Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

But they are that is the whole reason they have used current pc tech in both consoles and not a custom setup using something like the cell.

The games will be easily created on the pc and ported over to the consoles. I was trying to say I'm not sure how much of a good thing this is ?

Yep porting surely will be easier and will be better for PC gamers.

But the tech and equivalents in the PC world are nothing alike.
Even a rig of the same spec is not comparable. With a PC you've got the overheads of Windows and then DirectX as well. Sony can allow low-level access to the hardware which Microsoft do not permit even on Xbox.
Wonder if MS change stuff up for their announcement, 8GB of GDDR5 is not to be sniffed at.
Ill be bloody amazed if they dont change the quality of it, still astounded by the notion of it being just DDR3 with a chunk of ESRAM as a gfx buffer
Even a rig of the same spec is not comparable. With a PC you've got the overheads of Windows and then DirectX as well. Sony can allow low-level access to the hardware which Microsoft do not permit even on Xbox.
Still only gonna see that usage from first/second party games, no multiplat developer wants to spend additional effort if the original port is adequate.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Ill be bloody amazed if they dont change the quality of it, still astounded by the notion of it being just DDR3 with a chunk of ESRAM as a gfx buffer

But isn't Kinect 2.0 going to add $100 to the price of the system? MS need to be careful not to make it too expensive unless they are going to go for a $99 upfront payment with a tie-in to 3 years worth of $20 a month. Changing the RAM from DDR3 to GDDR5 will incur some extra $.
Ill be bloody amazed if they dont change the quality of it, still astounded by the notion of it being just DDR3 with a chunk of ESRAM as a gfx buffer

ps3ud0 :cool:

Question is can they do it this late, can they get the quanitities needed, can they do it within budget. Holiday release, is what, only 8 months away?

If the roumered specs are accurate and they have been fairly so far apart from sony doubling the ram. Remember people were saying sony had an advanatge with the roumoured 4GB GDDR5 vs Xboxs 8GB DDR3. Double that and sony must trounce them now.

edit, Spelling = late
PC gamers on here cry about the possible GFX chip, to consider that GFX chip to be using just DDR3 is even more absurd IMHO. When was the last time you saw a GFX card with DDR3? Whacking in some ESRAM just seems to be a Sony way of doing something (i.e. overly convoluted).

EDIT: To be frank, I dont believe the rumours on Durango, but hard not to notice that those same sites got the Orbit pretty much spot on. I think with it being 8Gb GDDR5 on the PS4 that perhaps these rumours relate to older dev systems than we are led to believe and even then dev system specs arent the be all and end all...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Will, in all certainty pick a PS4 up. hopefully with x86 architecture and PC like components, porting and development will be a much better process for developers and a better experience for us in the long run (no more choppy framerates and bad looking games).

Though, am I the only one who isn't looking forward to the Killzone/Media Molecule/Infamous. Most sony IP's don't interest me in the slightest, the exclusive new IP's like Drive Club, Deep Down, The Witness excited me the most.
Though, am I the only one who isn't looking forward to the Killzone/Media Molecule/Infamous. Most sony IP's don't interest me in the slightest, the exclusive new IP's like Drive Club, Deep Down, The Witness excited me the most.

I'm a big fan of Killzone 3 (but not the previous two) so I hope I like KZ4 as I'm going to name it. Infamous 3, as I'm going to call that one, will hopefully be as excellent as the previous 2 have been. Thoroughly great games those. MM stuff I can't get my head round at all. But I like the look of The Witness most. I enjoyed Braid a lot and I do love a good puzzle.
Dont you have a sheepskin rug?

(Im sorry)

ps3ud0 :cool:

I live in Wales can we get past this please? :p
I don't think there is a screen just a touch pad like the vita. Unless I missed something.. ?

Yeah my bad, I missed the first hour or so of the presentation. From the looks of those pictures it's a touchpad like the back of the Vita, looks like a great controller too.
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how can it be an enhanced PC if it has a fixed 8gb and many people on this forum already have 16gb?

how can it be an enhanced pc if its not as good as a top spec pc and cant do everything a normal pc can do...

if anything its a stripped down pc in a box locked to a specific operating system.

they might as well call it the sony mac
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