I don't have any use for it, and I own hundreds of blurays. I prefer to enjoy my films in the IQ and sound quality that the format offers, not compressing it.
Hear, hear.
I don't have any use for it, and I own hundreds of blurays. I prefer to enjoy my films in the IQ and sound quality that the format offers, not compressing it.
Everyone I know who uses MKV is because they downloaded it illegally.
I don't have any use for it, and I own hundreds of blurays. I prefer to enjoy my films in the IQ and sound quality that the format offers, not compressing it.
I have to say, while it's a bit off topic, but since getting my nice big smart 3D television and my surround sound and amp, the quality of Blu Rays is incredible and easily worth the money, after seeing this I can't understand why people download things to use on their systems, the drop in quality isn't worth it.
The quality of my Blu ray rips with menus etc...are just the same quality as the Blu ray themselves. However I don't have to psychically handle my disks.
Dude, you have OCD. They're just discs. And Blu-ray is quite durable.
My TV plays MKV and millions of people back up their prized Blurays to MKV files and stream them over their network.
Capcom, quantic dream showed off some impressive stuff. We saw another final fantasy and we saw the new infamous. Ontop of killzone and watchdog
Everyone I know who uses MKV is because they downloaded it illegally.
I don't have any use for it, and I own hundreds of blurays. I prefer to enjoy my films in the IQ and sound quality that the format offers, not compressing it.
lol, seriously though only a handful of people back up their blu rays, the smart people just pirate them
lol, seriously though only a handful of people back up their blu rays,
All my Blu-rays are backed up as MKV rips onto my home server. The kids like to get the discs out and look at the boxes but I prefer to just click and play.
It would be nice if the new consoles could play these over the network.
Can't the PS3 already do that if you install the PS3 Media Server onto said computer that has the files? Or is it not capable of streaming MKV?
Can't the PS3 already do that if you install the PS3 Media Server onto said computer that has the files? Or is it not capable of streaming MKV?
Oh i missed that part! It just seems weird that GTA 5 will be released this year on the current gen consoles, and within a few months the new consoles will hit. I'm guessing there will be a next gen version too?
Yes but the PS3 does not play them natively. And encode on the fly is going on on the server in real-time in order for the PS3 to play them,
Its a buggy PITA resource hungry faff.