Pentagon releases UFO footage

You are making a strawman to conclude the old "science doesn't know everything" trope.
  1. Look up what science theory is because from what you just posted you clearly have no idea.
  2. Science theory does not provide the facts, it tests the facts and gives a logical explanation for why they happen in the natural world. For example it is a fact that if you drop an apple, it will fall to the ground. The theory of gravity in itself is not the fact, it is the explanation of why it is 100% always a fact the dropped apple will fall.
  3. If we apply the same scientific principle to UFOs/UAPs, then science has no accepted theory because there is no actual tangible evidence to test (see point 2)
  4. So science is not saying this is BS, it is saying we need testable evidence and until we have it we have to be sceptical.

Science can not and does not know everything, it only makes theories based on testable data. If it doesn't have data it can't make a theory.

Just because something is out the realms of scientific testing does not mean we should dismiss it straight out of hand.

Things exist that are beyond our imagination and knowledge, compare our knowledge to that of someone 500 years ago. 500 years in the future who knows what may be known.
because it's a very interesting subject where some people will believe any nonsense that's fed to them.
If I said that I saw Jesus in my garage you'd all think I was mentally unstable but some of you soak up nonsense fed by other people.

I'm just interested in any actual explanations you have of what this is and you can tell me why it's nonsense
So, in summary. Don't listen to science. Listen to the correct scientists - the pro-UFO ones - that are gonna blow the lid off this thing?

Okay. I look forward.
That is not an accurate summary at all. Science matters. Facts matter, blindly following pro-UFO people is as bad as blindly saying all UFO's are fake and/or a hoax.
Will aliens believe in god?
They might (but likely not) have their own god. Such is the thing with faith - Every society and culture has its own, and only their god is the right god.
But the moment of relief comes in the form of knowing that any species capable of what is essentially Kardashev 2 at the minimum levels of space travel will almost certainly be far beyond the societal stuff that our modern-primitive human race needs in order to function and not collapse into chaos, stuff like organised religion, currency, governments overseeing pockets of society etc.

For anyone who has seen the last few episodes of The Orville, the type of civilisation structure I am on about is talked about there in a super easy to understand way and presented really nicely too.
Will aliens believe in god?

They will probably have their own Gods if they are intelligent because they'll need something to blame or something to explain how they got there.
What's more important is those Aliens who are 2000 light years away, do some of them think there are 1000s upon 1000s of UFO/UAP sightings wizzing round their planet all the time and have they got potato cameras?
Science can not and does not know everything, it only makes theories based on testable data. If it doesn't have data it can't make a theory.

Just because something is out the realms of scientific testing does not mean we should dismiss it straight out of hand.

Things exist that are beyond our imagination and knowledge, compare our knowledge to that of someone 500 years ago. 500 years in the future who knows what may be known.

Lol. Something something science doesn’t know everything, ergo my pet CT/wish is perfectly valid and requires zero proof.

Of course science doesn’t know everything, or it would stop. Science will develop a theory On UFOs once (or if) testable evidence becomes available. Until then fuzzy photos like that frankly pathetic Calvine crap are just not remotely tangible as evidence.
You are making a strawman to conclude the old "science doesn't know everything" trope.

  1. So science is not saying this is BS, it is saying we need testable evidence and until we have it we have to be sceptical.


What I find interesting, is that the reports of these flying saucers (especially the Fravor account) are that they behave in such a highly exotic manner, eg; being able to travel in excess of 30k mph in the atmosphere, or "transmedium" propulsion or whatever. The problem is that with our current understanding of physics and the world around us, that these sorts of things are literally, absolutely impossible to achieve, not in 100 years or 1000 - but literally impossible, you can't do them, ever.

Therefore - if a flying saucer turns up, and a little green man gets out and shows us an anti-gravity machine, or a machine that can travel through any medium like a ghost, (basically there's no difference between it working by actual magic) and all of our scientific theories are incorrect - then so be it, we'll have to start from scratch and i'm fine with that, our knowledge can be proven wrong at any point.

But the bar for doing that is so insanely high, any such discovery would render everything we know to be obsolete overnight (again which is fine if it happens). But you can't just rock up with a hazy video or some **** and bull story account about a hovering tic-tac or whatever and expect to be taken seriously by serious people. :D
No idea, need more data and a better video otherwise it's nothing.
Personally I'm on the side it's something easily explainable.
OK here is more data. That object is flying 120 knots against the wind, it changes altitude, air speed, and changes attitude in a way that planes cannot. This object was cross referenced with a Ticonderoga-class guided missile Cruiser USS Princeton radar and multiple F/A-18F Super Hornet in the sky via its laser tracking pods all tracked it. It was also confirmed by eyes on the ground via commanding officer, Dave Fravor, and the Marine Corps Hornet squadron commanding officer among others. Nothing biology moves like that. Nothing publicly known from any of the major military's can fly like that. They seem to be confident its not US, not China and not a Russian craft. EDIT: infrared data, radar returns, video, testimony from credible eyewitnesses and all that data from multiple different source's as it was a battlegroup. So rules out faulty equipment. EDIT2: The object also used jamming gear on the 2nd set set of fighters to fly out.

Unless I missed something I don't see how you can be on the side of its easily explainable. Unless I missed some facts that's 100% proof UFO's are real and its far from explainable and has enough cross referenced data that it cannot be written off as fake or a hoax.
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I read an idea once that religion (or susceptibility to religious ideas) was an evolutionary necessity once we developed intelligence. The idea being once we tried to start understand the world around us and the cause and effect of things there was too much we couldn't explain and religion became a survival trait in order to do so. I.e. major weather events which would have had a life or death effect on ancient peoples could be explained by God and that somehow made it easier to cope.

It would follow that intelligent life elsewhere in the universe may have followed a similar evolutionary path to intelligence and therefore they too have 'God'.

Given the sheer numbers involved it seem likely intelligence has emerged elsewhere in the universe - whether or not it has been here seems very unlikely but there is always the possiblity I suppose.

So I'm not going to say its not aliens but it is extremely unlikely to be. That being said I found the testimony of David Fravor and others involved to be very compelling.
No idea, need more data and a better video otherwise it's nothing.
Personally I'm on the side it's something easily explainable.

You're saying it's nothing so I think you basically have no desire for serious discussion, you're watching US Navy pilots track an actual object moving in ways that we can't explain with our current level of known technology, nothing close - and you're describing it as nothing. The footage isn't silent either, the pilots are discussing it, presumably their eye sight is accurate? Or they're lying and the US Navy is conducting an elaborate hoax?
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Tbh if aliens tapped into our satellites and saw the drivel posted on fb, insta, Snapchat, twitter etc, then they would do a u turn and never bother us again.
Who needs probing when the majority cough up their private information for free.
You're saying it's nothing so I think you basically have no desire for serious discussion, you're watching US Navy pilots track an actual object moving in ways that we can't explain with our current level of known technology, nothing close - and you're describing it as nothing. The footage isn't silent either, the pilots are discussing it, presumably their eye sight is accurate? Or they're lying and the US Navy is conducting an elaborate hoax?
I joined this thread late and haven't read the first half of posts so this might have already been talked about. the interview goes into a lot more detail like how multiple waves of fighters where launched and all picked up the object. How the ships in the fleet had been tracking the objects on and off for 2 weeks. The first set of fighter pilots where unware of the objects being tracked in the weeks before so there are multiple independent reliable witness's all backed up my multiple fighters and ship military equipment. @SexyGreyFox I know its a long interview but at least watch the first 15 minuets of it. Then surly you can see how this is more then nothing.
Why did the MOD classify it for so long? It's seemingly proof of nothing, yet the context is that this photo was kept deliberately classified by the MOD

I am not the only person mentioning aliens, in fact my first post in this thread was to respond to another poster who brought up the concept of aliens. So please stop with the strawman nonsense.

I have also never once ruled out it could be aliens, just that current evidence is not compelling enough to jump to the conclusion that it is.

Oh, and you have now also mentioned aliens at least two times. So can you please stop now thanks because apparently it is not allowd in this thread according to your own rules.

Im not conviced but I still dont get it. If it isnt aliens then what is the point?

Are the people adamant that these arent alien ships saying they are humans from another dimension or the future?

Serious question for those that believe in this stuff.
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I joined this thread late and haven't read the first half of posts so this might have already been talked about. the interview goes into a lot more detail like how multiple waves of fighters where launched and all picked up the object. How the ships in the fleet had been tracking the objects on and off for 2 weeks. The first set of fighter pilots where unware of the objects being tracked in the weeks before so there are multiple independent reliable witness's all backed up my multiple fighters and ship military equipment. @SexyGreyFox I know its a long interview but at least watch the first 15 minuets of it. Then surly you can see how this is more then nothing.

Yeah I've watched that and that's why I come in here confused at how easily people are dismissing the videos
I joined this thread late and haven't read the first half of posts so this might have already been talked about. the interview goes into a lot more detail like how multiple waves of fighters where launched and all picked up the object. How the ships in the fleet had been tracking the objects on and off for 2 weeks. The first set of fighter pilots where unware of the objects being tracked in the weeks before so there are multiple independent reliable witness's all backed up my multiple fighters and ship military equipment. @SexyGreyFox I know its a long interview but at least watch the first 15 minuets of it. Then surly you can see how this is more then nothing.

I think most people have watched the interview,

There's no evidence to back up the things which were said by David Fravor, none at all - it's all just his verbal account. I do believe one or two other pilots were interviewed/came forward, but it's just verbal accounts - none of it can be corroborated.

The conflict of interest is huge, as some of these people have been involved with a scam company (to the stars academy) so we can't rule out that some/all of them, are being paid to tell lies to make money, and you absolutlely have to do that before you can take these frankly crazy claims with any hint of seriousness.
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