Taking this poll - I side 93% with Labours beliefs & 93% with SNP's. I only side with 27% of torys beliefs.
You know the torys are scum when UKIP and British National's share 37% of your thinking vs torys 27%
Quite frankly you'd have to be a pretty sick selfish human being to even think about voting tory - or mad as a hatter.
I litterally cannot get my head around why anyone thinks the torys are a good idea, in any shape or form, it logically does not make any sense, scientifically or psychologically to vote for them, unless you enjoy self harm and the damage of humanity and/or enjoy being cruel to people.
ALSO - why vote for a woman who promised not to have an election - then has one - also EVERY promise the torys have made since coming into power has been broken - literal
FACT - YET !! people still want to vote for them ?!?!?
Can anyone explain this apparent national idiocy ?
My results here, take your own test as well: