Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

Most of the games, the developers admitted where actually running on a PC behind the scenes (same spec as the PS4).

Well, the PS4 is basically a PC so if the PC is of a similar spec, what's the issue?

I agree with the general sentiment that this was just a large scale marketing exercise and was a bit 'meh'. The graphics on Killzone looked better than anything I've seen to date though - if the final version looks the same.
Watched it for an hour tgen turned off.

Games and spec looked good, dont like the controller. Like the fact you can recored your videos easily but the whole show was about social media. . really not fussed. I enjoy single player ..

Shame the bf4 thig was bs, strange they didnt actually show us the console though!
So they were running it off a similar spec pc in the background?

Why dont my games look like ps4 already then! :(
stop banging on that the machine is just a PC.... what did you expect them to do? create a whole new series of 32gb RAM use a million core processor that was cooked on Mars?

They are using modern technology to develop a new gaming machine, the specs are very good! 8cores... 8gb ram, ... yes our PCs have this but PC games are not developed knowing that all users can support 8gb are they! in fact most games are made for 2gb RAM. When the 360 and ps3 was released could we not build a PC with a similar spec? of course we could!....

I get the feeling that if Sony had said the machine can get up and go to work for you while you connect to it from home and game, people would still whine.
I thought the press conference was pretty good really, little long winded and repetitive on some of the points. But there they talked about stuff that you would really get like the raw specs/chipsets they are using and what they are doing with that power rather than just saying "more memory for higher fidelity" that you usually get :p

They talked about the OS running in the background which is by far probably going to be the biggest selling point over the long-term for these consoles. The Gaikai stuff sounds really interesting but I believe is going to have a lot of pitfalls for most gamers as it having to stream at lower resolution or plenty of connection issues especially with us UK peeps who might not have the best connections :p

They had some big games shown as well and developers did general seem really interested in the hardware and the notion of games being interactive everywhere. Some of the demos were kind of disappointing in the way they straight up looked like video even though they were supposed to be live demos. I don't mean CG videos but just pre-recorded :p Which I can't blame the devs for but it shouldn't be shown as a live demo.

Blizzard announcement was great and its nice to see they seem generally interesting in the hardware. Then we got to see the controller as well as the date which is probably more than I was expecting.

I'm not sure why people are bothered about not seeing the console? We know what it can do visually and I think we are in an era where the physical look of the device wouldn't be a massive issue. Plus if they played all their cards now how boring would Sony's E3 be compared to Microsofts (if they do their unveiling at E3).

Overall the press conference was actually more than I expected and a little too long winded with the whole philosophical side of what the PS4 is going to be. But I'm looking forward to seeing more about it :D
I agree with the general sentiment that this was just a large scale marketing exercise and was a bit 'meh'. The graphics on Killzone looked better than anything I've seen to date though - if the final version looks the same.

This is a serious question, not any kind of windup

Are tech demo's any more "stressing" on a system resources than an animated film?

Im not disputing it looks good, a lot of the tech demo's (especially that one of the old guy's face) looked fantastic, but without realtime game play Im not sure what it really proves

I think it was Witness , in the city chasing after the mugger avoiding the police etc, looked incredible but some of the pop ups (like hacking the atm, stealing data wirelessly just by going past people) Im not entirely convinced from a gameplay aspect (did the player just get given the data , just walking past someone isnt hard after all)

afriend of yours taking over your controls for a tricky part of a game sounded like a good step in the right direction, but it will be interesting to see how laggy/or not that is - and whether your friend still needs the game installed on their ps4 or whether having previously played it is enough....

They talked about the OS running in the background which is by far probably going to be the biggest selling point over the long-term for these consoles.

With abilities like instant on, Im wondering if its less an o/s and more a firmware (maybe splitting hairs, but its unintentional) and therefore contained in its own dedicated chip/on die ram
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The 8Gb GDDR5 is completely mental, in a good way. The Titan only has 6GB, albeit the GPU itself is better, but still. Hopefully it won't shoot up the price though.
I think people asking why some big Publishers weren't there and no huge franchises were seen only need look at the state of the games industry.

3rd party AAA franchises are across all consoles, infact this Xmas new games are likely to be on the existing generation and forthcoming generation because its all about profit.

Given how important this is, somebody like EA making a Battlefield announcement will want their own Press Conference and unveil.
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