Can anyonr confirm ac3 download size for me plox?
Can anyonr confirm ac3 download size for me plox?
Can anyonr confirm ac3 download size for me plox?
Can anyonr confirm ac3 download size for me plox?
For the folks who want to get in there early.
Assassin's Creed III:!/en-gb/cid=EP0001-BLES01667_00-PASSASSINS000010
Jak & Daxter Trilogy:
PS3 - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...logy/cid=EP9000-NPEA00338_00-JAKDAXTERTRILOGY
Vita - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...logy/cid=EP9000-PCSF00247_00-000JAKCOLLECTION
Stealth Inc:
PS3 - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...dark/cid=EP4395-NPEB01358_00-STEALTHBSPS3FG00
Vita - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...dark/cid=EP4395-PCSB00317_00-STEALTHBSVITAFG0
Urban Trial Freestyle (Vita):
New Little King's Story (Vita):!/en-gb/cid=EP0101-PCSB00109_00-NEWKINGSSTORY058
My ps3 download is crawling at a horrid rate, like 100mb in last 20 minutes i reset router and still the same hmmm
Well that's the thing, one of the many reasons I'm going with PS4 is because I feel, as a customer, Sony have treated me well and given me value for money over the last couple of years. Good games, good offers, PS+ has been superb and I generally just feel a lot more positive towards the PS brand now than I do the Xbox. I've always swayed more towards PlayStation anyway on account of the games but my decision for next-gen was much easier than I expected it to be.
Just go to your download list and add it into the queue, should be on the first page. Only can do it from the main game page via the PS3 itself...So I forgot to add AC3 to my download list earlier using the website. How does one go back and add something to the download queue once its been purchased?
Just go to your download list and add it into the queue, should be on the first page. Only can do it from the main game page via the PS3 itself...