Here are the stats just after the line came back up
Am I right in thinking so far still on fast path. Its quite a long line at 850m (according to the OR installation engineer), so fingers crossed DLM (or FLM as I like to call it), doesn't cripple it too much as time goes on.
Thanks for all the info in this thread to get this unlocked.
Yes, it's on fastpath (at the moment).
On an 850m line length (possibly longer when considering how it may be routed), there's every likelyhood that interleaving, Impulse Noise Protection & delay will be switched on over the next few days.
I have a similar length line & when DLM has been reset (following physical line repairs) the connection has initially synced at around 35Mb until Interleaving etc. has been applied via DLM.
Currently, my sync speed is around 26Mb.
Useful detail can be obtained via xdslcmd info pbParams (note the upper case 'P').
That will show the band plans that your connection is able to use, attenuation per band, SNRM per band etc.
It will also show which type of DSLAM you are connected to - Huawei or ECI.
If you are a Windows user, you could try out the connection logging/graphing programs, downloadable from
here just to keep a record of how the connection stats change over time.
These programs use xdslcmd info --stats & xdslcmd info -pbParams data (plus bitloading data etc.) to generate graphs to 'see' what the connection looks like.
If not now, crosstalk will more than likely lower your connection speeds over time as more users are connected (hence my current 26Mb from an original 35Mb sync speed).
If serious errors are not seen, DLM will probably make its adjustments to provide a stable connection around 2 days or so after installation, otherwise it will kick in straight away.
Hopefully, you have a good quality all copper connection & DLM adjustments won't be too severe for you.