Pico 4 out soon?

Apparently mines turning up today! Doh, didn’t even think about that wifi 6, my motherboard has it so might need to set that up.

Although in this video he says you can use a link cable?

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Right, so I've spent all morning testing various settings and benchmarking. The improvements are staggering. I've got it to run and look like my pico3 on displayport. It's stunning, what a difference!!

I still need to test a bit more as I think I can push this further, but I've gone from 72hz okish quality with stuttering, to rock solid 90hz with a crystal clear picture. I monitored VD performance graph and also installed fpsVR.

forgive me if I forget some headings as this is from memory

Router Settings (reboot headset after) - Mines an Asus AX-55

Mode: AP

Band: 5Ghz Only

Mode: AX Only

Channel Bandwidth: 80Mhz

Control: Include DFS Channels

WMM No-Acknowledgement: Enabled



Bluetooth - Off

Brightness - 50%

Display - 90Hz

Virtual Desktop

Codec - HVEC

Gamma - 0.75

Quality - High (Ultra costs me approx -10fps, depends on game)

Framerate - 90

Bitrate - 150 (dropping to 100 saves approx 5-10ms and still looks good)

Sharpening - 75%

Increase Video Nominal Range - On (I think it looks really good)

Spacewarp - Off

Sliced Encoding - On

Video Buffer - Off

Nvidia CC - Latency - Ultra

SteamVR - 100%

I've just played Automobilista2 at a rock solid 90fps, latency never moved from 35ms. Game ran smooth as silk and looked great.

Now don't ask me why, but I think the biggest difference came from going from 72 to 90. Why the latency dropped from 50 to 35 I don't know, but I did have to reboot the headset which would have reconnected the wireless, so maybe the router changes weren't picked up before?
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I've just played Automobilista2 at a rock solid 90fps, latency never moved from 35ms. Game ran smooth as silk and looked great.

What GPU are you using? If you get a chance could you test the performance overhead of streaming?

Maybe set the pico 3 to same absolute steam resolution as you are using on the 4 and compare performance?

I’m grumpily sat in a hotel room unable to get my grubby little mits on the pico waiting for me at home - haven’t had an extended duty away from home for years and it just so happens it’s this week… typical!
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If you get a chance could you test the performance overhead of streaming?

Maybe set the pico 3 to same absolute steam resolution as you are using on the 4 and compare performance?

I’m grumpily sat in a hotel room unable to get my grubby little mits on the pico waiting for me at home - haven’t had an extended duty away from home for years and it just so happens it’s this week… typical!

Pico3 went back mate, dead pixel :cry:
Hmm yea' I think my router is a bit too old to be able to handle it, guess it's new router time! Any recommendations?

NETGEAR Nighthawk X4S Smart Wifi Router (R7800) - AC2600​

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Hmm yea' I think my router is a bit too old to be able to handle it, guess it's new router time! Any recommendations?

NETGEAR Nighthawk X4S Smart Wifi Router (R7800) - AC2600​

The chap who makes virtual desktop recommends the Asus AX-55 which is why I bought it. There's a router shootout on youtube somewhere, but some of the more expensive ones were actually worse!
The chap who makes virtual desktop recommends the Asus AX-55 which is why I bought it. There's a router shootout on youtube somewhere, but some of the more expensive ones were actually worse!
Nice one mate, thank you. I will take a look at that and a look for the video.
I've just played Automobilista2 at a rock solid 90fps, latency never moved from 35ms. Game ran smooth as silk and looked great.

Now don't ask me why, but I think the biggest difference came from going from 72 to 90. Why the latency dropped from 50 to 35 I don't know, but I did have to reboot the headset which would have reconnected the wireless, so maybe the router changes weren't picked up before?
Thanks for the detailed report. Can I ask what the latency measurement is. Is that motion (head movement) to photon?
Thanks for the detailed report. Can I ask what the latency measurement is. Is that motion (head movement) to photon?

This is what I'm looking at

It's just what VD performance monitor says. How do I check the other stuff?
For accurate motion to photon measurement I think you need external test equipment. Wasn't sure if Virtual Desktop had some hooks into the headset hardware to negate the need for this. From your screenshot it looks like it's just the time it takes for the game to render a frame, your GPU/CPU to encode it, send it to the headset and be decoded at the other end.

Edit: https://www.optofidelity.com/blog/measuring-head-mounted-displays-hmd-motion-to-photon-mtp-latency
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i bought VD, quickly loaded up HL Alyx
bit better than the Q2, only a quick game though

HL Alyx : The "fuzziness" seems to have gone in the game though, so that's a big positive

i will try Elite dangerous, that should be miles better
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wired connection - SAME ISSUE
does not work !
pico streaming software is just naff
i got it to work,
restarted pc after install,
open streaming assistant,
wire the headset,
go into headset and open streaming assistant in there and connect,
allow the headset the open steam itself and it worked,

Honestly the quality is **** poor on automobilista 2, even the close things like the dash display looked terrible unless i moved very close to it,
i even tried to bump the steam resolution to 150% and it didn't make a difference, must be a setting somewhere im missing, but its like it didn't take effect,
For now the quest 2 wired has this beat by miles
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i got it to work,
restarted pc after install,
open streaming assistant,
wire the headset,
go into headset and open streaming assistant in there and connect,
allow the headset the open steam itself and it worked,

Honestly the quality is **** poor on automobilista 2, even the close things like the dash display looked terrible unless i moved very close to it,
i even tried to bump the steam resolution to 150% and it didn't make a difference, must be a setting somewhere im missing, but its like it didn't take effect,
For now the quest 2 wired has this beat by miles

via wired ?
hmm, must be a setting
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