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Poll: Poll: Will you be buying a 2080Ti/2080/2070?

Which card will you be buying?

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18 Oct 2002
Its hair works all over again. Except even more gimping.

I'm honestly amazed they showed fraps running on that game, didn't they bang on about 4k for a decent chunk of the presentation? If it can barely manage 60fps at 1080p then 4k would be a slide show with ray tracing enabled.

I'm not that surprised at the performance considering this is the first iteration of a ray tracing enabled gpu, but it really speaks volumes as to why they didn't go into numbers and kept babbling about the tech in the core for over an hour. Just diverting people away from performance and focusing on the "holy grail" of graphics as they put it.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
I'm honestly amazed they showed fraps running on that game, didn't they bang on about 4k for a decent chunk of the presentation? If it can barely manage 60fps at 1080p then 4k would be a slide show with ray tracing enabled.

I'm not that surprised at the performance considering this is the first iteration of a ray tracing enabled gpu, but it really speaks volumes as to why they didn't go into numbers and kept babbling about the tech in the core for over an hour. Just diverting people away from performance and focusing on the "holy grail" of graphics as they put it.
At 4k it's going to be SPF not FPS
27 Nov 2005
And people are dropping £1200 on 40FPS at 1080p??

I Remember buying 2x 8800gtx gpu's to be able run crysis at about 30 to 40fps and below at 1920x1200 :o
18 Oct 2002
Hairworks, what a joke that was.

The sad thing about hairworks and tressfx is, i really can't think of a time playing a game where i thought "this persons hair really needs to flap around in the wind and when they move". Sure it adds a degree of realism to a scene but it's one of those things where it looks good for maybe a minute then you ignore it. Seems an awful lot of work for something you barely notice.
19 Jul 2011
Biggest 'Meh' release in the last 6 years ,not counting most of Amd's recent offerings. For the first time for years my money is staying in the bank. For some reason i always suspected something was amiss with this release, it just seems like pascal 1.1.

And the branding of the cards , it means nothing now, same as Titan meaning nothing after the first titan (V being the exception).

I get the feeling the next 2 years will be the worst for gpu's in a long time.
28 May 2007
Biggest 'Meh' release in the last 6 years ,not counting most of Amd's recent offerings. For the first time for years my money is staying in the bank. For some reason i always suspected something was amiss with this release, it just seems like pascal 1.1.

And the branding of the cards , it means nothing now, same as Titan meaning nothing after the first titan (V being the exception).

I get the feeling the next 2 years will be the worst for gpu's in a long time.

Yeah the Titan and Ti brand has been cheapened.

I think the next few years will be good but not in high end graphics. Although how many times have AMD been written only to come back wipe the floor with the competition.
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Seen this type of comment on a fair few forums lately.. lots of people are at odds with the ever increasing costs of PC gaming and the fact Console gaming has caught up to an extent with PC gaming, coupled with things like Freesync coming to large TV's etc many older people are moving across, as you say, its just more comfortable as you get older and aches and pains, to sit on the couch or a chair or lay on the bed with a controller etc.

Believe me I was about as anti console as you could possibly have been. Then my second rig (10 core BE Xeon nothing special) had a GPU failure during the mining. Do you know, I spent a solid week trying to replace the GPU to no avail. I was offered a GTX 680, for £130. In the end I broke down my third rig and took the Fury X out of that. That PC is at my mother's, where I game there when I stay there.

But yeah, the 1X is an incredibly impressive box. I really can't believe how nice the graphics are and how the interface is bloody great. I can easily switch from gaming to looking on Youtube for tips, then switch back seamlessly. Oh, and I love how the game is sitting there waiting where I left it. So loading times have been massively decreased.

But aye, the contempt AMD and Nvidia showed gamers with their lip service comments such as "We love PC gamers we really do honestly" just boiled up my pee. And it's still very much on a rolling boil and will possibly never be fixed now that I can clearly see Nvidia are going to charge me for their mess up making too many GPUs too late.

Sod those apples. Miners come along, make all the cash, then Nvidia want the gamers to bail them out after giving them the cold shoulder for over a year.

Yeah, nah. Just, nah.
27 Nov 2005
People that interested in ordering a 2080 or 2080ti is it because you want a faster GPU or is it for the Ray Tracing or both

Which is the most important to you ?

I myself don't really care all about the ray tracing at this time as I just want a faster GPU for running my 3440x1440p monitor and am also looking & thinking of getting a 4k TV to play games on..
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