Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?


All that ^^ demonstrates is no matter how powerful your gaming set up is, if the devs don't work to harness the power, it's all moot. :D
Im talking about for ripping purposes =P

millions will own them by now, because they are used by many professions, photographers, videographers, etc.

the playstation 4 is a games console first and foremost, it's main market is gamers, in this market there is no viable reason for MKV support other than to make roughly 0.01% of their target market happy.

i have roughly 10 different devices in my home capable of playing MKV's I don't really care if the ps4 can also.
Any ideas on how this light bar on the controller will be implemented when coupled with the stereo cameras? What's that going to be used for in games?
The video, when in motion actually is pretty decent. I just want to see some real in game footage with that type of detail. It's early days anway, i remember how tekken 1 looked, and how tekken 3 was so much better. Devs just need to harness the power.

I never expect any early games to be mind blowing, graphics wise at least.
Details revealled on the new cameras

Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has dished the dirt on how the company's latest camera accessory will work. The PlayStation 4 Eye comes with a pair of 1,280 x 800 cameras, four microphones and an 85-degree field of view. The two lenses are designed to be used in a variety of ways, including triangulating the 3D space, gesture recognition, Kinect-style body tracking, or in conjunction with accessories like the Wonderbook or DualShock 4 controller.

The Sony Studios chief used a PS Eye-style AR game as an example, saying that with the original camera, one lens had to do everything. With the new unit, one camera will concentrate on capturing the action and ensuring good picture quality, while the other is dedicated to motion tracking. Another reason that the Move functionality was incorporated into the DualShock is to enable the console know where you're sitting in relation to the TV (and your on-screen character). The company is also aiming to enable users to take 3D pictures and video and store it on the console.

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