Project: Measure twice cut once! (56k no!)

good project and i hope you sort it out, im not sure why you went for the dual core pentium in the first place anyway ??? but oh well
MikeTimbers said:
One other way to test is to download the Knoppix live CD and boot up to Linux and see whether it can run normally.

thats not a bad idea mike! cheers!

And why did I go intel?

a) it was way cheaper than X2s at the time (x2 3800 hadn't been announced then)
b) I had 1gb of ddr2 sat around that I had tried and failed to sell for anywhere near the £200 I paid for it :eek:
c) I like Intel, I find them way easy to overclock and the heat thing is rubbish *hides behind sofa*
d) another reason is I like small and powerful, I love the Iwill ZmaxDP but can't justify the cost so I thought watercooled dual 4ghz? yes please!

monkeypants said:
By 'bin' I hope you mean 'give it all to monkeypants' :D

I'll get back to you on that ;)
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c) I like Intel, I find them way easy to overclock and i get central heating in the process *hides behind sofa*

edit: im pretty certain there was a win xp version that can be booted of cd.
not sure if someone made it or it was a developers cd from ms
Right, no go with the adapter, still does the same thing at exactly the same point.. swapped the memory slots, tried with 1 stick, tried with the memory thats in this pc now (rather than memtesting for the moment)..

I have 2 xp discs, tried both and they both do the same thing at the same time (this is 2 versions too, xp home and xp pro 64).. temps totally fine.. see! (this is after 4 "fails")


So I guess it MUST be the psu.. too many other things I've varied.. also the issues with the gfx card must be psu related seeing as it works fine in this pc?

So, question.. ocz modstream because it'll fit better or hiper modular and modify the back of the pc to have the psu hanging out about as much as the rad does?

And a pic of the current state :D real work in progress! (psu unscrewed, fan taken off rad to blow over mem/northbridge when switched on, no gfx card attached to block)

I don't really know, I know people have expressed doubts as to whether the 12v rail was up to it because the site I saw it on first had it advertised as 13A where it's actually 20A but still thats not a great deal. Also it's not btx spec, there's not dual 12v rails from what I gather so it's failing on lots of counts.

I guess the cheapest thing to do would be to extracate my hiper from the current pc but I really haven't got the time so..

OCZ or Hiper?

If you look at the pics of the OCZ, when installed all the cables come out of the left as you look from the front of the case so it would fit much easier than the hiper where the cables come from everywhere and have half inch metal connections which essentially extend the psu..

If I'm buying a new PSU I'm having modular for tidyness.
Oh hang on I see what you mean, I hadn't noticed that.. thats undervolting quite badly isn't it??

hence big load like starting an OS install makes it fall over.. hmm..

right.. its got to go!
I've experienced the rebooting you describe three times in the past, once was when the mobbo was dying, and needed extra caps added to the 12v line to fix, once was when the PSU itself was dying, and the other was with a dying hard drive.
have you checked the motherboard isnt shorting anywhere on the case the case where it bends .

it not working when the graphics cards in could maybe explain this ? (extra weight pressing down ?)

i had a similar problem with an abit nf7 once and that was the cause :o

hope oyu get it sorted soon its going to be a nice rig :)
No its defo not shorting..

After hours of careful consideration (whilst asleep) I've come to a decision..


bloody bank holiday means I'll be waiting until at least mid next week to do any more :(

I found a local retailer who is apparently stamping down on prices (and service.. and selection etc etc) who sells jeantech arctic 600w modular supplies (here ).. that'll do to try tonight and if that's rubbish I can swap it for a hiper which they sell but don't have locally..

We're back in business!
Man you have the patience of a saint, i'd have been throwing my toys out the pram ages ago.

Hope you get it sorted asap, will be a sweet little rig when its finished.
rxmac said:
Man you have the patience of a saint, i'd have been throwing my toys out the pram ages ago.

Hope you get it sorted asap, will be a sweet little rig when its finished.

2 kids and a time consuming job mate. I never get started until about 11pm!

and would you believe it, I check my local store.. no hipers but they have that 600W jeantech thing so I reserve one, get there.. they've got no jeantechs but loads of hipers so I bought what I wanted in the first place :rolleyes:

Its connected, about to fire it up... Fingers crossed! If its a psu problem its sure as hell sorted now, these modular hipers kick major ass.
matt100 said:
No its defo not shorting..

After hours of careful consideration (whilst asleep) I've come to a decision..[IMG]

lol, class picture!

Hope you find the problem, good thread this.
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