Pirates Ahoy!

Hmm it seems to be running ok as far as the site is concerned. I've been getting through ok all night.

Do you need to set a proxy?

Performance mods are restricted to making your machine run as fast as you can. But Rosetta is a bit sensitive to overclocks.
I've pulled another quad into the fray. :) Its the quad on my FAH GPU cruncher so I hope it doesn't have a paddy. :eek:
Our output is 15k and their's is 40k. What's the plan Mr Biffa? ;)


Just another 15K to go :eek: :D
Hmm it seems to be running ok as far as the site is concerned. I've been getting through ok all night.

Do you need to set a proxy?

Performance mods are restricted to making your machine run as fast as you can. But Rosetta is a bit sensitive to overclocks.

i don't need to set a proxy , i just ran bionc and let it download what it needs if finished what it needed but didnt upload/download new tasks etc because of that " Request pending, Communication Deferred" hmm seems to be ok atm
Berzerker/Tross/Biffa, post this up in the CPU forums :)

Might be able to recruit some more people then.

I was going to wait for my one million certificate from Seti before doing a temporary switch but as soon as my cache clears (only a few hours if that) i'll switch over and help out where I can for a while.

Besides I can hardly parp 'The Tross' while he is away fighting can I :D

Tried to run both together last night as a test before switching but Rosetta just takes over all the tasks regardless of the allocation in Boinc. One advantage though is that it uses my Seti settings and runs 12 tasks concurently. Do these cpu times look ok? about three hours/10,000secs per unit running Mini Rosetta 1.54 I will try and check that against elapsed time also.

Just hit the button to join the team.

Cheers, Simon.
New members in last day said:
Simon | david | Kris | Andrew | jklc | Mejinks | Ben M | Slashiem | Pixus | Paj | MattandJet | Happy | Jamie | DannyUK | Oddw1re | Jimbu | Casey Chaos | Chris | Fridge | Thomas | Peve | SourChipmunk | SharkAttack! | Russell | Poolybit
Add my lone single cruncher to the list. If however my plan comes to fruition I may have access to a very very nice piece of kit :D (32 cores)
Why does this always happen when I'm away? :(

I won't be home for another 3 1/2 weeks so I can't help, I'm afraid.
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