Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

Lets get this past the whole PC vs Console debate, which quite frankly is depressing (not sure why i got dragged into it). Even children know hardware wise a highend PC will crush any console technically. Its not like I'm a console fan boy either, quite contrary, im a PC enthusiast. These are just a few of my last few rigs (not including my current one + about 4 others i couldn't be arsed doing project logs for all in the space of a couple of years: -

Anyhow moving on and on topic.

Sony say they have a lot more to reveal in due coarse. Have been holding back on purpose and for other reasons including some things not nailed down yet.

I'm hoping for some new IP's at E3, whilst Killzone possible the best looking game i have ever seen, i'm not a fan of the gameplay style. In fact found found killzone 2 unplayable, and didnt bother with 3.

Along with new IP's looking forward to see what ND have to offer and possibly a new GoW although unlikely as devs have been working on the PS3 GoW title.
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I don't really understand this; there's already a PS4 topic in the PC section, why do we need all this PC speak in here too?

I'm sure we can all fully appreciate that there isn't much to talk about considering the limited info available on the PS4, but this thread seems to have rapidly degenerated into nonsensical waffling and petty arguing.
Do you really think the developers will be getting the most out of the PS4 at release? No. You can buy a PC for £500 that'll play the same games with the same if not more eye candy.

since it is already using established hardware and architecture (x86) which has been used for what over 10 years now, is there any reason why they shouldn't be able to, if they were competent in any way so that excludes EA straight away, but i'm sure a decent development team would be pushing it to it's limits straight off the bat.
since it is already using established hardware and architecture (x86) which has been used for what over 10 years now, is there any reason why they shouldn't be able to, if they were competent in any way so that excludes EA straight away, but i'm sure a decent development team would be pushing it to it's limits straight off the bat.

You'd think so but I doubt it, they'll still need time to get the best out of it.

You kind of want that in a way anyway so you don't need another console in 2 years because everyone has got the most out of the current one.
As long as we get 60fps at 1080p ill be happy.

Then when naughty dog produce a game ill be the most excited guy around :-)
As long as we get 60fps at 1080p ill be happy.

Then when naughty dog produce a game ill be the most excited guy around :-)

I think as long as the games that need 60fps have it then it'll be great.

Then games that can play just the same at 30-40fps can have a bit more eye candy.
You'd think so but I doubt it, they'll still need time to get the best out of it.

You kind of want that in a way anyway so you don't need another console in 2 years because everyone has got the most out of the current one.

doesn't really work like that, consoles have a life cycle regardless of how efficient development has gotten on them.

sony would be bankrupt if it had to release a new console every 2 years. basically a console company needs it's console to last as long as it can before renewing it due to competition. also consumers would not buy a new console every 2 years it just wouldn't be a viable option for parents buying for kids.

its about gameplay more than graphics, look at counterstrike, it takes them 10 years before they update their engine, people don't care if graphics don't improve that much over 5 years. so long as they are acceptable to begin with.

i would rather they got the best out of it straight away than have to wait, that way i can enjoy it more. but ideally their is always more efficient ways of doing things, it's just figuring them out takes time. you would think 10 years would be enough, but most likely not so yes there will be improvements, but i doubt they would be major.

take a look at watchdogs, killzone 3, etc. if they release like that, how much more do you think they can push it?
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Only one trolling is you, you seem to not be able to grasp simple logic.


So much of it in this thread, I like these threads but I dislike the nature of them, by that I mean that they turn in to tit for tat arguements or full of biased people making silly claims.

I'm a fan of gaming, I own lots of consoles and a PC and I game on them all playing different types of games.

I'm very excited for E3 and the Microsoft announcement because it will be fantastic to see these two consoles basically slug it out.

Why don't we talk about how good some of the games looked, the cool features we know about and pricing ect ect instead of tit for tat?

Anyway; I've never been a Killzone fan, so I can't say I was overly impressed by that video. I thought the Dogs game looked pretty good, but .. I don't know, I've got a feeling about it that it could or rather the studio could try too hard and the game end up being kind of a jack of all trades but a master of none.

I really liked the controller I just hope it feels a bit 'bigger' in my hand, not to say I don't like the current Playstation controller, I'm just hoping for something a bit bigger for my spade sized hands. I'm a big fan of the xbox controller but think the battery pack adds annoying weight, so hopefully that works like the Playstation controller, something you charge.

The social functions, well I'm not overly bothered. I don't want to have constant updates to my Facebook or Twitter about how much I suck/rock at a game, I don't want all these annoying 'YOUR FRIENDS CAN JUMP IN', **** off, I'm playing a game on my todd. I actually think the biggest bonus that both consoles could do would be to add an 'invisible' status for your account, so you can be on xbox live / playstation network thingy and just show as offline or 'loner' as in, I want to play on my own.

I hope they fix the playstation menu too! I don't really like that but I hope that xbox live remove the ****ing adverts first! I pay money and don't want to see adverts, it's like Sky, they do this, I give you lots of money to watch things, not have things advertised to me! :mad:

The Blizzard 'announcement' was a huuuuge anti climax for me, it's only cool if it's cross platform. Only.

I like the playstation but feel totally let down by a lack of information I wanted. For example, I wanted to see a picture of the console and the specs, although I understand you have to keep some cards close to your chest. The Final Fantasy (a game series I've never 'gotten') was hilarious! Here's an announcement about an announcement.

Meh. Anyway, ramblings of a sliiiightly tipsy tummy.
The social stuff is all meh tbh. But the ps menu system is fine, Much better than the **** currently on the 360. It would seem. If Sony manage to get square soft to remake (and not destroy ff7) it would be a epic console seller, Hell even FFX Hd would be good. Microsoft will do well not to overly shove kinect down our throats but I've a feeling they will, Sony seem to have let Move take a more supporting roll and concentrate on decent games.

Time will tell though, It will be at E3 we know enough of both systems to make a choice of either IMO.
The irony is fantastic.

People don't buy a console for it to be a pc, console games are fun and worth playing. This thread is about the PS4 not about the almost crazed elitism of the PC gaming crowd. Still in denial about that last £500 GFX card purchase I guess.
since it is already using established hardware and architecture (x86) which has been used for what over 10 years now, is there any reason why they shouldn't be able to, if they were competent in any way so that excludes EA straight away, but i'm sure a decent development team would be pushing it to it's limits straight off the bat.

True but the apu/gpu are semi custom, so surely its difficult to quantify to start with what the hardware is capable of

Also remember while also being semi-custom, the AMD cpu is also a new design (around X86-64 yes, but still new) and the gpu is based on something ~18 months old, maybe not even that

When a new gfx card comes out for Windows, even the best games dont stress it to the max immediately either - so why should a console be stressed to the max immediately?

Optimizations take time to understand and design into games

fyi - yes there is still a need for optical disc drives, a very small % of people have internet speeds capable fo downloading HD games of @30Gb or so

The Blizzard 'announcement' was a huuuuge anti climax for me, it's only cool if it's cross platform. Only.

I saw you were tipsy when writing so maybe the above isnt totally clear - but I personally dont get the logic of Sony inviting a game developer to the "announcement" of their new console so the dev can say "Our fabulous new game will be available on the well as every other platform" - its not gonna happen!!!
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