the light of day, as if it ever got out it would confirm once and for all, that not only do aliens exist, that there was a government cover-up.

Then the photo leaks..... ROFLMAO.

Wait....that's it? another fuzzy floaty thing which could literally be anything. THAT'S the best we've got? Seriously!

Come back to me when the mothership lands in the middle of the M1 and the aliens walk out and say hello. Till then, I'm done with this.

If I had to guess whats been going on since's just secret military tech. Nothing more.

Oh but no, I'm wrong. This thing shot off 0-10,000mph in less than a second straight up without making a sound. Proof? Oh, no proof, just the world of someone on youtube who spoke to a news anchor who interviewed the uncle of the brothers mothers cleaner who happened to overhear a conversation whilst mopping the floor in ikea.

p.s. Two chefs drove 13 miles to the middle of nowhere at 9pm at night for a walk? This stuff writes itself.
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The Calvine thing is the main reason I am done with the whole UFO/UAP scene.

We were told this was THE photo, THE smoking gun, THE photo to end all photos. Locked away for decades by the MOD and shroud in secrecy. This photo would never see the light of day, as if it ever got out it would confirm once and for all, that not only do aliens exist, that there was a government cover-up.

Then the photo leaks..... ROFLMAO.

Wait....that's it? another fuzzy floaty thing which could literally be anything. THAT'S the best we've got? Seriously!

Come back to me when the mothership lands in the middle of the M1 and the aliens walk out and say hello. Till then, I'm done with this.

If I had to guess whats been going on since's just secret military tech. Nothing more.

Oh but no, I'm wrong. This thing shot off 0-10,000mph in less than a second straight up without making a sound. Proof? Oh, no proof, just the world of someone on youtube who spoke to a news anchor who interviewed the uncle of the brothers mothers cleaner who happened to overhear a conversation whilst mopping the floor in ikea.

p.s. Two chefs drove 13 miles to the middle of nowhere at 9pm at night for a walk? This stuff writes itself.

You need faith like others, just tell them something and they'll believe it.
More straw man nonsense. The concepts of dismissing current evidence as weak and untestable is not the same as crying hoax.

Fact: UFOs exist and theories based on current evidence include:

1. Inconclusive due to lack of testable evidence
2. Misidentification
3. Hoax
4. Military prototypes
5. Aliens

All of these theories are probable with aliens being the least likely.

Again, you're the only person mentioning Aliens while using it to ridicule legitimate discussion. If you don't like the thread and think it's all "nonsense" then why bother discussing it? I don't understand how all the testament of US Navy pilots in the context of also having footage is weak evidence though
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The Calvine thing is the main reason I am done with the whole UFO/UAP scene.

We were told this was THE photo, THE smoking gun, THE photo to end all photos. Locked away for decades by the MOD and shroud in secrecy. This photo would never see the light of day, as if it ever got out it would confirm once and for all, that not only do aliens exist, that there was a government cover-up.

Then the photo leaks..... ROFLMAO.

Wait....that's it? another fuzzy floaty thing which could literally be anything. THAT'S the best we've got? Seriously!

Come back to me when the mothership lands in the middle of the M1 and the aliens walk out and say hello. Till then, I'm done with this.

If I had to guess whats been going on since's just secret military tech. Nothing more.

Oh but no, I'm wrong. This thing shot off 0-10,000mph in less than a second straight up without making a sound. Proof? Oh, no proof, just the world of someone on youtube who spoke to a news anchor who interviewed the uncle of the brothers mothers cleaner who happened to overhear a conversation whilst mopping the floor in ikea.

p.s. Two chefs drove 13 miles to the middle of nowhere at 9pm at night for a walk? This stuff writes itself.

Lol, you hit the nail on the head. I remember reading about the Calvine UFO photo that was definitive proof that aliens exist. Fast forward decades to this photo being leaked and I just thought, 'another poor quality fuzzy image that proves nothing'. I was genuinely djected at the fact this was another low res low quality image that could just as easily be a fake.

Herein lies the problem. The UFOlogists present compelling yet ultimately worthless evidence and put the onus on to the sceptic to prove that their 'evidence' isn't proof of a UFO. So the sceptic of course has to concede that by definition it is a UFO. I 100% believe in UFOs, I just don't see any compelling evidence that the explanation is aliens. I used too think it was proof, but the more I read the more I realised that I wanted it to be true, so I convinced myself it was true.

Now I still want it to be true, but just can't make that leap based on the current unprovable evidence.
Why did the MOD classify it for so long? It's seemingly proof of nothing, yet the context is that this photo was kept deliberately classified by the MOD
where does it say anything came form a UFO?
i see some vague emails, a section of a research paper on metamaterials and the last pdf is just a bunch of review papers collected together.
The legal request was for data stored in the warehouse run on behalf of AATIP that stores material recovered from UAPs. The papers requested are test results on UAP recovered material, technical and analytical reports.

The legal request was only referencing UAPs, recovered debris and debris testing in related to UAPs. All papers are related to this matter.

The Scientist who managed the program that produced these technical documents was Dr. James Lacatski, DIA "Rocket Scientist” who admitted to a then-sitting US Senator that he was both an aeronautical scientist and a UAP government researcher. He was employed by Bigelow Aerospace under contract by AATIP to study material recovered from UAPs.

As this letter shows there is a security classification guidance document at Secret level classification that address the UAP issue and what may and may not be discussed publicly.

This next link shows they are only talking about UAP material and all the released files I linked to are in relation to the UAP material at the time stored at Bigelow Aerospace

“test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace under contract to the DoD/Pentagon I am instructing the FOIA officer working your request to check to see if these records are potentially ready for release to you now, or will be ready sooner than our generalized projection of JUN-JUL2021”

While I am not convinced any of this is to do with aliens as so far there is zero evidence for aliens. It does show that UAPs are real and more than just a hoax or make believe.
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Again, you're the only person mentioning Aliens while using it to ridicule legitimate discussion. If you don't like the thread and think it's all "nonsense" then why bother discussing it? I don't understand how all the testament of US Navy pilots in the context of also having footage is weak evidence though

I am not the only person mentioning aliens, in fact my first post in this thread was to respond to another poster who brought up the concept of aliens. So please stop with the strawman nonsense.

I have also never once ruled out it could be aliens, just that current evidence is not compelling enough to jump to the conclusion that it is.

Oh, and you have now also mentioned aliens at least two times. So can you please stop now thanks because apparently it is not allowd in this thread according to your own rules.
If aliens make it to earth they best make sure they got enough fuel for the trip back cuz its gonna cost them an arm and a leg (or other parts specific to aliens) to pay ripoff earth prices.
The Scientist who managed the program that produced these technical documents was Dr. James Lacatski, DIA "Rocket Scientist” who admitted to a then-sitting US Senator that he was both an aeronautical scientist and a UAP government researcher. He was employed by Bigelow Aerospace under contract by AATIP to study material recovered from UAPs.
So, in summary. Don't listen to science. Listen to the correct scientists - the pro-UFO ones - that are gonna blow the lid off this thing?

Okay. I look forward.
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