Post your FTTC line stats & unlocking info

Hmmm, seems that my 80/20 FTTC connection, when it was first installed I was getting like 56mb down and 17mb up, I can control the profile settings on this circuit myself through BT Wholesale portal, but it the speeds after 10 or so day have dropped down to around 16mb down and 16mb up :(

I used to be absolutely fine and stable getting around 19mb down on a BE LLU connection when I was with them, only thing I havnt tried this morning is a reboot of the BT Openreach modem. Is there anyway to access this if I have access to a machine on the LAN?

My ping times look OK, getting constant 17ms pings to BBC, just seems the speed has gone from FTTC speeds to what I used to get on a up to 24mb rated LLU circuit.
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Hmmm, seems that my 80/20 FTTC connection, when it was first installed I was getting like 56mb down and 17mb up, I can control the profile settings on this circuit myself through BT Wholesale portal, but it the speeds after 10 or so day have dropped down to around 16mb down and 16mb up :(

I used to be absolutely fine and stable getting around 19mb down on a BE LLU connection when I was with them, only thing I havnt tried this morning is a reboot of the BT Openreach modem. Is there anyway to access this if I have access to a machine on the LAN?

If you've unlocked the modem and have LAN2 connected, then yes.
I received the Tandy DSL cable and can confirm that my sync speed and actual speeds have gone up around 3 mb!

Thanks for the simple and quick tip guys!
had fttc fitted just over a week ago and i have the ECI B-FOCuS V-2FUb/r modem im about 750m away from the cab. i have a download etimate of 33 but syncing at 37( according to plus net page ) will i be better looking to get a HG612 and a tandy High Speed RJ11 1 for better speed and 2 to be able the tweak and see stats ?
had fttc fitted just over a week ago and i have the ECI B-FOCuS V-2FUb/r modem im about 750m away from the cab. i have a download etimate of 33 but syncing at 37( according to plus net page ) will i be better looking to get a HG612 and a tandy High Speed RJ11 1 for better speed and 2 to be able the tweak and see stats ?

Your connection/distance sounds very similar to mine. As far as I know only the HG612 can be hacked at the moment, and that Tandy cable should add a bit to your speeds. I recently updated the firmware on my HG612 and connected the Tandy cable and gained about 4meg in DL speed.
Moved house (same estate/cab) bit closer to it :D

Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 36440 Kbps, Downstream rate = 105088 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3959)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (868,1207) (1972,2783)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1963) (2792,3959)
       VDSL Port Details       Upstream        Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate:      36440 kbps        105088 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power:    -   6.3 dBm          13.0 dBm
  VDSL Band Status        U0      U1      U2      U3      D1      D2      D3
  Line Attenuation(dB):  2.3     9.3     12.5     N/A    5.4     11.3    17.4

Signal Attenuation(dB):  2.3     8.3     11.2     N/A    5.4     11.3    17.4

        SNR Margin(dB):  23.4    23.4    23.3     N/A    12.9    12.9    12.9

         TX Power(dBm): -20.0   -33.9   -6.5      N/A    9.4     7.7     7.2

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max:    Upstream rate = 36532 Kbps, Downstream rate = 105088 Kbps
Path:   0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        12.9            23.4
Attn(dB):        0.0             0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.0           -6.3
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Path 0
B:              239             237
M:              1               1
T:              23              45
R:              0               16
S:              0.0955          0.3782
L:              20107           5373
D:              1               1
I:              240             127
N:              240             254
                        Path 0
OHF:            6013466         2337868
OHFErr:         2               3
RS:             0               2099898
RSCorr:         0               157
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Path 0
HEC:            14              0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    1529136646              0
Data Cells:     1095247         0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            18              18
AS:             9946

                        Path 0
INP:            0.00            0.00
PER:            1.64            4.25
delay:          0.00            0.00
OR:             116.56          60.17

Bitswap:        4               33
got the tandy cable (although i only got the 0.5m ) didnt think but i can still use it wall mount the modem. got a hg612 unlocked and working
so how do i reset the speed ?
# xdslcmd info --pbParams
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 15563 Kbps, Downstream rate = 48340 Kbps
Path: 0, Upstream rate = 9995 Kbps, Downstream rate = 39997 Kbps

Discovery Phase (Initial) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (880,1195) (1984,2771)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1959) (2792,4083)
Medley Phase (Final) Band Plan
US: (0,95) (880,1195) (1984,2771)
DS: (32,859) (1216,1959) (2792,4083)
VDSL Port Details Upstream Downstream
Attainable Net Data Rate: 15563 kbps 48340 kbps
Actual Aggregate Tx Power: 6.2 dBm 11.4 dBm
VDSL Band Status U0 U1 U2 U3 D1 D2 D3
Line Attenuation(dB): 2.9 32.3 48.7 N/A 16.2 40.4 61.8
Signal Attenuation(dB): 2.9 32.2 48.5 N/A 16.2 40.4 61.8
SNR Margin(dB): 9.3 9.2 10.2 N/A 9.9 9.9 0.0
TX Power(dBm): -3.9 -10.5 5.6 N/A 9.5 7.3 -128.0

# xdslcmd info --show
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 15576 Kbps, Downstream rate = 48340 Kbps
Path: 0, Upstream rate = 9995 Kbps, Downstream rate = 39997 Kbps

Link Power State: L0
Mode: VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile: Profile 17a
Trellis: U:ON /D:ON
Line Status: No Defect
Training Status: Showtime
Down Up
SNR (dB): 9.9 9.9
Attn(dB): 0.0 0.0
Pwr(dBm): 11.4 6.2
VDSL2 framing
Path 0
B: 239 235
M: 1 1
T: 64 7
R: 0 16
S: 0.1910 0.7508
L: 10054 2717
D: 1 1
I: 240 255
N: 240 255
Path 0
OHF: 1445506 375098
OHFErr: 76 0
RS: 0 2151740
RSCorr: 0 0
RSUnCorr: 0 0

Path 0
HEC: 209 0
OCD: 0 0
LCD: 0 0
Total Cells: 340778605 0
Data Cells: 3696494 0
Drop Cells: 0
Bit Errors: 0 0

ES: 50 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 23 23
AS: 4436

Path 0
INP: 0.00 0.00
PER: 3.05 11.82
delay: 0.00 0.00
OR: 62.83 152.21

Bitswap: 305 0


what info can be read from this then guys ??
Some more information to Chomp on!

Hi Guys,

I thought you all may be interested in a project I am involved in at the moment.
I am involved in a very rare Non-BT project where we are putting our own DSLAM and FTTC Cabinet on our estate. We live in a semi-rural location and BT are not planning any roll-out so we have taken matters in to our own hands...

For most people, putting a DSLAM into your estate would not be a very economical thing to do, but we are in a position where we can get a 1 Gigabit fibre Backhaul to our cabinet quite cheaply as we work in IT infrastructure.

It is only the second project of its kind in the UK so we will keep you posted.

The reason I am posting on this forum is that I have been closely watching conversations mainly because we were interested in what speed we were going to be able to offer the residents of our estate... We are all fed neatly off one PCP, which is slightly inconveniently placed meaning the closest property is about 500m away! - that being said, the furthest property is probably about 950m away so we are hoping to offer people speeds of between 60 and 30 Meg DS. Crosstalk is our biggest unknown quantity at the moment...

Its been a mare getting BT (as we are using their copper pairs into properties), the council, electricity company (powering the cab) and various paperwork done, but we have the DSLAM already in testing, 50 modems have arrived, and the cabinet is being put in place on the 23rd May (hopefully!!!)

Anyway - as I said I think it would be really useful to everybody if I kept posting our progress and actual real world testing figures on this website.

I have quite extensive knowledge about VDSL2 and being able to see and control both ends of the line will hopefully be useful to this forum... I am also happy to answer any questions anybody has!

I am posting some screen shots for you to dwell on for now. Current status is that the DSLAM is in the neighbours property! - I have 150m of CW1128 (5 pair PJF BT SPec underground cable) going between my house and next door to the DSLAM. My neighbour also has a line connected...

We are extensively testing, Interleaving, Fast Path, Various DPBO and UPBO (power) settings, speed limitation, compatibility with ADSL lines, and other settings...

Below (if it works!) is an example of the stats on our short testing lines - SS taken from the DSLAM stats screen...
FTTC Project further screenshots


I dont want to Spam this forum with screenshots, but I thought the following screenshots would be of interest. I will post more when any developments happen. If anybody has any questions, just fire away.
BTW - we are using Zyxel equipment - the DSLAM is an IES-5000 series with their 48 port 17a profile VDSL2 card in - we are also providing voice services with a VOIP card. The modems are all VMG1312...

The following screen shows how we will set various different speed profiles up - here we can also set the latency mode which will probably have to exclusively be interleave due to xtalk and other noise - and if needed, force narrower SNR margins to push a little more speed etc...

You can see the summary of the active lines below - line 1 is about 2m long but we have capped the speed, lines 2 and 3 are 150m but run together from end to end showing the effects of crosstalk - we have capped these to 80/20 at the moment for experimentation...

...and finally, 4 screenshots showing the control we have over the VDSL line (sorry couldn't get it all on one page so its in 4 pics!) regarding power, profile resetting etc... I assume that BTw have similar interfaces on their Huwaei DSLAMS although their DLM keeps an eye on most settings - thought this would be of interest anyway - happy reading and as I say, I will keep you all updated when the DSLAM is in its resting place in the Cab and we start hooking real lines up...
(If anybody has any questions about any settings / relevance to their connection, please feel free to ask!)



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