Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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12 Nov 2015
Good, we are back to the point now. I didn't see or hear the same crap about food banks and tramps that I do now at any time in the eighties. So why did you compare now to Thatchers time? Usual Thatcher bashing by someone that thinks its an easy target eh?

BTW there are about a third of the homelss families that there were in 2003 after 6 years of economic boom under Labour according to Shelter. Square that if you can.

The only person ever straying from the point was you.
What you saw up in Halifax in the 80s is irrelevant, you suggest immigration as the major factor in homelessness/housing shortage and then declared you can't deny facts, none of which you had posted.

While we are on facts, lets not post selectively from shelter.

For decades, successive governments have failed to build the homes we need. By 2008, the number of new homes being started had fallen to its lowest peacetime level since 1924 – and house building has barely recovered since then.

And on the Building of Social Housing since 1946 (graph half way down, 1980 onwards may just show a trend?):

If only someone on the thread had suggested anything like this to you.

lets also consider figures of the increase in rough sleeping since 2010, homeless.org.uk suggest it's 134%


Doubtless they are mostly immigrants, in any case, destruction of local government (a Thatcher policy and Tory Ideal) is more reasonable to suggest as a major factor in increasing deprivation and difficulty for keyworkers and first time buyers to get on the ladder. Good luck with your buy to let business. If you were any good at it, I'd expect you already looked at some factual data around housing. As I suggested based on your earlier posts, "some men you just can't reach".
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
TBH, I've not noticed him making any more silly posts than anyone else, but because hes right wing he is targeted as a buffoon which is typical of left wingers who can't comprehend anyone having a different view. I don't disagree with a lot of his posts and find it bizarre how he is just shouted down.

I am sorry if somebody posts something as true and backs it up with a newspaper story where the headline seems to support his claim but the article says otherwise and he is then shouted down by others then that's fair. He's not the only poster on here who regular failed to read past a headline and embarrasses themselves.
9 Nov 2005
Southampton, hopefully not too hot, or too cold
This time next week we will probably know which party (or parties) has the poison chalice, trying to not taint themselves for future general elections as the party(ies) that messed up the Brexit deal.

Who would have thought that the EU would have grown in power so much for so long without the direct consent of the UK population , from such humble beginnings ~11 months before I was born when the UK joined in January 1973?
6 Sep 2011
He posted his outrage of labour twitter botting

He read the headline.. Got angry.. And posted it here.

He was pointed out that the article states tories did it as well.

He changed his tune and said there was no proof tories did it.

The same article provided no proof labour did it.

Labour denied it... And then he said they are lying.

He then changed his tune and again... Rabbled on about something else and then I started to ignore.

Its one thing to have a different opinion.... Im completely for that... Its another to post a incoherant argument, get caught out because he didn't read his own link (after complaining to someone to read it), post trollish replies and not admit he was wrong on that particular post.

Quite right he was brought up on it. If I started posting That Dianne Abbott knows her figures and numbers and posted a link with a headline of Boris fudging some numbers up but further down the article it explained Abbott **** up of policing costs... I should be and would want to be brought up on it.

Difference of opinion does not = difference in fact and what actually happened.
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13 May 2003
The media spin on this election is quite interesting, you would imagine that the Conservative poll numbers were in free fall. But in fact they are higher than they have been for most of the preceding 18 months except for a short blip in the previous 6 months. The Conservatives are still regularly polling at levels similar to New Labour in 1997. All that is happening is that Labours soft under belly is coming back after flirting with UKIP and a briefly resuscitated Lib Dems. I would admit there is still a risk of further poll erosion because the Conservatives are hardly playing a blinder.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Citation needed.

She has called people racist on tv many times. But hey don't let facts get in the way.

"Growing row over Jeremy Corbyn's links to the IRA as he refuses five times to condemn the militant group"


If he doesn't support them then why doesn't he condemn them?
I think you are a bit mixed up. And the first sign of losing it is calling people names ;)

You know your really missed in speakers corner, the inability to see that someone responded to your unsubstantiated post in like form by asking for citations still makes me chuckle.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Well I was fairly dead set on voting LIb dem as a protest against current Tory leadership (im still a Tory at heart) but after farrons display last night that can't happen

So i cant believe I am saying this, but I am going to vote Labour now. Will be first time in my life I have voted anything but Tory, but this current shower, well they don't deserve my vote.
30 Apr 2006
I'm still calling a Tory landslide

I'm not worried, it's stupid to think it'll be anything other than a Tory win, it's all about how much of a majority she'll have. Landslide? Not so sure now. It'll be funny as hell if they end up with barely anymore MP's than they currently have. It's certainly interesting how the last week turned out, you'd think a right wing party would gain support after a terrorist attack but then they couldn't even manage that! I knew from the very beginning there was no way the Tories would hold onto a 20% lead and i thought at worst they'd get half that. But it shows just how rubbish this election campaign has been when Labour it nipping at the heels. The Tories have no one else to blame but themselves for losing such a massive lead.
29 Jul 2010
I'm not worried, it's stupid to think it'll be anything other than a Tory win, it's all about how much of a majority she'll have. Landslide? Not so sure now. It'll be funny as hell if they end up with barely anymore MP's than they currently have. It's certainly interesting how the last week turned out, you'd think a right wing party would gain support after a terrorist attack but then they couldn't even manage that! I knew from the very beginning there was no way the Tories would hold onto a 20% lead and i thought at worst they'd get half that. But it shows just how rubbish this election campaign has been when Labour it nipping at the heels. The Tories have no one else to blame but themselves for losing such a massive lead.

Agreed, it would be hilarious! :D

I'm just wondering when we started believing in polls again :p
6 Mar 2007
SW London
Agreed, it would be hilarious! :D

I'm just wondering when we started believing in polls again :p
Yeah polls have be useless the last few years. Also there always seems to be a large jump to tory when it actually comes to voting.

If anything i'm hoping all of this puts fear into people who wouldn't have bothered voting before because they just expected the conservatives to win. Now maybe they will come out and vote to make sure we don't get stuck with Corbyn and Abbot!
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Yeah polls have be useless the last few years. Also there always seems to be a large jump to tory when it actually comes to voting.

Its quite often been like that last few elections so I always take the polls and add a few percent onto the Tory vote and thats probably what we will end up with. I have no idea whether that will be more seats than they have now though.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
I'm still calling a Tory landslide

It's just hilarious watching the n111cks of the forum going into meltdown with their worry! :D

Well My seat is a close fought seat and was expected at the start of the election to be a 10k win for Tories but latest polls has it at a 1500 seat win for Labour so its a coin toss basically.

Sadly the local Tory candidate main standing point is no more privatization of the NHS and no more hospital closures (another one is penciled in of closing and some people in the area will now have a 2 hour ambulance trip to the nearest hospital as opposed to 45 minutes which it is now) am I not sure people are believing him. When I tackled him over it he said its all lies that May and the cabinet want to privatise the NHS more and on how a vote for him would stop the local hospital closure when its his govt who are doing it, he said he would fight passionately from the backbenches to save it. When I asked if that would mean he would go against the party whip, he said no. So I said basically you can do nothing then.
31 Jul 2008
I'm still calling a Tory landslide

It's just hilarious watching the n111cks of the forum going into meltdown with their worry! :D

To be fair Im conflicted - on the one hand a strong tory majority is best for the country and brexit but a flacid labour government run by corbyn and abbott would be hilarious...

The express referred to a shock corbyn win as being like trump - and thats what it would be - we'd be a laughing stock as corbyn starting unravelling years of progress whilst posting bizarre messages on twitter (auto liked by his army of bots no doubt...)
28 Jan 2003
To be fair Im conflicted - on the one hand a strong tory majority is best for the country and brexit but a flacid labour government run by corbyn and abbott would be hilarious...

The express referred to a shock corbyn win as being like trump - and thats what it would be - we'd be a laughing stock as corbyn starting unravelling years of progress whilst posting bizarre messages on twitter (auto liked by his army of bots no doubt...)

Why do you believe a strong Tory majority is the best for Brexit?
24 May 2009
North East
Even m pro labour I still don't think they will win, best they can hope for is creating a hung parliament which would do for me to try and rein in Maybot and make her have to see some sense.

Stranger things have happened though (Brexit, Trump) so I don't see a Tory victory as inevitable, just highly likely.

The staggering thing is they have went from an almost inevitable landslide victory and complete destruction of Labour to actually having a (slim) chance of losing this which shows the enormity of the ineptitude of a party who is, ironically, continually harping on about how strong and stable they will be for the country.

If nothing else this election creates a clear political choice again rather than every party basically with cardboard cutout copies of leaders promoting the exact same policies then I think we have all (irrespective of personal political beliefs) won as we are then in a better represented democracy.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
To be fair Im conflicted - on the one hand a strong tory majority is best for the country and brexit but a flacid labour government run by corbyn and abbott would be hilarious...

The express referred to a shock corbyn win as being like trump - and thats what it would be - we'd be a laughing stock as corbyn starting unravelling years of progress whilst posting bizarre messages on twitter (auto liked by his army of bots no doubt...)

Again no mention of May's army of Twitter bots? You just going to ignore facts forwever n111ck?

And A strong tory majoirty will probably make no difference to brexit. It will only make a difference if she plans to sticth up the kippers and get the softest brexit possible. For that she needs a big majority.

I dont think we would be a laughing stock. In fact, after the way May has performed, we are more likely to be a laughing stock if we give her a majority. And as for Amber Rudd as chancellor. *Shudders. Abbott would almost be better as chancellor than her.
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