Potentially kicking off in Russia

Looks like Russia's response is to step up drills around the Med making sure to mention all the jets carrying anti-ship missiles, etc.
If they ever trace who most likely left the papers at the bus stop, he/she will no doubt have to sit on the naughty step for 15 minutes, or write 100 lines, “I was supplied with a Lidl bag for my documents, in future I must seal it with Blue Tack.”
Is the assumption that this is just a careless employee then?

Have to admit my first thought was this was someone letting the gov know they have access to this stuff but maybe I've watched too many spy films :o
If they ever trace who most likely left the papers at the bus stop, he/she will no doubt have to sit on the naughty step for 15 minutes, or write 100 lines, “I was supplied with a Lidl bag for my documents, in future I must seal it with Blue Tack.”
what can you expect from a bunch of people who seem to only want to use their private phones and email addresses.

theres probably top secret documents sent as attachments without any protection at all to google accounts
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I think it's possible that a random person would know of the BBC but not which part of the government/military to contact. Or didn't want to get involved in that and saw the BBC as a viable third party to use as an intermediary(*). Or wanted to get some money out of the situation and saw selling the story to the BBC as either more ethical or safer than selling it elsewhere.

Or, of course, it's a deliberate leak.

* Tangentially relevant - my father worked for British Rail (back when that existed) in a London station and on a number of occasions other BR employees who found MoD documents that had been left on trains gave them to him. Pass it up the hierarchy and it's not your problem any more. Let management deal with it - that's what they're paid for. I'd do the same thing myself.

Official documents will normally have an address to send the document to if found and it normally states its an offence under the official secrets act to disclose any of the information in the document to an unauthorised party, to retain the document or to destroy it. This is usually stated within the first couple of pages of the document.
Official documents will normally have an address to send the document to if found and it normally states its an offence under the official secrets act to disclose any of the information in the document to an unauthorised party, to retain the document or to destroy it. This is usually stated within the first couple of pages of the document.

I can’t imagine that you made that up, so I’ll accept it as truth, but if Government Departments put a “Where to send this if found” message on their documents it rather suggests that they think that some moron “losing them” is a distinct daily possibility.
Is the assumption that this is just a careless employee then?

Have to admit my first thought was this was someone letting the gov know they have access to this stuff but maybe I've watched too many spy films :o

Seems like a deliberate attempt to cause embarrassment to the MOD and / or government. Maybe a disgruntled employee with different political opinions. You don't stuff confidential papers behind a bus stop by accident.
MoD saying the person immediately reported it as a security incident when they realized they had lost them

if it was a disgruntled employee doing it on purpose I doubt you would admit to it
When you consider the number of incidents regarding USB sticks and how they're generally sneered at or banned it beggars belief we allow such documents to be printed instead. Should only be accessible via secured laptops.
What was that Royal Navy vessel doing in the area and under whose orders in the first place?

Putin, Biden and Jinping claim they don't want a war. So why don't they back off, put their milittary toys away,, put their genitalia back in their trousers, put their millitary toys away, call their genreals to heel and just! STFU as nobody's interested!!!!????!!!!????

The three of them're like rival gang leaders or drunken louts in bars squaring up to eachother ad mouthing off but neither of them canafford back off becuase they know how they'll look in front of their gangs or girlfriends. Its the same with Biden, Putin and Jinping, none of themcan back off becuase the personal and national stakes're too high (they don't want to look weak on the world stage and in front of their people and it's all about national ego).
Never mind how they'll look in front of their people and countries if they back down, what about the higher international stakes and the cost of lives and civilisation?

You don't need to be an expert on international politics. It's perfectly clear that the three of them're playing a very dangerous very high stakes game.
I can’t imagine that you made that up, so I’ll accept it as truth, but if Government Departments put a “Where to send this if found” message on their documents it rather suggests that they think that some moron “losing them” is a distinct daily possibility.

No its not made up and yes losing classified documents is a possibility. In theory if you know what document it is (its been found so if its been handed in then they will know what it is), it should be traceable to whoever lost it as the document should have been on a register before it left the premises. This isnt always the case as people break the rules but people will need to take classified documents to other companies, Ministers etc and if thats the case, then the reality of losing them is also a possibility and you have to cater for that.
My thoughts are that they are low level documents left by a Russian spy to try to embarrass the British government.
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