Hmmm so insurance company has decided to send me a cheque to replace my damaged tv, sending me a cheque for £1400.
Only problem is that the b6 oled TVs are pretty much sold out at the price point of £1300 odd.
I could go and get the same tv that I had which was damaged. But really wanted the b6 oled.
At the moment I'm using my Panasonic 46 plasma which is still a brilliant tv. And am thinking I might as well just hang onto the money and get a b7 when they invariably drop in price sometime next year.
Gahh decisions decisions :/.
Deal ended on Monday Glanza, they ran out of stock of the 24" models needed to do it.
So is this B7 really that much better than the B6?
The price difference is pretty substantial. I presume this is before the B6 is older.
Edit - ignore as I've seen replies to a similar question.
So is this B7 really that much better than the B6?
The price difference is pretty substantial. I presume this is before the B6 is older.
Edit - ignore as I've seen replies to a similar question.
I might be wrong but I'm sure I've seen the B6 being sold by R Sound
They had some ex demo or recon stock last week but it wasn't a great saving. I spent best part of a week trying to source the b6 but no one has new stock anymore, luckily got the currys deal for the b7.
Ahhhh yes that's the one.
Curved TVs still a thing?