Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Its crazy that people can't see through May or even if we take May out of the equation even one look behind the curtain should have people running a mile... the electorate never learns :(

If people want real change it is time to leave both the Tories and Labour in the dirt.
Its crazy that people can't see through Corbyn or even if we take Corbyn out of the equation even one look behind the curtain should have people running a mile... the electorate never learns :(

I've seen you make several somewhat vague statements like this in this and other threads, without actually quantifying what you mean. Any chance you could be more specific about why you dislike Corbyn some much?

It seems the media is keen to vilify him and I keep hearing people say "he's un-electable", "he's weak", "he's not a leader", etc etc, without offering any substance to the claims. Yet when I see him in interviews, he comes across as more principled, sensible and human than most other politicians.

This is a genuine question - I'm just interested to hear what is fuelling your dislike of him so much, rather than disagreeing with you.
1: I think people right now are more concerned with the ISIS inspired attack in Manchester, which occurred as a direct result of May cutting police budgets/staff thus preventing them from stopping a known terrorist blowing up multiple children.

that is a dubious statement - especially given that counter terrorism funding increased

2: For all of Diane Abbot (Shadow Home Secretary and former girlfriend of Corbyn)'s failings, she is black, that kinda blows your racism argument out of the water.

being black doesn't prevent someone form being racist

3: Condemning the IRA != supporting the IRA, if you think meeting with their ex members turned politicians is wrong then every major Tory/Labour figure of the last 20-30 years has done that. Also one of the Tory MPs is an ex IRA member.

they met with current members at the time went a bit further than simply establishing dialogue
When we leave and brexit ruins our economy... who will conservatives / the media blame? corbyn, the EU, immigrants, remoaners.... Just tories being tories as normal
If labour win and don't reverse the decision and Brexit ruins our economy who is to blame?
Short term 2-5 years for everything to sort itself out. The plenty of expected gains that we wanted from Brexit ie better immigration system and the ability to get rid of the EU laws we don't want etc (too many to go into it)

And Yes I bench 120kg, come at me bro

2 to 5 years? It will be 10 to 20 years before we get GDP growth back to what it was and train millions of people to do the jobs immigrants arent coming to do.
1: I think people right now are more concerned with the ISIS inspired attack in Manchester, which occurred as a direct result of May cutting police budgets/staff thus preventing them from stopping a known terrorist blowing up multiple children.

Citation needed.

2: For all of Diane Abbot (Shadow Home Secretary and former girlfriend of Corbyn)'s failings, she is black, that kinda blows your racism argument out of the water.

She has called people racist on tv many times. But hey don't let facts get in the way.

3: Condemning the IRA != supporting the IRA, if you think meeting with their ex members turned politicians is wrong then every major Tory/Labour figure of the last 20-30 years has done that. Also one of the Tory MPs is an ex IRA member.

"Growing row over Jeremy Corbyn's links to the IRA as he refuses five times to condemn the militant group"


If he doesn't support them then why doesn't he condemn them?
I think you are a bit mixed up. And the first sign of losing it is calling people names ;)
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I've seen you make several somewhat vague statements like this in this and other threads, without actually quantifying what you mean. Any chance you could be more specific about why you dislike Corbyn some much?

It seems the media is keen to vilify him and I keep hearing people say "he's un-electable", "he's weak", "he's not a leader", etc etc, without offering any substance to the claims. Yet when I see him in interviews, he comes across as more principled, sensible and human than most other politicians.

This is a genuine question - I'm just interested to hear what is fuelling your dislike of him so much, rather than disagreeing with you.

Does someone who is supposedly so principled and honest need to spend so much time avoiding straight answers? (not just to leading questions), invent stories like the whole train seat thing and many of his little tales about constituents i.e. in PMQ which people have found to be entirely fabricated? I've also never met a straight up honest person who employs some of the oratory techniques he does which are more commonly found used by the likes of Tai Lopez.

In the light of history he is a man more invested in the institute of society than the people that make it up and will happily say or do anything, even sacrifice every one to further the institution yet somehow convinces people he has their best interests at heart.
I do think Corbyn should get rid of Abbott. I think thats turning off a lot of voters away.
Personally think Corbyn is becoming a good leader and speaker.
I would almost consider Labour if not for Abbott, MacDonald and the want for renationalisation of public transport and utilities.
The US are planning on massively reducing their corporation tax rates though.

Tbh corporation tax needs to die, it's pointless because you're trying to tax profit, which doesn't actually exist except in the minds of accountants. Don't really know what the best alternative would be, but I'm sure there are good alternatives.

tax revenue?
tax revenue?

Taxing revenue is a bad idea because it doesn't take costs into account. A revenue tax is effectively another VAT, but with a little bit of flexibility to the company in how much they pass on to the consumer.

It's important to remember that taxing corporations is just another way of taxing people. The money always comes from either customers or employees.
I don't think May likes Hammond very much. I'm really starting to think she is either incredibly arrogant, or actually trying to throw the election.

She is actually both imo, i have thought for the past week the Tories\May are throwing the election.
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