Pico 4 out soon?

right, im so close to not using VD
im connected to my PC

but all i see in my headset is basically this (this is the PC connecting version)


the dots are moving so its "trying to fully conerct" but Thats all i see, no desktop, no steam , nothing
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So, after a couple of hours tonight trying different things, I am happy with the Pico 4

Impressed I can still play my Oculus library and Steam VR works fantastic.

Virtual Desktop is a must buy for anyone that owns the Pico 4 until their own link software matures.

Watching movies even using Big Screen, the headset is comfortable, light and the screen is really crisp and clear.

My pico 4 is arriving today. Sorry if this is a stupid question, I’ve never used vr before. How can I watch Netflix VR and YouTube VR on the pico?
To everyone who bought one, thanks for the feedback so far!

It would be good to know the following whenever you guys get the chance,
  1. Is there a YouTube VR app installed or available in their store?
  2. How's the default browser they provide? Can you install Firefox Reality (or its replacement Wolvic) from their store or sideload?
  3. How's the general battery life when gaming, watching movies, browsing?
  4. Does usb-c to 3.5mm adapter work?
Temped to get one this week. Many thanks!
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Initially wasn't too impressed. But in less than 24 hours I really like the Pico 4. Most significant improvements over Quest 2 for me are, the far more forgiving sweet spot. The total lack of outside light (once nose guard is installed). The fan cooling my eyes which stops fogging. Improved FOV and precision IPD. For me the Quest 2 felt like a great novelty, but this feels like something I could use regularly.
spent all evening trying to get the pico streaming to work, to no avail

looks like VD is the way to go

but im going to try using a cable to pc first
I'm making my way through all the various settings in VD to test performance. Even though my GPU is sat around 50% I'm still getting some minor stuttering so maybe latency, unless it's due to me running at 72 and not 90.
There are lots of indie VR game made with Unity that I play with Oculus Quest 2.
Can I play them with the PICO 4 ?
If not, is there a way to "simulate" OculusQuest2 with Pico4 to make it compatible ?
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a lot of Quest 2 games are "cross buy"
you get Quest 2 and rift versions
so check that, then yes if its rift version you can

example, In Death unchained, i bought this on the quest 2, the PC version is NOT the same, so id have to buy that again

There is "Revive", but i haven't tried it yet
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spent all evening trying to get the pico streaming to work, to no avail

looks like VD is the way to go

but im going to try using a cable to pc first
Yeah I'm not having any luck either,
No WiFi 6 router so was hoping to use a cable,
Looks like steam vr is saying headset not detected and if forever stuck in the loading loop in the headset
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