Philips 20" 200W6CS Widescreen TFT LCD

Andri said:
just ordered it :D .

its my first TFT i will be using on my home computer. have been using at 19" Sony CTR trinitron screen for a long time now. i expect it to perform miles better than my crt on the desktop, image quality etc. I am worried a little bit about the gaming performance considering my eyes are soo used to staring at a crt (probably why i'm going blind :P) for such a long time.

i mainly play World Of Warcraft which i'm not too worried about but i also play many FPS games.

oh well, already ordered so theres not much i can do about that now. time to sit back and enjoy :)
Same here, except I've been using the Samsung SM 900SL+, which is a great CRT. MMOs are also my drug of choice, but I wouldn't go back to WoW if you paid me :p

Looking forward to playing Vanguard on a 20" widescreen tho!
This monitor was just bosted best 20" widescreen monitor by Pc Pro

pitty they didnt have a NEC for review in the group though ...
Well, mine just arrived :D It really does look beautiful! Haven't done any real testing yet, but I'll be back when I have...

For now, I'd like to ask Badass or one of the crew a question:

When did you start putting free gifts inside the box? Mine was a stanley knife! Had the monitor had any obvious flaws, I'd have been quite cross, but as it is I'm happy to see the funny side :p After all, you never know when a stanley knife will come in handy!

Going to watch Serenity and play some Quake 4, then borrow my bro's camera so I can get some pics to post here. I don't think I've got any backlight bleed, or if I have it's marginal enough not to bother me. Can't see any dead pixels either - phew!

Coming from a 14" CRT, this is like a different world :D Thank goodness I didn't have to use that old 14" for more than a couple weeks!
Ordered one of these from another shop (because I’m not from the UK).

I have a decent LG Flatron CRT atm and this will be my first LCD. I base my decision on what I’ve read here the past several months, I’m hoping it doesn’t disappoint.
Pac3y said:
Sorry! its on the monitors options. Would like to compare to what other people are using!
I think I've mentioned most of the following in bits and pieces before but it's all in one place here.
Some people could find my settings less 'vivid' than they are used to or like, however my objective is a good match between what I see on the display and what comes out of my colour printer on photo paper.

There are three ways you can adjust your monitor's picture quality:

1. From the video driver card settings. You usually get to this by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting the line with the name of tha card e.g nVidia Display

2. By adjusting the monitor's on-screen controls. I've found the range of these limited on the LCD compared with CRT

3. By using a Gamma colour balancing program. Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements supply Adobe Gamma.
A freebie is Monitor Calibration Wizard, but I've found this more difficult to use than Adobe Gamma and it's easy to produce strange results. I found it best to ignore the two extreme LH adjustments for each colour and use the other seven to fix the fine colour adjustments.

Here are my settings for an vVidia 6600GT card and the Philips monitor (DVI connection):

nVidia card: Apply colour changes to All, Brightness: 81, everything else default.

Monitor: Brightness 4.5, Contrast 6.2

Monitor Calibration Wizard Brightness 1.1 (this'brightness' works differently from the monitor and the card because it adjusts the Gamma brightness which changes dark parts of an image differently from light parts)

However the Monitor Calibration Wizard has the ability to save a colour profile and reload it every time Windows starts. For some reason this wasn't happening with the Photoshop profile. So I finished set up using Adobe Gamma then Monitor Calibration Wizard to store and reload the settings.

Finally. I use the image here to print a sample to match against the display.
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Just thought I'd say how much I love this monitor :) Coming from a CRT I would probably have been impressed by any TFT, but this thing is just wonderful! Everything is so much sharper and better defined, and colours are richer and more vibrant.

There is a little perceptible "bleed" (or perhaps loss of uninformity) in the corners. It's visible on a black screen, if you look for it. On a screen with a non-black image, it's gone.

All in all, I'm very happy to have bought this monitor and saved myself some ££. The NEC might be even better, but I don't care now ;) This is for me quite good enough. And I even got a free stanley knife *chuckles*.

If anyone is tempted by the special offer OcUK are doing atm, I can only say "go for it!"
Raymond Lin said:
are you using DVI ?

I am for the PC yes and VGA for the xbox 360. I just wanted a set settings that I could swap between the two without having to change them. My PC gamma etc is just flat default. (GF 7800GT)
Johanson said:
i got my new philips today, its great but it seems to have a lot of backlight bleed in the top right corner. Is this normal? cant take a pic sorry.

Mine has a slight bleed in the top left, but only when trying to veiw a completely black screen. For everyday use and gaming it isn't noticable to me at all.

Huge thumbs up for this monitor and to RaymondLin who's expertise in photography also persuaded the wife that it would be a good idea to upgrade. :D
i dont think its so much backlight bleed as to panel uniformity, as badass has posted several times, the bleed on these is minute compared to some of the dells that people have.

However, I've had mine just over 4 weeks now and its been great, however, it has just developed one stuck/dead pixel smack bang in the middle of the monitor lol tis very annoying as i keep looking for it now! It is mainly on red that it is most noticable. It goes black when there is a red background, and like a cyan colour on white, but its impossible to see on blue/black and green, tried the usual massage, but to no avail. Tried running a pixel stimulator (flashing colours for a couple of hours) but hasnt made any difference. I will leave it running overnight see if it makes any difference.
My monitor came already attached to the base (which i thought was a bit suss.) would anyone be able to tell me what size screws will fit these holes (is it vesa wall mounting) at the back of the monitor? Or let me know where to find the specs :)
reason I ask is that i would like to make a bracket to mount a centre speaker over the top of this monitor.
***update - found vesa mounting info ; 4mm dia screws 100mm apart. not sure about the thread tho will just have to guess :)

also about pixels. isnt it quite rare for pixels to actually become dead ones? (i hope). Yesterday a light green pixel appeared on my monitor that wouldnt shift. I thought it was a defective pixel but I had just installed a uxtheme patcher. removing it and restoring the original uxtheme.dll, the problem went away.
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i had the same problem with the stand already attached and the double cellotape on one sid of the box also the handle was missing and it has clearly been opened before just deciding to keep it or return it as a repack which by understanding is illegal
Mine came with the stand attached, i think they all do. But i am sure mine was new as all the cables were not open and i was one of the first to order this monitor.
all my cables were folded up in two bags ,and ive noticed there is a problem with the down volume button seems to only work every so often .can i just add it still is a fantastic mon very good blacks far superior to my old samsung 913
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