Wii U is not a next gen console though?
So your decision is to get the Sony machine no matter what, that is cool for you but does not mean your decision applies across the gaming market
LOL you like attempting to put words in peoples mouths, shame its so poorly veiled
. Of course the Wii U is next gen, just because the specs arent of what we are expecting of Sonys and MSs efforts, Nintendo are targetting it squarely at the PS4 and next Xbox, what actually makes you think otherwise?
And if you think otherwise, then why question my thoughts on spec being vaguely important if youve already seemingly dismissed the Wii U for the same reasoning
Even before the specs were touted its obvious where Sony and MS believe gaming is going, or my own interpretation of it, anything Sony do to attempt to make multiplatform gaming a level playing field is a great bonus, but to not think that their entrenched shared values like developing first party games (ala Nintendo) wouldnt already make me slightly more interested in what they are releasing brands you somewhat naive.
Ultimately if the PS4 launches first, I wont be buying it until way after the next Xbox is out and make my informed choice then, I have zero impulse in being a launch owner, and considering Ive never done that in the past, its not too difficult for me to wait and enjoy what post-launch titles do to that potential decision.
Agreed, does sound good but you'll no doubt require a great connection to have a great experience.
Do any of you use Steam? Is so whats it like?
Gaikai seemed to be less connection dependent than Onlive, though both needed a lot of work and investment on. Gaikai definitely seemed the most efficient so its definitely interesting what Sony will do with it, especially with Sonys interest in MMORPGs.