Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Why do you believe a strong Tory majority is the best for Brexit?
Because the Tories say so, right?

As to who's going to win, it's pretty clear that unless something truly remarkable happens (i.e. the apathetic electorate gets off their bums and vote in numbers) the Conservatives are going to win. They *should* increase the number of seats, because they've basically subsumed UKIP's more reasonable policies, so should pick up a good proportion of those ~4 million people who voted for them in the last election. My constituency is traditionally Labour, but if you add the Conservative and UKIP votes from the last election this time, we'll turn blue. My only hope is that the local morons continue to pointlessly vote for UKIP. So, if Conservatives win but without increasing their seats, it'll be a massive loss for them.
I don't get why people are saying Corbyn should resign if they don't get even a Minority. If they do better than Milliband did in the last election then surely he's a success?

Because they are terrified of him upsetting the status quo.

I notice the tories have stated this morning that their net migration figures are an "ambition". No time frame given and now they are only aiming to to hit a target but with no promises. As each day that passes there must surely be less and less reason to vote of Maybot? Its all Brexit Brexit Brexit but we know nothing about what they hope to get from Brexit other than "better and fairer than ever before", better for who?

People on this forum say migration figures were a factor in voting for Brexit but she's not going to give you that, she knows that without migrants our economy which has a massive service industry will collapse.
I'm still calling a Tory landslide

It's just hilarious watching the n111cks of the forum going into meltdown with their worry! :D

I agree with you about a landslide. I think the pattern from the Brexit voting will continue, with London and Scotland drifting further away from the concensus of the rest of the country. I think the Conservatives will lose seats in London but gain them in the North.

I couldn't care less about n111ck's meltdown (it is borderline bullying at times, no matter how wrong he is) but seeing the right-wing press panic is wonderful. :cool:
If anything i'm hoping all of this puts fear into people who wouldn't have bothered voting before because they just expected the conservatives to win. Now maybe they will come out and vote to make sure we don't get stuck with Corbyn and Abbot!

Totally agree, i was getting a little apathetic but this will absolutely get me out to Tory, Corbyn, while being a decent bloke who sticks to his principles. They are principles i don't agree with and he'll make a complete hash of the EU negotiations and come out with a deal that would be so bad and pointless that it would make leaving the EU anything but leaving in name only. And Abbot is such a lying bigot that the song about May should really be about Abbot.
make a complete hash of the EU negotiations and come out with a deal that would be so bad and pointless that it would make leaving the EU anything but leaving in name only.
You know that's what's going to happen anyway don't you...
Feels like Corbyn's on a real roll in this campaign. Giving it to May with both barrels over her failure to sign up with Germany, France, Italy to condemn Trump's Paris withdrawal, during his Industrial Policy speech:

Given the chance to present a united front from our international partners, she has instead opted for silence and once again subservience to Donald Trump. It’s a dereliction of both her duty to her country and our duty to our planet. This is not the type of leadership Britain needs to negotiate Brexit or stand up to defend our planet in an era of climate change. A Labour government would do it very differently.


Q: Would you host President Trump in Number 10? And what would you say to him?

Q: You have said repeatedly you don’t do insults. Will you make an exception for Trump?

Corbyn says Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement is “absolutely shocking”.

Think about how much work went into getting that deal, he says.

The Paris conference was a culmination of many events.

He says he spoke to Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader and former energy secretary, about this this morning.

So Trump’s decision is a very, very big shame, he says.

And he says he thinks it will not be popular in the US. They are affected by climate change too.

He says he would meet Trump and would be polite to him.

I do not believe you get anywhere by insulting people and shouting at them.

Q: You present yourself as a pretty straight guy. Will it be impossible turn around the Tory lead on economic competence?

Corbyn says Labour’s economic strategy are fully costed and fully prepared.

Labour has put its plans out for people to read.

It has set out a good strategy. It would invest in pre-schools and in schools, and stop students being saddled with debt.

Labour’s strategy is innovative, very well thought-out, and exciting, he says.

He says we cannot go on with having an economy that is not balanced.

He says the Labour manifesto is not just the product of the Labour party. Hundreds of organisations have shared their expertise with the party and had an input.

Long-Bailey says, if you want to talk about economic competence, look at the Tories’ record. The deficit is higher than it ever was under Labour, wages have stagnated and business cannot get access to finance, she says.

She gives an example of how Labour would have helped a firm. It wanted to instal solar panels. That would have cut its energy costs. But, because investment in plant and machinery puts business rates up, it was not cost-effective. Labour would take investment in plant and machinery out of business rate calculations.
Because they are terrified of him upsetting the status quo.

I notice the tories have stated this morning that their net migration figures are an "ambition". No time frame given and now they are only aiming to to hit a target but with no promises. As each day that passes there must surely be less and less reason to vote of Maybot? Its all Brexit Brexit Brexit but we know nothing about what they hope to get from Brexit other than "better and fairer than ever before", better for who?

People on this forum say migration figures were a factor in voting for Brexit but she's not going to give you that, she knows that without migrants our economy which has a massive service industry will collapse.

The weird thing is the Cons lying about it is preferred to Corbyn being honest saying "I'll try and reduce it but we'll see"

There is no chance, none whatsoever that migration will reduce in any meaningful manner.
The Cons are making vaguely nonesensical promises and not committing to anything (as they, for all their faults, are realists and have no intention of reducing migration as it would torpedo the economy) but people are taking vaguely worded nonesense that things will change. It won't! If you believe it will you are so wilfully stupid I despair.

The Cons don't want to reduce migration, they lie about wishing to do so and are rewarded for it. Labour don't want to reduce migration, they are steadfast in refusing to commit to this but aren't outright pro migration and are punished for it. Lib Dems are pro migration and are punished for this.

The lesson morons on the right are giving politicians is, don't tell us the truth just whisper sweet nothings in our ear and we'll believe you.

I wonder what this will do for voter intentions. Bad timing regardless, and lol at the fact he still gets to stand, wtf is wrong with this country.

So we might have the situation where he is elected, gets found guilty and then we have a bye election this year.
Its satire I know, but theres some actual truth here lol.

THERE is no such thing as a Magic Money Tree, believers in the Enchanted Brexit Fountain of Prosperity have told Jeremy Corbyn.

The Labour leader’s fantasy of a tree with banknote leaves is childish nonsense and must be rejected in favour of a red, white and blue fountain whose inexhaustible waters imbue greatness, say voters.

Roy Hobbs of Hythe said: “Pluck off the low-hanging £50s, leave the tenners to ripen, all our public services are paid for. It’d be lovely to believe it but, Jeremy, I’m too old for fairy stories.

“We’ve got to be practical. And in two years, when we drink deep of the blessed waters that run from the golden lion’s mouth, waters that will revive our industries and turn the world map pink again, we’ll be glad we did the sensible thing.

“Sprinkle a few drops here and whoosh, British Leyland’s cars are the envy of the globe. A draught there and Carry On is beating Marvel at the global box office.

“Come on, lad. Now’s not the time for dreamers. Come and join the rest of us in the real world.”

I wonder what this will do for voter intentions. Bad timing regardless, and lol at the fact he still gets to stand, wtf is wrong with this country.

How is that even legal. He gets busted for essentially being corrupt and can still be on the ballot paper ?
I wonder what this will do for voter intentions. Bad timing regardless, and lol at the fact he still gets to stand, wtf is wrong with this country.
It's kinda ironic that the same people who are cheering this development as it damages the Tories, were the same people who were cheering for him when he denied Farage a seat in Parliament. I just hope that Cameron and Osborne don't escape prosecution for this, they were the ones ultimately responsible imo.
How is that even legal. He gets busted for essentially being corrupt and can still be on the ballot paper ?

Innocent until proven guilty. If he got kicked out of standing and then later found innocent, you couldnt then rerun the election again could you?
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